Balefire Liege

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Balefire Liege

Creature — Spirit Horror

Other red creatures you control get +1/+1.

Other white creatures you control get +1/+1.

Whenever you play a red spell, Balefire Liege deals 3 damage to target player or planeswalker.

Whenever you play a white spell, you gain 3 life.

xram666 on Pattern Recognition #298 - Threads …

1 year ago

I think that you have missed an important part of the gold cards, or the multi-coloured cards in general. Namely, cards that punish (Soldier of the Pantheon) or reward you for playing them (Glass of the Guildpact/General Ferrous Rokiric/Grixis Grimblade and its cycle/maybe even Balefire Liege or similar cards).

SufferFromEDHD on Burn Heal

1 year ago

Talisman of Conviction good mana rock.

Balefire Liege!

Sacred Fire mini Lightning Helix

Cave-In free board wipe that gains life now.

Aurelia's Fury best of both worlds. So much value.

Heartwarming Redemption card draw in Boros is rare. Every opportunity must be seized. This is Windfall that triggers the 3 damage.

Lorehold Command swiss army knives are cool. Being an instant is a plus. 5 mana is very awkward but 6 damage/6 gained life PLUS whatever effect out of the three is most useful for the moment makes it worth considering.

COOZCOOZCOOZ on Feather, the Cruel Striker

1 year ago


I have Karlach, Fury of Avernus and Kediss, Emberclaw Familiar to help with What Feather wants to do, but as good as extra combats are, they ARE kinda pricey. I WAS kinda thinking about Goldspan Dragon or Balefire Liege, but right now since I am running the Guilty Conscience + Phyrexian Vindicator Combo, I have to devout a slot to that aura. Since I don't have too many ETBs, I thought it would be good to change-up the equipment that I have so Instead of ramping, I can hit harder or tutor, with say Sunforger. I have also been possibly toying with The Reaver Cleaver as a buff AND something that makes treasures, which means my mana can carry over from turn to turn.

I have been also trying to put in Explosive Entry and Sudden Breakthrough but I am just not sure what to cut.

Mewn on Whabba testy

1 year ago

Thanks wallisface! Made some tweaks to the deck to get it back to 60 and tried to make high mana cost cards more reasonable.

Planeswalker was cool but felt like he wasn't doing much for the rest of the deck, leaning more heavily on Balefire Liege and General Ferrous Rokiric for later game moves

vic on Can I have to target …

1 year ago

Just wondering about the following situation: I control a Balefire Liege. My opponent controls a Shalai, Voice of Plenty. If I play a red spell, do I have to deal 3 damage to myself?

DemonDragonJ on Fires of Purgatory

2 years ago

I have replaced Wear / Tear with Cathar Commando, which decreased the average converted mana cost of this deck from 4.10 to 4.08, as I can reanimate that creature (not with Tariel, but with other methods), to repeatedly use its ability; it will not trigger both of Balefire Liege's abilities but it shall gain a bonus from the liege, and it also shall serve as a deterrent against my opponents playing artifacts and enchantments.

multimedia on Feather, Tactician and Savior (Budget)

2 years ago

Hey, well done budget version of Feather that's less than $50 and nice WIP primer.

Consider adding some budget stables of Commander?

Adding a few other mana rocks can help with color fixing since 30x basic lands is a lot, you're not getting much color fixing from lands. More repeatable treasure sources are another way to ramp/color fix.

Dreadhorde Arcanist and Mavinda, Students' Advocate are excellent if you're having to discard instants/sorceries due to hand size. These budget creatures let you cast instants/sorceries from your graveyard and if you control Feather then you get to exile the spell before it goes back to the graveyard. Out of the three options to have no max hand size only Reliquary Tower is good because it's a land. The other two are not worth a card spot just for no max hand size.

With such a low budget dual lands are most difficult to fit in, but there's some other options to consider to cut some basic lands.

If you're playing Sunforger then Mistveil Plains is a land to consider since it lets you keep casting the same instants with Sunforger.

If you want to add budget infinite win condition combos then Birgi, God of Storytelling  Flip can be an enabler for many and I only suggest these because you already have Birgi. Dualcaster Mage can also be an enabler.

Grinning Ignus can also infinite combo without Birgi. Ignus + Runaway + Liege or Tremors = infinite damage to each opponent.

Dualcaster Mage combos with Heat Shimmer or Twinflame to create infinite hasty attacking Dualcasters. Dualcaster + Shimmer + Liege or Tremors = infinite damage to each opponent.

Out of all of these cards Balefire Liege is powerful with the Feather strategy: +2/+2 for Feather, source of repeatable burn at opponents, source of repeatable life gain and can be an infinite combo piece.

Heat Shimmer has interaction with Feather to come back to your hand if you copy your own creature. Shimmer can also copy an opponent's creature which can be helpful in multiplayer Commander and it has nice interaction with Mavinda, Students' Advocate who can get it back for Feather to exile. Grapeshot also has interaction with Feather because you can change the target of the storm copies. For this interaction to work however you must target a creature you control with the original Grapeshot for 1 damage then change the target for each storm copy.

Good luck with your deck.

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