Tidal Barracuda

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Tidal Barracuda

Creature — Fish

Any player may cast spells as though they had flash.

Your opponents can't cast spells during your turn.

DemonDragonJ on Elemental Storm

10 months ago

I have made several changes to this deck, as follows:

I replaced Vithian Renegades with Reclamation Sage, because the latter creature is more versatile.

I have replaced Vedalken Orrery with Tidal Barracuda, which is one less card that shall synergize with Wandering Mind but one more card that shall synergize with Riku, himself.

I have replaced Clout of the Dominus, Favor of the Overbeing, and Runes of the Deus with Galvanic Iteration, Regrowth, and Rite of Replication, since the auras did not match the theme of this deck, but the new cards most certainly do. I had contemplated putting Flame of Anor in this deck, but the deck contains only two wizards: Riku himself and Dualcaster Mage, so that card would not work well in this deck, and I also very much wished to put See Double in this deck, as well, but the fact that that spell cannot be copied reduces its potential synergy with this deck's strategy.

Amazingly, the average converted mana cost of this deck remained the same at 3.82, but the color distribution is now slightly different.

DemonDragonJ on The Mind is a Terrible Thing to Raze

1 year ago

I have replaced Leyline of Anticipation with Tidal Barracuda, since I feel that the latter card better fits the group hug/group slug theme that this deck has.

DemonDragonJ on Commander Masters Previews and Speculation

1 year ago

Reprints of Augury Adept and Tidal Barracuda would be nice, and I also would like to see Ancient Spider and Tempest Drake reprinted in the new border style, as well. Also, given that Thunder Spirit is on the reserved list (which makes no sense, at all), I wish that WotC would reprint Sky Spirit more frequently, since it is such a nice and elegant creature.

DemonDragonJ on Don't Blink, or You'll Miss It!

1 year ago

I have replaced Leyline of Anticipation with Tidal Barracuda, since this deck has a strong emphasis on creatures; the barracuda does help my opponents, in addition to helping me, but I am willing to take that risk, for greater synergy in this deck.

Stardragon on Custom Theros Set

1 year ago

wallisface-First and foremost my experience is commander not standard or legacy or modern or vintage nor sealed or draft just commander. So all these cards are built with commander in mind. So lets tackle each card one at a time.

Gods- All the god effects are based on their old cards and built upon and tweaked with some research done on their lore and made sure it fits in their color pie (since soo many people are anal about color breaking though i find it fun and interesting). So if you find it samey blame me for my lack of imagination but also some of Wizards for making the OG's that way as well

Iroas- You said his second ability is too much but is OG card protected from combat damage Iroas, God of Victory and slap on Tajic, Legion's Edge ability to protect against non combat damage and white has lots of cards that destroy tapped creatures or blocking/attacking creatures so i gave him a conditional removal sure you could put him a boros weenie deck and have continuous removal it basically X/1, X/2 or X/3 deathtouch for white but white has done similar thing like that though for equipment only but this is a god so yeah it ment to be powerful. Also he is at Mythic Rare meaning you except game winning/breaking effects and for modren/sealed playstyle 6 mana is along to invest if im told right unless you cheat it into play but not my area of expertise.

Shield and Spear- Just made to giving creatures Lifelink, ward 3 and Battlecry

Hakatos- For his for first abiliy this will cover all demi gods so let me explain (this also for you TypicalTimmy) Let do Dexos and Heilod as an example Daxos, Blessed by the Sun is a double white 2/* which by himself makes him a 2/2 and gives 2 devotion to Heilod all other demigods are the same in this way and gives you roughly half of the devotion needed to the gods into creatures with the gods them selves also giving 1 devotion to their own color giving you three meaning you only need 2 more to that god online. Since all the Muilticolored gods need 7 devotion insstead of 5 i gave all thier demigods 4 devotion (may cut that to three) leave 3 devotion and since each multi god gives two devotion that leaves only 1 needed to get them online, and since each mono colored demi had 2 devotion making them all 2/3 if or 2/2 by themselves if I did that with the multi colored ones as Timmy said that would make them all X/4's or 4/X's much to powerful for uncommons even if their legendary so i nerfed it in that you need one of each color pip to give them a boost to there X stat so if you just had 1 red AND 1 White on the field Hakatos's Power would be 1 and if had 1 Red AND 3 white is power would still be 1 but if had 5 red AND 5 white his power would be 5. It was a way to try and balance them out it maybe rough but i could work

