Day of Judgment

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Day of Judgment


Destroy all creatures.

zapyourtumor on Oketra's Sisters

4 months ago

Wrath of God over Day of Judgment, regen not super relevant rn but theres shit like hardened scales with Welding Jar

no Martyr of Sands? you already have 4 squadron hawk

Abiding Grace is great, gives you inevitability and a mid late CA grinding engine

The One Ring is always good but even better if youre a lifegain deck, unfortunately a single copy costs half as much as your entire deck

Theres a better ajanis pridemate now, Voice of the Blessed

1-2 Emeria, the Sky Ruin also good

Jimmithee on Favorite mtg art

1 year ago

Taking a break from mechanical MTG stuff, let's talk about art! What is all your favorite art from recent sets?

I personally really liked the ravinca series from Multiverse Legends, and Strixhaven Mystical Archive. If I had to pick a card from each, i'd choose Niv-Mizzet Reborn and Day of Judgment

griffstick on Which Mass Destruction Spell(s) Should …

1 year ago

I think the board wipes that hit early at a low cost are best here. Also board wipes that make the creatures deal damage to them selves. Since Gisela, Blade of Goldnight splits it in half on your stuff, it will not kill your creatures, additionally it doubles the damage your opponents creatures would deal to them selves.

Some of the board wipes I recommend are

When paired with your cmdr

Other good ones when paired with your cmdr

Moving on to other good wipes, and noncreature wipes, and choice wipes.

wallisface on U/B control

1 year ago

Some thoughts:

  • You're running a LOT of cards as 1-ofs and 2-ofs. This will lead to a really inconsistent (and overall weaker) deck. I'd suggest aiming for more playsets of the things that matter.

  • You have a lot of nonbos here. For example, while Solemnity is out, The Birth of Meletis does nothing, and Wedding Announcement  Flip will never flip.

  • Adding to the above, there's a bunch of cards here that don't make a lot of sense. I can't see what benefits you're getting from Solemnity (its application is very narrow and there will be lots of games its doing nothing), Wedding Announcement  Flip (its a bad card, and you have too few creatures to make any use of it), Urza's Sylex (games seldom go long enough for this to ever be able to do anything. The land destruction is irrelevant in a format where 99% the cards cost 0-3 mana).

  • Your mana curve feels waay off. Generally speaking, Modern decks can't justify running more than 3-4 cards costing 4 mana, and run nothing above this. You've got a whopping 12 cards costing 4-or-more, but even worse is that most of those cards cost 6-8 mana... that's a really unrealistic cost to pay unless you have a LOT of dedicated control in your deck (which, you don't).

  • This whole situation above becomes a lot worse by the comparably tiny quantity of 1 and 2 mana spells you're running... I think a lot of games you're not going to be doing anything until turn 3, which is effectively starting 2 full turns behind your opponent (a really dangerous place to be).

  • Some of these cards seem really suboptimal. Borrowed Time and Minimus Containment feel awkward when Prismatic Ending exists. Authority of the Consuls probably hurts you more than helps you (in that its just giving yourself card disadvantage and while it may annoy the opponent, it's not buying you much time). All these 6 and 8 mana cards are just not castable. Melding Urza, Lord Protector  Meld needs a really strong plan to be viable, and you don't have anything to support that being successful. It feels like you're relying on Farewell to survive, but no game will go long enough to reach 6 lands - and there are just better options in Day of Judgment or Wrath of God. Even playing those more optimal board wipes, I don't think you can rely on them.

I think my general thought here is that the deck doesn't really have a plan of what it wants to do. I think you need a clearer vision for what you're wanting it to achieve, and then run a realistic (much lower) mana curve towards making that goal happen.

thegreatgodloki on Dragon Legion of Earth

1 year ago

I use to play this precon. I am not a fan of O-Kagachi, Vengeful Kami as a card. The effect is way too narrow and you'll have a better chance just running a hard removal spell like Beast Within

I liked Dragonlord's Prerogative as a nice refuel card.

