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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal



You may cast Rout any time you could cast an instant if you pay more to cast it.

Destroy all creatures. They can't be regenerated.

Flarhoon13 on Hey Macleod, Get offa my ewe! (Angus Mackenzie)

1 month ago

Nov 9 and 16 Hey Macleod, Get offa my ewe! (Angus Mackenzie) lost a couple games. Kutzil, Malamet Exemplar stopped my plans to cast Rout on Jinnie Fay, Jetmir's Second's turn. That misplay killed me--i could have cast Rout on Jesse's turn--but my mistake certainly improved Will's mood as his cats clawed us to death.

Lordmax606 on The Undisputed Rasputin

2 years ago

Rasaru - updated the list to reflect what I am currently running with. Big changes including new power like Displacer Kitten/Glasspool Mimic  Flip/Chromatic Orrery/Lae'zel's Acrobatics. Invested more into Stifle effects (Tale's End, Trickbind, Disallow, Sublime Epiphany) which power up our flicker-removal value via countering the delayed trigger, some direct upgrades/substitutions (eg: Rout --> Vanquish the Horde, Sanctum Gargoyle --> Archaeomender, Fact or Fiction --> Memory Deluge), and finally caved to the mainboard Eldrazi Displacer.

Updated the deck tech and tutor targets to reflect the mainboard more accurately, added more details about why Stifle effects over raw Counterspell.

Thanks for checking it out, let me know what y

milohenry13 on PhelddaTron (Group Thug)

2 years ago

Grind I have totally been thinking of the best way to include Arcane Signet. I'll definitely add the Spara's Headquarters.

There's a real reason for Spear of Heliod. It's somewhat "win more", but it's a pet interaction. Hint: it goes with Enchanted Evening, and one other card.

Tanks for the +1!

I run Rout in my mono white deck. That ish slaps!!

Grind on PhelddaTron (Group Thug)

2 years ago

Cool deck!!!
Disallow and Arcane Signet seem like strictly better slot ins over voidslime and any talisman.
Could consider Spara's Headquarters over one of your 2color taplands.
Also im not convinced on spear of heliod- i would consider replacing it with a stronger buff or removal like Akroma's Will, Rout, Generous Gift or something.
Anyway just some thoughts, cheers and have fun!!!

Grind on Grand Fortress of Protection

2 years ago

Cool deck!!
Maze of Ith is good and on-theme.
Have you considered Elite Arcanist? It is a cool creature to use to repeatedly cast Teferi's protection. Or you could exile Narset's Reversal under Isochron scepter and cast teferis protection every turn.
I prefer Rout to wrath bc it can be an instant, very good.
Also i would consider Path to Exile, Resculpt, or Reality Shift over rapid hybridization, exile is key.
Anyway just some thoughts, cheers and have fun!!!

jclaust on Savagery's Kaalia

2 years ago

Hola, take my advice with a pinch of salt. Please provide the following:

Deck Power Level: Low/Mid/High

Deck Budget (Use $50 increments):

I will operate as if you read the Summary on my deck's page and on a Budget. Best Kaalia decks follow similar philosophy.

Mana Base: Land/Ramp/Fixing


Ravnica Bounce Lands, "Temple of" Lands, Evolving Wilds and Terramorphic Expanse because tapped lands hinder early Kaalia plays and protection set up, while adding needless nuance and play sequences.

Add (Budget suggestions; fill gaps with Basics)...

Tainted Peak

Battlefield Forge

Shadowblood Ridge

Smoldering Marsh

3 Reveal Land

Note: Dual Land List

Solid Ramp and Fixing, trade Commander's Sphere for Talisman of Indulgence or Fellwar Stone.

Awesome. I did not have to mention Tech Land that provide Haste.

Support: Tutor/Draw/Other

Remove / Add

Bladewing the Risen / Karmic Guide- Bladewing has 7 targets, while Karmic Guide targets any, is castable and chains with Bruna.

Akroma, Angel of Wrath / Runehorn Hellkite- Draw power is critical, more so for Kaalia.

You are the first with Flicker spells before my intervention. Teferi's Protection and kin are stellar once Mana Base and Support is optimized. Deck needs 1-2 Mass Draw spells; then one can trade the 3 MV Draw Spells for lesser MV Draw. Mass or Low MV Reanimation goes a long way in Kaalia decks.

Interaction (Meta Dependent)

Remove / Add

Crackling Doom / Despark- It is best to remove the issue versus possibly.

Oblivion Ring / Wear / Tear- Instant versus Sorcery. 2-for-1 for the same MV. Rip Apart is cheaper.

Mortify / Fracture- Deck needs non-Creature removal rather than creature removal, plus Fracture hits more for less.

Merciless Eviction / Rout- Instant speed Wraths lets one set up first. Kaalia needs it. Living Death is outstanding.

Malfegor / Creature- Kaalia desires a hand; also, the deck lacks sufficient Draw power. Sign in Blood will do, too.

Last Word

From all stated, replacing as Tapped Lands for Untapped Lands is the most significant change one can make. Next, better your Win Condition. Then cater to your Meta. Lastly, make precise and monetary upgrades. As a first build, it is solid and shows promise. Be well.

Keep brewing.

Fuzzy003 on damn removals

3 years ago

Possibly consider Rout or Force of Despair so you can pop everything on an opponents turn or stop a repopulate from an opponent. First time I've seen Vraska, Relic Seeker, hoping some of my friends don't see her in a hurry.

DespairFaction on Budget Equiptment

3 years ago

Hey, here are some changes I might recommend while still staying on a budget. Fist, for a voltron deck I would probably drop the creature count a little bit as 29 is a little high. For this build I would probably eye something around 22-25. Also your land count is very low, I would bring that up to about 36 lands with several ways to search for lands, that will allow you to have plenty of mana and cast the bigger stuff in your deck.

Next, I would cut some cards that seeming underwhelming. Those are: Auriok Edgewright Auriok Bladewarden Fireblade Charger Leonin Relic-Warder , Evra, Halcyon Witness Shimmer Myr Spikeshot Elder , Wayfarer's Bauble ill talk about this one below, Leonin Bola Neglected Heirloom  Flip Berserkers' Onslaught . So yeah once you know what to cut, it becomes very easy to make a bunch of additions.

Im not sure if you are married to the $50 budget, most of my suggestions here will be about $1 a piece but here's what I would add. First as mentioned we want better mana production, so you'll want Gift of Estates and Armillary Sphere over wayfarers bauble. In 700 games of commander, I've found that armillary sphere is just better than bauble for many reasons I wont go into right now. Fervent Champion , Sun Titan Kazuul's Toll Collector , 4 basic or flip lands, Flamekin Village Blackblade Reforged . Berserkers Onslaught can be a straight switch for True Conviction . Fleetfeather Sandals . Because your mana production is getting better, you can go just a little bigger on the top end of your deck. I might put 1 or 2 bigger equipments at the top end like Argentum Armor or maybe even a Scytheclaw . I would add Dismantling Wave and a Tome of Legends .

Here's some other very good cards on a budget that I might consider Forging the Tyrite Sword to cheap tutor, Ignite the Future excellent card draw Showdown of the Skalds also great card draw. Theres a whole package of cards you can use with Goblin Welder Goblin Engineer and Daretti, Scrap Savant and if you add those I would add a Neheb, Dreadhorde Champion . Because you have Toralf I might consider a few more red based board wipes like Chain Reaction or Magmaquake but i wouldnt say no to a Fumigate or a Rout either.

Anyway that should give you plenty to think about for now. Enjoy!

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