Otherworldly Gaze

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Otherworldly Gaze


Surveil 3. (Look at the top three cards of your library, then put any number of them into your graveyard and the rest back on top of your library in any order.)

Flashback (You may cast this from your graveyard for this card's flashback cost, then exile this.)

jonjonhholt on That Simic Slime

3 months ago

I definitely agree that the counterspells feel out of place in the list. I think those are getting cut for more card selection/mill likely in the form of Otherworldly Gaze as its felt really good in testing. I think i could cut 2 slimes pretty easily but this is definitely meant to lean into the gimmick as much as possible so id like to avoid cutting any if i can. As for lands i think it could potentially use one or two more but you only ever need 3 mana and with the full set of Simic Growth Chamber, we hit 3 land drops pretty easily.

jonjonhholt on That Simic Slime

4 months ago

I definitely thought Otherworldly Gaze was a little weak to include at first but its honestly been killing it in an unrelated standard list of mine so you may be onto something Dogeatingchicken, ill have to do some testing with it in thislist because it certainly has great synergy with this deck.

Dogeatingchicken on That Simic Slime

4 months ago

You should try out Otherworldly Gaze! Seems like it'd fit amazing in the deck.

wallisface on Dredgevine

6 months ago

Some thoughts:

K4nkato on By the time I get my Phoenix

7 months ago

No local tonight because of finals.

I've done a bunch of playtesting on arena and I've realized that Ledger Shredder and Otherworldly Gaze are much better than I've given them credit for. I decided to shave a combo piece and run 4 Shredders. Still keeping 1 Thing In The Ice mainboard because you never know when you're going to need to fight some go over the top stompy deck or something.

Cut Pieces of the Puzzle for Otherworldly Gaze since Picklock Prankster makes it much worse and that slot mainly exists for Delve fodder.

BrickMaster28 on How do collection counters with …

10 months ago

Say casting Evelyn, the Covetous results in Path to Exile and Otherworldly Gaze being exiled, each with a collection counter as stated by Evelyn, then an opponent destroys her to make her leave the battlefield. If I cast Evelyn again onto the battlefield then would I still be able to cast Path to Exile or Otherworldly Gaze since they are "a card from exile with a collection counter on it" and "exiled by an ability I controlled", or would they not be legal to cast? I would assume that since the exiled cards will always have a collection counter on them and be in exile then they shouldn't be "lost" if Evelyn leaves the battlefield and re-enters.

In another situation, say I have Evelyn, the Covetous already on the battlefield and I cast Jeleva, Nephalia's Scourge. Which "enters the battlefield" effect resolves first - i.e. do I exile the cards with a collection counter for Evelyn first, or do I exile cards for Jeleva first? I would assume Jeleva first, but I am not certain.

Thank you in advance!

wallisface on Vesuvan Drifter

1 year ago

Otherworldly Gaze will probably be a lot more useful to you than Reason / Believe.

However, if you’re able to splash black, Scheming Symmetry lets you just immediately chuck Emrakul on top of your deck and swing for an easy win.

wallisface on ORCS and GOBLINS

1 year ago

You currently have no easy way to start your milling process - you need a way to initially chuck cards into the graveyard quickly, so that you can start Dredging. Options include Satyr Wayfinder, Stitcher's Supplier, Glimpse the Unthinkable, Hedron Crab, Lotleth Troll, Tainted Indulgence, Otherworldly Gaze, Cathartic Reunion, Thrilling Discovery, Shriekhorn

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