No on to his second ability is play on OG card Haktos the Unscarred which also gives him protection from certain numbers this just makes so weak creatures can't chump block him it not broken or confusing to to keep track of he is fine once I find a way to smooth out the devotion thing.

Karmatra- Creatures are spells and they do ETB that how ETB effects trigger I honestly don't know what your talking about here. as for the mana cost i think 5 mana for whenever a non-token creatures ETB's you get to search for ANY land is fine 4 mana seems too cheap for repeatable effect hell 5 mana maybe too little.

Her Scythe- I admit may not be as flashy as others but neither is farm work lol but gains mana fixing and ramp but making all you creatures into a BOP, and you can you three of those creature to ramp even harder with it second effect can summon a 6 or higher drop buy turn 4 or 5 depending on your field and gains life to help get head or stabilize, it very powerful just not in the flashy immediate way which feels right for basically the god of agriculture's tool it not fast but be patient and you'll reap the benefits. Again it don't see much wrong with it.

Sythis- This one is the inspired but it's literaly just her OG card Sythis, Harvest's Hand without the card draw and with scrying instead and scrying is all color effect partically in theros where the mechanic was officially named and a bunch of cards from every color had it tacked on. So she every much fits into the GW pie

Ephara- She basically is a tweaked Rhystic Study or Smothering Tithe which is fine bu ti do agree with the non land and caring about your opponent thing will fix that but i do want it a bit more unique than your standard tax card

Medomai- I assume other than the devoion power/toughness thing you dont have a problem with him

Kruphix- i can agree that cards for and indestruable card is powerful maybe busted but again he is mythic rare and a god those two things together you would expect some bust things about it BUT i can see spiraling way to out of control will think but nerfing the draw

Kydele- Her effect is for THE END OF THE TURN, Not the beginning and you than have a choice of untapping three land so you have access to outer spells or other creature protection on you opponents turn or having that card in hand that you've probly already scryed and want in your hand the flexability is what makes nice and you may not always want to draw in case you're milled out out lose life if you draw niche in the grand scheme of thing but a useful to have. i probaly will cut the adding a +1/+1 counter to creature though to much for an uncommon

Cymede- Fix her egregious spelling mistakes and just made scry 2 simple but decently powerful particularly when paired with her god

Atris- Fixed his until end of phase to end of turn but that's it. Thier are other cards that give sorceries flash like Hypersonic Dragon and Wizards of Thay give sorceries flash, Vedalken Orrery and Tidal Barracuda give all spells flash sorceries included. So it safe to say that sorceries can and do interact with flash even if it rare and it not even a pie break.

Mogis- Fix him it was always meant to be at the end of the turn not upkeep and tack only the current player's creatures I don't how those got past me. And made clear that it for each creature that didn't attack.

Rhordon- I assume other than the demigod clause your fine with him Axe- For the the self afflict dmage was decause rakdos has alot of power cards that deal damage to you, and i felt that as the god of slaughter's weapon it was fitting that it doesn't care about it summoner/owner but i will reworded so that the damage procs at the end of each other player's turn so it it works as intended

Pharika- Her frist ablity is fine it just a powerful Desecrated Tomb, Tormod, the Desecrator or Quintorius, Field Historian (and i say more powerful be cause of the poisonous 1) and they are powerful with Tormod's Crypt so I think it is fine is fine.

