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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Arena | Legal |
Block Constructed | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Gladiator | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Historic | Legal |
Historic Brawl | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Modern | Legal |
Modern Beyond Horizons | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Tiny Leaders | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Secrets of the Dead
Whenever you cast a spell from your graveyard, draw a card.

Ruby_Rule on
Gisa and Geralf's Graveyard Games
1 year ago
Thanks for your feedback! I appreciate the help on this deck as for The Scarab God I'd replace Havengul Lich since Scarab does his job better. For Secrets of the Dead I run River Kelpie since it does the same effect but for each player not just my own and can also combo with mikeaus, the unhallowed if you have a sac outlet. For the Liliana's Reaver I'd run Mindleech Ghoul as it's faster to get cards out of all my opponents hands.
NV_1980 on
Gisa and Geralf's Graveyard Games
1 year ago
Nice. The Scarab God is amazing in zombie-themed decks. If you'd go for one, I would recommend cutting Corpse Connoisseur for it. Secrets of the Dead is exceptionally powerful considering your strategy (self-milling followed by casting). It's in your maybeboard right now but I'd definitely mainboard it. Liliana's Reaver is pretty spectacular value for its cmc; would consider that one too. Have fun with the brew! FYI, here's my own Gisa and Geralf deck.
Crow_Umbra on
[retired] Brokkos Buried in this Jungle
2 years ago
Thank you for the suggestions ClockworkSwordfish. I do like River Kelpie a bit more, mostly because it can trigger off of other people's stuff, and isn't as dependent on my own triggers like Secrets of the Dead. I used Secrets of the Dead for a bit in a Vadrok, Apex of Thunder build I used to run, but it felt too inconsistent.
Progenitor Mimic is pretty cool. I used to run it in an Adrix and Nev, Twincasters deck I had. I think I might've had it in an early version of Brokkos, but removed it because I wanted to keep my Creature CMC peak at 5. I didn't really want many other creatures competing with Brokkos in terms of CMC.
ClockworkSwordfish on
[retired] Brokkos Buried in this Jungle
2 years ago
If you're planning to replay Brokkos from your graveyard a few times over the course of a game, then River Kelpie (and maybe Secrets of the Dead?) could be a handy source of card advantage. Also note that the Kelpie triggers on any player bringing stuff back from the graveyard, so he could really be a windfall depending on your meta.
I also can't help but wonder how crazy a Progenitor Mimic could get in such a build.
dqcoulter on dqcoulter
2 years ago
Nehon_Djinn It wasn't too bad, I would put it at a mid-low power level and it was fun to test out. I would recommend more graveyard synergy and sac outlets such as Prized Amalgam and Viscera Seer, as well as ways to fill your graveyard like Hermit Druid, Satyr Wayfinder, and Old Rutstein,. Planeswalkers are also a permanent type and you currently just have the Ashiok so you could run more for extra value, but I personally don't run them often and the best I can think of right now is Grist, the Hunger Tide. As for lands, I would recommend fetches/Ghost Quarters to hit land drops every turn with Muldrotha, as well as the new Neon Dynasty Channel lands to get 2-for-1s on an effect and a land drop. It seemed that you had a strong clone subtheme, and I would assume it is to go for a Biovisionary win. However, this leaves you with a lot of clones and not enough powerful creatures for them to copy, so if you want to stick with the clone theme I would recommend either adding some stronger creatures to copy with it or running ways to guarantee your combo such as Birthing Pod, Survival of the Fittest, and Fiend Artisan, which are all good standalone cards as well. Other than that, maybe add a bit more ramp and mana fixing such as Sakura-Tribe Elder, Burnished Hart, Springbloom Druid or fetchlands since Muldrotha has a high casting cost and they can be recast from grave to hit more land drops and ramp harder. Some other generally good cards to run would include Secrets of the Dead since you cast so much from grave and Pernicious Deed as a repeatable wipe. EDHrec is always a great resource to check what other people like to run for your chosen commander as well, and is usually worth checking out to at least get a feel for what cards to run. I hope this helped, and Muldrotha is a great commander that can be run a lot of ways, whether that be for setting up combos or just as a graveyard toolbox/value engine.
lagotripha on help me improve my deck
2 years ago
Its such a shame that Curse of Misfortunes can't see the back side of that card.
II'd look at the dice factory archetype (Everflowing Chalice+Coretapper backed by a bunch of counters matter stuff) as the best chance of paying 7 mana and proliferating in modern, backed by some x cost control.
Its never been competitive, but I think its your best bet for 'pay 7 mana quick, then delay for 3 turns'.
Lock pieces to avoid dying might break any budget though.
Secondary option is defender tribal tools - combo lines with their incredible ramp makes it unlikely this'll be the wincon that goes off, but you could do it.
I gave a little thought to animating sinner's to get counters onto it via ozolith, but can't think of anything that'll stick reliably - Starfield of Nyx isn't enough on its own.
Dennick + Secrets of the Dead might make for a nice U/W 'graveyard spells' control list with Think Twice and whatnot, but once again, stalling to 7 mana is hard.
bushido_man96 on
Muldrotha- Zombie Tribal
3 years ago
Love this idea! I highly recommend Secrets of the Dead for card draw, and main boarding Tatyova. Shes so good.
shadow63 on
Enter Muldrotha: Reap the Grave!
3 years ago
Kaya's Ghostform is excellent protection Mystic Remora for card draw. Oriq Loremage is a new one but has put in work for me. Stitcher's Supplier can almost draw 6 for 1 mana. Secrets of the Dead over River Kelpie Spellskite is alomst as good as glenn elendra. Phyrexian Tower is a must