Furnace of Rath

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Furnace of Rath


If a source would deal damage to a creature or player, it deals double that damage to that creature or player instead.

Entity_178 on Chaos is the Path to Friendship

1 year ago

Squee_Spirit_Guide oh hell no! They hate the deck but it is all in good fun. It drags the games out so much, meaning it's not one I would want to play too often but the niche aspect of it is so entertaining to play! Keep up the good work mate ^^ Furnace of Rath would absolutely be a good addition! Much less toxic then Bedlam!

aladinnsane on

1 year ago

Looks like a good start to some rakdos burn stuff, I would maybe focus the deck a little more on blood artist type effects of you're going for sack and recursion, or more on the side of direct damage if that's more the game plan you'd prefer.

For the sack and drain meta, things like Syr Konrad, the Grim or Blood Artist obviously, are a good start if you wanna keep it budget and don't wanna sink too much in just yet. Others like Bloodchief Ascension and The Meathook Massacre are there if you wanna go all in.

Alternatively you can obviously go for direct burn with your red spells, or things like Blasphemous Act + Brash Taunter with Wound Reflection or Furnace of Rath can go well with going the more up front route.

I went for the more janky sack with blood artist and drain effects, which you're welcome to check out for ideas here Disco Infernum

Squee_Spirit_Guide on Chaos is the Path to Friendship

1 year ago

Thanks for the kind words Entity_178! I agree Bedlam could be improved on, it's mostly in there for the name :) Right away, I think Furnace of Rath would be better and I'm sure there are even better options.

I hope your group enjoys the deck and I hope you can make it even more chaotic!

Gidgetimer on Who decides the order of …

1 year ago

With triggers the player who controls the triggers decides what order they are put on the stack. In this scenario both abilities are triggers and you would put them on the stack in the order of your choosing.

With replacement effects (such as on Furnace of Rath and Torbran, Thane of Red Fell) the affected player or the affected object's controller chooses the order they are applied. This is often the source of confusion.

Rhadamanthus on blocking with more than one …

1 year ago

Yes, the base rules of the game allow for that. You don't need to have any extra abilities or effects going on.

If an attacking creature gets blocked by multiple blocking creatures, then the attacking player has to declare a damage assignment order for them, i.e. creature A is first, creature B is second, and so on. This is done during the declare blockers step. When the game moves to the combat damage step, the attacking player has to assign at least lethal damage to the first creature in the assignment order before assigning any to the second one, and so on down the line. "Lethal damage" is either damage equal to or greater than a creature's toughness or any amount of damage from a source with deathtouch.

Any effects that would increase, reduce, or otherwise change the amount of damage that would actually be dealt (protection abilities, damage prevention effects, Furnace of Rath, etc.) aren't considered when determining what "lethal damage" would be. You do consider any damage that has already been marked on the creature this turn from other sources. Being indestructible doesn't matter.

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