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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Block Constructed | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Modern | Legal |
Modern Beyond Horizons | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Tiny Leaders | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Rules Q&A
Call to Mind
Return target instant or sorcery card from your graveyard to your hand.

Azoth2099 on
The Lonely Loner (Seems to free his mind at night)
1 year ago
Wuddup! Vadrik, Astral Archmage is so busted, man. Probably the best Commander p4p imo. I've been brewing him for a while now.
I see you're already running Seething Song, which is great. I'd highly recommend adding Desperate Ritual & Pyretic Ritual as well. Functionally having 2 copies of Dark Ritual in a deck is insane. Mana Geyser is pretty decent, but at Sorcery speed and at a minimum cost of , it's really not worth it compared to the others.
I would also recommend Mystic Retrieval & Mizzix's Mastery over Call to Mind & Finale of Promise respectively. As well as adding Past in Flames.
2 pieces of Equipment that I noticed shone very brightly with this Commander are Conqueror's Flail & Commander's Plate. The added bonus of cost reduction makes their power here difficult to overstate.
Buyback is a popular mechanic in typical Vadrik decks, but the only ones that are truly worth consideration are Capsize, Reiterate & Clockspinning. Haze of Rage & Seething Anger are obviously great, but they don't facilitate wins with the same frequency as those other ones. Sorcery speed sucks.
Never doubt that you need those Tutors, son! Solve the Equation, Reckless Handling, Merchant Scroll, Fabricate, Bribery & Acquire are all pretty much too good to pass up here. Reshape can also be great, depending on your Artifact list.
Free spells like Misdirection, Blazing Shoal & Commandeer can be pretty great here, given that they are likely still cheap to cast if you can't cast them for free.
Lastly, try to get yourself copies of Sea Gate Restoration Flip, Shatterskull Smashing Flip & Jeska's Will for this one if you can. Amazing!
Kurppa on
Niv-Mizzet, Wheel of Pings
3 years ago
Awesome deck! I really like spellslinger decks, and playing this seems really fun.
However, considering how many instants and sorceries you have and the wheel theme, i'm surprised you don't have any graveyard recursion or synergy.
some cards that you could consider are: Bond of Insight, Call to Mind, Flood of Recollection, Mystic Retrieval, Pull from the Deep, Relearn, Shreds of Sanity, Backdraft Hellkite, Past in Flames, Volcanic Vision and The Mirari Conjecture
some of those exile themselves and since you have so much draw power that might actually be a downside. If i were to cut something for those I would maybe one of those shuffle effects.
here's some cards that cast instants or sorceries from your or other people's graveyards: Finale of Promise, Diluvian Primordial, Mnemonic Deluge, Mizzix's Mastery and Spelltwine.
mnemonic deluge and diluvian primordial are pretty funny, though kinda expensive. Imagine casting a wheel and then "going shopping" for spells, i highly recommend it. though these exile, so if you loop your deck you can't cast the spell you coped again.
if you want to bounce creatures with niv-mizzet, you could consider Arm with AEther or Sigil of Sleep.
some more spellcasting synergy: Firebrand Archer, Saheeli, Sublime Artificer.
i don't know how often you would be able to kill or do something significant with Spiraling Embers, but i thought it would be a fun inclusion.
here's a few cards for copying instants and sorceries:
Bonus Round, Insidious Will, Reverberate, Thousand-Year Storm, Swarm Intelligence and Twincast. twincast, reverberate and insidious will double as interaction, and you could also consider Narset's Reversal
and a few more card draw inclusions: Laquatus's Creativity and Sea Gate Restoration Flip.
sorry for the wall of text, just got excited about brewing so i wanted to suggest a bunch of cards. I hope that this at least gave you some ideas.
Hardhitta7 on
3 years ago
I can’t add too much to what nathanielhebert suggested, they got to pretty much everything.
The rituals will really help with the storm count as well as some cantrips. Manamorphose is a must have in storm, free storm count and replaces itself.