Her second effect is also mostly fine the card is fine if you 1 opponent and they have 5 posion counters on them you still only draw 1 card if have 7 opponent's and 3 have say 8 poison counters on them you will only draw 3 cards and while powerful is nothing in commander compared to some of the crazy card draws other even with out going infinite. fixed the left aspect of it though

Hythonia- Is just a Syr Konrad, the Grim with deathtouch and he is an instant win with graveyard exile and he also an uncommon and not even legendary! So no her effect if fine

Hope that answers your questions feel free to voice your thoughts again after reading this (IK it alot) i take all feed back and contine to scrutinize the rest of the cards

eRmax on Exponential Growth

1 year ago

This deck looks awesome. I was looking for inspiration and found out you use most of the cards I wanted to use in my deck. Have you considered using flash enablers like Leyline of Anticipation, Vedalken Orrery, Tidal Barracuda,...? Having the option to cast spells during combat phase seems important to me.

8netherwind8 on Stone Cold Friendship

1 year ago

Thanks Grind - that was the idea with Alchemist's Refuge in fact. And for the Hug theme, I might do Tidal Barracuda =D

Mannlicher on Psycho Bunny Wonderland

1 year ago


This deck was an idea to use some of my old cards, and also see just how nuts I could go with Kwain, Itinerant Meddler. This deck is a spider-web of synergy and combos, multiple infinite combos, and complete bonkers level shenanigans lurking behind a friendly-looking magic rabbit. This is not a budget deck, but in a gracious nod to Lewis Carroll, it is incredibly fun to go "down the rabbit-hole".


At it's core, the deck is group hug with card-draw, card based mana-ramp, and multiple options for life-gain. I use a few card-draw creatures as well, such as Shabraz, the Skyshark for their synergy with Kwain. Alternate win conditions include Approach of the Second Sun, Jace's Archivist, Windfall, Jace, Wielder of Mysteries, Triskaidekaphile, and Test of Endurance; but the deck is also perfectly capable of beating someone to death with a giant fish - or a giant anything thanks to numerous life-gain options paired with an Archangel of Thune.

The deck has several prison elements with Moat, Silent Arbiter, and Archon of Emeria, as well as Propaganda, Ghostly Prison, and Sphere of Safety. Silent Arbiter and Crawlspace help directly reduce the deck's exposure to attack, along with Gwafa Hazid, Profiteer for any specific threats or "when attacks" triggers. Finally, since this deck does not rely on creatures or doing damage to win, and generates lots of cards in hand, Meishin, the Mind Cage is an easy way to reduce all opponents' creatures to 0 power. For direct damage and targeted attacks outside of combat, the deck includes The Wanderer and Greater Auramancy.

Card draw, treasure tokens, and unlimited hand-size combine with four different Tutors, an Urza's Saga, and a Teferi's Puzzle Box help you keep multiple options in hand, and hopefully keep Kwain hopping one or two steps ahead of your opponents (Remember to use the tutors before your Teferi's Puzzle Box hits the board). Tidal Barracuda, and Vedalken Orrery let you cast anything on anyone's turn. Walking Atlas helps get rid of lands anytime it's not tapped (another combo with Mind Over Matter), and Drumbellower and Teferi, Who Slows the Sunset make sure you're able to untap on every turn, so you can play cards anytime - including win-cons like Laboratory Maniac or Jace's Archivist on an opponent's end-step, then draw for the win.

Circling back to Sphere of Safety - the deck runs 18 enchantments natively, but also features Enchanted Evening to turn everyone's permanents into enchantments. (The deck also conveniently includes Cleansing Nova to destroy all enchantments, which is an absolutely devastating total board wipe when paired with Enchanted Evening, especially if you have Avacyn, Angel of Hope in play on your side). With Enchanted Evening on the board and Sphere of Safety, every permanent you control also counts toward your opponents' cost to attack you for each creature they target you with. Comboing Enchanted Evening, Avacyn, Angel of Hope, and Greater Auramancy means every permanent has both indestructible and shroud, and prevents your planeswalkers from being targeted (or targeted for attacks) directly.

