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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal



Destroy all nonbasic lands.

legendofa on

6 months ago

An easy switch would be the shocklands Hallowed Fountain, Breeding Pool, and Temple Garden. They're pretty much the next best thing to the original duals, and they can be picked up by Windswept Heath and friends that search for a land type, not a basic land. Spara's Headquarters and Waterlogged Grove are also good options.

And, as a personal choice, I like to include enough basic lands to cast any card in the deck of basics alone. You never know when a Ruination or Back to Basics is going to wander in.

HeyImVegan on [Klothys] Pain-chantments

1 year ago

OK, Update Time! :

In addition to the other mentioned cards from the comments that finally got in, i managed to get my hands on some stuff:


Arasta of the Endless Web went in for good Blockers (and it is a Enchantment Creature)

Verduran Enchantress for more Draw with the Enchantment Syergy


Ruination just a little bit too brutal. And put some more NonBasic Lands in

Fire Diamond and Moss Diamond out for Talisman of Impulse

EnbyGolem on Rootpath Purifier

1 year ago

Ruination is pretty brutal. It was always generally ‘Rule Zeroed’ out of most play groups though.

Mr-White on What to do with Sisay

1 year ago

Someone gave me the secret lair foil Sisay, Weatherlight Captain and after a few days of looking at edhrec and online builds I have to admit I have no clue what to do with her.

Legendary deck I saw seems to just mash in every Legendary those people found without much of a precise wincon or plan in mind.

I saw a few planeswalker build which looked fun but the stuff around the walkers was way too expensive for me.

And the last one was a shrine build but then I thought why would I build a Go-Shintai of Life's Origin deck without Go-Shintai in the command zone.

Anyone got tips on a descent budget (around 200-300$) deck? Had in mind a budget mana base with like 10-15 basic lands with basic land ramp and use stax stuff with cards like Back to Basics and Ruination to slow them down while I put my pieces in place.

Lots of creature board wipe if I have a planeswalker build.

Jett2112 on Tulzidi Caravan

2 years ago

SufferFromEDHD Thanks for the interactions! Yeah this deck is a little mean because often times the Tulzidi Caravan combat damage kills one opponent at a time while they cannot execute a combo because of stax.

Meekstone acutually doesn't exactly fit the strategy perfectly because the strategy is to deal damage with 2 power creatures and lay out stax peices that stop common cedh combos. are there any combos that get stopped by meekstone? if so somebody reccomend a cut for meekstone. also I generally benefit from other players being able to attack eachother and thats why I haven't been running Ensnaring Bridge. thoughts on Ensnaring Bridge or any cards like them?

Ghitu Encampment Yeah I can't have too much etb tapped cuz I'm tryna go fast. Barbarian Ring? I do have a Ruination in here and Price of Progress but I could also run Kher Keep. the high mountain count is remnant of when I ran Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle but now thats gone... thoughts on non-basic lands? must not enter tapped.

Null Brooch thats cute! I'm gonna think about adding 3 counterspells this might be one.

Thanks for the Recs!

Grind on You'll be lost in a cloud, With too much rain!

2 years ago

Cool deck!
Are you working on your mana base? If you dont want to change it there are cool cards like Ruination or Price of Progress. But if you dont run those you could consider Command Tower and maybe Path of Ancestry which scrys for each shadowborne apostle as they are human.
Would you consider Tainted Strike to help sengir?
Cheers and have fun!

legendofa on How do you, personally, balance …

2 years ago

Pip percentages all the way. I start off with "5-color basics" in play testing; I use tokens or off-color lands or other generic cards to fill land slots and pretend they enter untapped and tap for any color, no downside. So play testing with perfect mana. All nonland ramp and fixing should be in place at this point. Lands are the last thing I work on.

Once I get the main deck in a good spot and start looking at color balancing, I count the total pips and pips of each color, and divide them proportionally into basic lands, including hybrids as full pips. Let's say I'm putting together a EDH deck and have landed on 38 land slots. I count the green pips and get 50, blue pips are at 66, and white pips are at 45, for a total of 161 pips. I want at least 50/161 of my mana base to be green, 66/161 to be blue, and 45/161 to be white. That's 31% green, 41% blue, and 28% white.

The next step is to put that into the 38 land slots. I start with basic lands to ensure the balance. Using the percentage above, that's 12 Forests, 16 Islands, and 11 Plains, for a total of 39 lands. Cut one from the highest (rounding error), dropping Islands to 15. Next, check if any colors are overrepresented at mana value 1-2, and take 1-2 from the highest and give it to that color. In this example, let's say I loaded up on low MV green cards for ramp, so cut one more Island for a Forest. Final basic land totals are 13 Forest, 14 Island, and 11 Plains.

Finally, because I want multicolor lands in there, I switch basics out for nonbasics, keeping the colors as proportional as possible. So I'll take out a Forest and and Island for a Breeding Pool and Yavimaya Coast, a Forest and a Plains for Bountiful Promenade and Overgrown Farmland, a Plains and an Island for Port Town and Nimbus Maze, one of each for Seaside Citadel, Treva's Ruins, and Spara's Headquarters, and so on. Fetchlands are treated as lands that can add mana of the colors it searches for, and single-color lands like Eiganjo Castle are switched out one for one with their basic lands.

I always try to keep enough basic lands to cast any spell in the deck off basic lands alone. If I have cards that cost and in the deck, I will keep at least five basic lands. At least two of those will be Islands, and at least one will be a Forest and a Plains each. You never know when a Back to Basics or Ruination will come by to mess up your day.

Finally, colorless lands. I add these on a case by case basis, usually skimming from the color I have the most sources for.

So it's a process, but I've found it to be very reliable in the long run.

EnbyGolem on How Many Dual Lands Should …

2 years ago

Like FormOverFunction said, do be careful about those non-basic punishment cards. This will really depend on your local meta/specific play group. I used to be that player who punished those aggressive or ‘greedy’ land plays and, as a result, won quite a few games with either a Ruination, Blood Moon, Burning Earth, or (my personal favorite) Price of Progress.

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