I would replace the frogs with more Moment's Peace or Commencement of Festivities .
I would cut the Nature's Spiral completely. And Past in Flames would be better than Call to Mind .
Things that cheapen your instants/sorceries would help a lot too like Goblin Electromancer or Baral, Chief of Compliance . If you don’t want creatures you can run Primal Amulet Flip or Jace's Sanctum .
Aria of Flame is probably better than Red Sun's Zenith . Maybe better than Ignite Memories depending on what kinda decks your facing.
MagicMarc on
3 years ago
Hello, I saw your post about the deck and wanted to make a couple of suggestions.
You have some cards I think are of dubious value in your deck and would like to suggest removing them. You should delete the following cards; Thought Scour This card adds nothing to this deck's game plan. Spore Frog . Cut these and replace them with Empty the Warrens . Empty the Warrens can make blockers, increases your storm count, and can storm for even more goblins.
I also feel I have to make the obligatory mention about some of the better turbo fog and storm creatures you could replace them with; Augur of Bolas , Guttersnipe , Sprite Dragon , Snapcaster Mage and Electrostatic Field . If you really need to have a creature, make it a 4 of any of the creatures I just mentioned. But dump the frogs. If you really think fog effects are your answer then cut them for Haze of Pollen . Haze at least can raise storm counts or be cycled when the battlefield does not have serious threats in play. And the frogs would be gone.
Cut Nature's Spiral . It is too narrow and does not advance your win condition. I am also not happy with your enchantments either. I think I see your game plan using them but they hurt your odds of Storming off on your opponent and really only hurt yourself by slowing down your deck. I would cut Gaseous Form for sure. And suggest cutting Abundant Growth . I would replace these with copies of Echoing Truth and Growth Spiral . Both of these cards do the same thing those cards do in the short run, then they raise your storm counts and help win the game in the long run.
Your deck is missing two things that help turbo decks and burn/storm decks. Card advantage and mana rituals. Consider these cards when thinking about what to replace your cuts with or consider making room for some of them; Desperate Ritual , Pyretic Ritual , or Manamorphose . If you plan to keep Abundant Growth in your deck then these rituals have lesser value but I would consider dumping the growth for a playset of one of these or more depending on your card count. They up your storm count and provide the mana to cast more cards in the same turn adding even more to your storm counts.
For card advantage, consider making room for the cards like these; Opt , Sleight of Hand , Serum Visions , Pieces of the Puzzle , Behold the Multiverse , Brainstorm or Frantic Search . Some of these are cheap to cast with a small return but will really accelerate the deck and raise your counts. The bigger cost ones have bigger payoffs for card advantage but will make slower turns. Some other cards to consider are Browbeat , Risk Factor and the blue jump-start card Chemister's Insight . You don't see Risk Factor or Chemister's Insight in competitive decks as much but they are both good alternatives that can keep providing advantage or damage. I would consider adding 4-8 of some of these cards to give you card advantage and help refill your hand for bigger storms.
Two more suggestions that may have a place in the deck; Silundi Vision Flip can replace a generic island while letting you dig pretty deep to find one of your win conditions. You may even consider adjusting the mana base to make room for maybe even 2 of these.
Consider adding Past in Flames to the deck. This card really increases the chances of a win especially during long games by letting you replay all of your burn spells from the yard. It needs a big mana investment but it can finish a game depending on the state of your graveyard. I would seriously consider replacing two copies of Call to Mind and/or Nature's Spiral with a total of 2 copies of Past in Flames . I would keep it at two copies, it does need a big mana state to really work out for you and going to 3 or 4 copies will hurt the deck instead of help it.
Lastly, consider going to 4 copies of the good cards you already have in the deck. You should raise the counts of Lightning Bolt and Shock to 4 each for sure. I would also consider dropping copies of Fog to raise your counts of Moment's Peace . Generally, if you do need to fog the field it will happen later in the game so the mana cost is not as big a burden and the flashback makes them awesome.