I am only running two counterspells, Mana Drain and Force of Negation, so the deck uses Dovescape to lock down any stray non-creature spells, as well as Tidal Barracuda and ultimately Forced Fruition to further reduce any errant spellcasting. And in this deck, Dovescape not only helps creates magnitudes of tokens, but each of those tokens is potentially an enchantment when it hits the board. With Enchanted Evening in play, those tokens, or ... literally ... any ... other card you play, combos off Archon of Sun's Grace to instantly create infinite (enchantment) pegasus tokens, and become effectively a 1 card infinite combo of 2/2 flying (avoiding Moat) lifelink pegasus. Every. Single. Time. any permanent hits the board under your control after you have both in play.

The Deck includes a The Tabernacle at Pendrell Vale to help keep down on the riff-raff, (plus kill off a few billion pegasus every turn), and helps tie up opponent's mana; meshing with the prison cards we already use. For its own mana, there are some basic mana-rocks and a Smothering Tithe to help offset some of the higher casting cost spells if Braids, Conjurer Adept is not on the board.

The Smothering Tithe pairs well with sheer card-draw provided through Forced Fruition, Temple Bell, Kami of the Crescent Moon, and Kwain, Itinerant Meddler to almost guarantee several dozen treasure tokens each turn and help the deck rapidly ramp to maintain both card and board advantage towards casting an Omniscience.

More combo madness, Teferi's Puzzle Box helps spin through the deck looking for lands and combo solutions. Teferi's Puzzle Box also combos really well with Shabraz, the Skyshark and Alhammarret's Archive, effectively doubling the card-draw effect of Teferi's Puzzle Box each draw phase - and Sphinx of the Second Sun provides double the draw-phases per turn, so you're geometrically quadrupling your cards in hand each turn (and possibly playing them for free). And, for every card you draw, the shark is growing, your life is growing, and if you have the Archangel of Thune, everything else is growing too.

If you want to discard cards from your hand, to hit Triskaidekaphile for instance, or just go infinite with your commander, you can use Mind Over Matter, Omniscience, or Peace of Mind to manipulate your hand-size and either play or discard. The deck includes an Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre, Timetwister and Elixir of Immortality to shuffle your graveyard back into your hand, as well as Displacer Kitten and Angel of Finality to exile your opponents' graveyards with a quick bounce.


Summary Combos:

Forced Fruition + Smothering Tithe == Treasure Tokens

Teferi's Puzzle Box + Shabraz, the Skyshark == Giant Shark and TONS of life-gain every turn

Teferi's Puzzle Box + Shabraz, the Skyshark + Alhammarret's Archive == Sheer madness

Teferi's Puzzle Box + Shabraz, the Skyshark + Alhammarret's Archive + Archangel of Thune == Same as above, but now ALL of your creatures grow exponentially, every turn

Kwain, Itinerant Meddler + (any of the above) == even more nuts

Kwain, Itinerant Meddler + Mind Over Matter == Infinite combo, draw your deck

Kwain, Itinerant Meddler + Mind Over Matter + (any "if you cannot draw you win") = instant win

Enchanted Evening + Sphere of Safety == every card you have counts towards attack cost

Enchanted Evening + Cleansing Nova == total board wipe (lands, creatures, artifacts, all permanents)

Enchanted Evening + Aura Fracture + (any land) == targeted removal of any permanent

Enchanted Evening + Archon of Sun's Grace == infinite flying pegasus whenever ANY card hits the board under your control, even treasure tokens from Forced Fruition.

Enchanted Evening + Greater Auramancy == every card you play has shroud when it comes into play, but will interfere with Mind Over Matter combo with Kwain.

Sheer Card Draw and hand-size + Mind Over Matter == you can tap or untap whatever you want, whenever you want, and you can reshuffle your graveyard with Elixir of Immortality or Timetwister.


There's more I could write about with additional combos and card interactions, but those are the highlights. The deck is just all-out madness to play and can quietly build and recycle cards until it comes out of nowhere with an 600/600 flying shark. I enjoy it. I hope you will as well.

Thank you.

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