Saw it Coming

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Saw it Coming


Counter target spell.

Foretell (During your turn, you may pay and exile this card from your hand face down. Cast this on a later turn for this card's foretell cost.)

Swing4Lethal on Esper Control 3.0

8 months ago

@R3l04d: Thanks for your feedback! I haven not updated since WoE. However, I did move a Supreme Verdict to the sideboard in place of 1 copy of Rest in Peace and cut the Censor. I added Cling to Dust and Jwari Disruption  Flip to the main. I looked up The End. It certainly is powerful, and could easily replace the Vanishing Verse in the sideboard. I don't know about cutting Saw it Coming though, as you need a protected way to counter things in Thoughtseize decks that this list is susceptible too, such as Mayhem Devil, Omnath, Locus of Creation, Niv-Mizzet, Supreme, etc. Esper control has always been my go-to archetype and I believe it is much better positioned than UW control because of the premium removal black brings and of course Sheoldred, the Apocalypse. Also, Reckoner Bankbuster is probably the most valuable card in the deck. I have a 100% win rate in games that I have cast it.

Balaam__ on Blue Raspberry Mill

1 year ago

I like the idea behind this, it feels somewhat like a fresh take on the classic mill archetype. Adding for the ability to multicast is interesting. I dont think itll ever eclipse mono or , but you could have some really fun matches regardless.

One thing that was pointed out to me by multiple users when I was working on my own mill deck was that you pretty much have to commit 100% to the milling. Extraneous spells like Strangle or Saw it Coming may seem good on paper, but theyre taking precious time and resources away from your only viable wincon, i.e. milling out the opponents deck. Id get rid of all that stuff and devote yourself to pure mill.

wallisface on

1 year ago

I wouldn’t bother with Celestial Colonnade. If a game ever goes so long that you have 6 lands in play to activate it, you’ve likely already lost. It entering tapped will hurt you more than any of its capabilities to help you.

Counterspell is cheap and much better than Saw it Coming. Mana Leak would also be better if you want a cheaper option.

I really don’t think Dovin, Grand Arbiter does enough to be worth it.

Bob_Spaghet on

1 year ago

I play a similar deck in explorer on arena. My first main thought is that playing four copies of the legendary creatures isn't necessary, and they all get very bad in multiple. Typically, you won't need or want more than one copy of each per game, so I would probably stick to one or two copies of each max. I agree with the last comment about Memory Deluge, that card is the truth in this type of deck and should probably replace Search; I also agree that Strategic Planning and Collective Brutality are clunky. I strongly recommend some split of Censor, Tainted Indulgence, or Thought Erasure replacing all eight Plannings and Brutalities. I also think any black deck needs at least three copies of Fatal Push; that card is incredibly well placed right now. Finally, I think that some number of hard counter spells are necessary in case you match up against other controlling strategies. Sinister Sabotage, Saw it Coming, or just good old Negate would probably be better than the third and fourth copies of Dreadbore or Heartless Act

wallisface on

1 year ago

Grends27 a way to get-around lowering your curve is to drastically increase your ramp. Adding in 8-10 mana dorks like Noble Hierarch, Birds of Paradise, Utopia Sprawl, Llanowar Elves, Elvish Mystic would greatly help your ability to run a higher curve (noting that including them will likely mean having to pull out some of your higher costing cards in the process anyway).

Cards i think specifically aren’t worth it (they’re either too weak, or don’t belong in the deck) include: Teferi, Timeless Voyager (really bad & really expensive mana-wise), Stormwing Entity (is a good card but doesn’t belong here), Teferi's Ageless Insight (just overcomplicating your deck for no reason), Stern Dismissal (card disadvantage), Neutralize and Saw it Coming (3-mana counterspells are bad, but in any case i don’t see this deck ever being able to keep-up mana, as you’ll be almost always spending it all on your turn).

I would also suggest ditching most/all of those creatures requiring 6 mana to mutate - that’s just such a high bar, and none of those creatures strike me as particularly good anyway.

DreadKhan on Budget Talrand EDH

2 years ago

You might take a look at Treasure Cruise and Dig Through Time, both are potentially very strong on a budget. Two cards I like that are budget atm I think are Aetherspouts and AEtherize, you might not need both but one is a pretty nasty surprise for an aggro deck. Abjure is a nice counter for Talrand decks, to counter a spell and sacrifice a replaceable Drake is pretty nice. Saw it Coming and Wizard's Retort are also good counters to look at. I love seeing Talrand decks built on a budget, Talrand is a very solid budget option, and lots of fun to play!

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