Skinken on
3 years ago
Birds is a surprisingly well supported tribe, and flying tribal has been getting a fair bit of support recently. So building birds in commander can be both fun and powerful because you can combine old and new cards.
A creature has to be a Legendary creature to be legal as your commander. The classic option for birds would be Kangee, Aerie Keeper . Some other options that are more "Flying tribal" than bird tribal could be Kangee, Sky Warden (a very budget-friendly option), Isperia the Inscrutable , Akim, the Soaring Wind , Derevi, Empyrial Tactician or Alela, Artful Provocateur .
Now you should decide whether you want cards that support having Birds specifically: Aven Brigadier , Celestial Gatekeeper , Crookclaw Elder , Seaside Haven , Soulcatchers' Aerie , Airborne Aid , Migratory Route , Animal Sanctuary etc. Or if you just want cheap flyers that may or may not be birds and just play flying tribal: Battle Screech , Favorable Winds , Gravitational Shift , Gust of Wind , Island Sanctuary , Kangee's Lieutenant , Lofty Denial , Pride of the Clouds , Rally of Wings , Sephara, Sky's Blade , Siani, Eye of the Storm , Skycat Sovereign , Soulcatcher , The Raven's Warning , Thunderclap Wyvern , Tide Skimmer , Warden of Evos Isle , Watcher of the Spheres , Waterkin Shaman , Windstorm Drake , Winged Words , Battle Screech .
Your list has a lot of pretty bad cards that don't support your strategy. I would cut Healing Salve , Resupply , Take Up Arms , Call to Mind , Survival Cache , Refurbish (has 4 targets in your deck and no matter what you get you pay more mana than you should), Siegecraft etc. Pure lifegain spells are bad unless you build around them, and this is supposed to be a bird/flying deck right? Cards that make tokens without flying are not great because your lords and synergy don't make them better. So even though Raise the Alarm is a solid magic card, you would prolly rather have like a Mistral Charger because you can build synergy around it.
Removal is always good. You can almost never have too much of it. However, if you are really cool, you can try to play removal and card draw that is flavorful and synergistic as well: Ravenform , Wing Shards , Aerial Assault , Swan Song , Winged Words , Gust of Wind , Lofty Denial . Also, sol ring is great but more ramp is usually a good idea in commander, and Azorius Keyrune is also a bird!
Good luck with the screechy dudes!
visland on
Talrand vs Everybody *Live*
4 years ago
Grind on
Nezahal Counterspells
4 years ago
cool deck! i have never played against a nezahal deck, it looks interesting.
if you want to draw cards, i have to recommend Recurring Insight. if you can make sure it goes off (which you should be able to with all your counters) you can usually draw 12 - 14 cards for just 6 mana. really great.
the other card i have to recommend is Turnabout. looks like your deck is going to the late game, not trying to combo out early on. when you have a lot of lands on the field, turnabout can really pump up your mana.
given that you are heading to the late game, i would usually run boring rocks like Worn Powerstone and Palladium Myr over Mana Vault and Basalt Monolith because they actually net you mana in the long run. but that is kind of a personal choice.
also, once it comes out you could look at Bonders' Enclave over Blighted Cataract.
also you say you are slowing down your opponents but you are avoiding stax, but in case you want to reconsider there are some good options in blue: Frozen Aether, Embargo, Mana Breach, Rising Waters, Standstill, Shimmer, Sunder, Stasis, Mana Breach.... just sayin you got options.
finally you have so many great spells in your deck, it is a shame you only get to cast them once! a little recursion goes a long way, i love to run cards like Archaeomancer, Call to Mind, Mission Briefing and Recall.
anyway, those are my thoughts and hope you find them helpful! keep having fun and cheers!
Justalonlygator420 on king-saproling
4 years ago
Got a question? Love you deck ideas, and you say you like off wall fun wins tell me then would my combo work?
Swarm Intelligence in play then cast Army of the Damned copy it, cast Call to Mind copy it return both Army of the Damned and Call to Mind then repeat, and of course I already have infinite mana combo popped off
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