And lastly, I think Crux of Fate is far superior than Day of Judgment because it acts as a one sided board wipe

Vicarian on Lockdown

1 year ago

Anyway, as far as card suggestions go, you can't be guaranteed that your opponent will be running instants or sorceries, so a full playset of Test of Talents might be a bit much. Against token strategies, Detention Sphere or Temporary Lockdown could be good. Not sure I'm a fan of the plan for Ethersworn Adjudicator, but it could be a decent way to close out the game. You could reduce the number of creatures overall and go with a typical control finisher, such as Chromium, the Mutable or Hullbreaker Horror. In the same vein as Extirpate, Necromentia or Unmoored Ego could be useful. With the number of enchantments you have, Sphere of Safety might be a fun way to prevent combat. You may want to include a way to remove creatures if they do get any onto the field before you can pull them out of the deck, so Supreme Verdict, Settle the Wreckage, Day of Judgment, or similar.

loricatuslupus on The Four Horsemen

1 year ago

Well first thing that stands out is that you need more mana, probably 35 lands plus a few more rocks - if there was any deck to use a Sol Ring in, it's one where your commander costs six! Given you're not running many tapped lands anyway some of the extras could be filled in by the ZNR DFCs like Hagra Mauling  Flip, giving you more lands if you need them without sacrificing spell slots. Once you're making sure that the deck is consistent in getting there you could also then add some bigger creatures or other finishers, safe in the knowledge that you should be able to hardcast cast them most games (and given how much life you can gain recurring 6/7 drops should be easy enough). Speaking of might be worth at least CONSIDERING other graveyard stockers/reanimator spells such as Unmarked Grave/Reanimate in case Rudolf is indesposed or you have to recover from a board wipe. Given how easy it is for you to make Rudolf indestructible board wipes are going to be a great friend - being in white you can take the slightly cheaper Wrath of God/Day of Judgment over Damnation, then get a bit more spenny with Toxic Deluge/The Meathook Massacre or pay a bit of extra mana to get flexibility in Merciless Eviction/Austere Command. Essence Pulse and Fumigate gain life as well. Similarly you're in the best colours for spot removal: ditch Disenchant and the cards which give -x/-x (they might not get the job done on a big boi) and get Vindicate/Mortify/Anguished Unmaking/Fateful Absence/Path to Exile. The deck is also quite commander-centred, meaning that lasting protection for the main man is more important than an instant which saves him once. Lightning Greaves/Swiftfoot Boots are the classics but I like Blessing of Leeches in commander as you can regenerate for free as many times as you need per turn while the life loss is meaningless to you. Otherwise you might want see if my Licia deck (Reign in Blood) has anything you like the look of.

kirbysan on [Primer] Helming the Host of Heaven *Update*

1 year ago

First game of the year. I'll probably be playing Giada less now as I think the list is pretty optimized at this point.

Opponents: Arvinox, the Mind Flail, Sigarda, Host of Herons, Gisa and Geralf

Starting Hand: Plains, Plains, The Ozolith, Court of Grace, Bishop of Wings, Serra Paragon, Mangara, the Diplomat

Starting hand wasn't great as I would need to draw a land to curve out but I had 2 draw cards in hand so I figured it was worth it. Luckily the table was playing pretty slow and I drew into some ramp.

I started with a T1 Ozolith and drew into an Enlightened Tutor which got me Pearl Medallion so I could play my Court of Grace.

Arvinox played 3 separate sacrifice cards where I sacced my Angel tokens and dumped the +1/+1 counters onto The Ozolith to pump up my next swings. They were able to get a Bolas's Citadel out quite early but due to the constant beatdown from my Angels couldn't explode like normal.

Sigarda tried to get through my Angel wall but I always chumped blocked to protect my Monarch token. Late in the game they used a Day of Judgment but at that time I had Breathkeeper Seraph soulbonded to Giada and a bunch of Angel tokens so I let it resolve. I had a foretold Cosmic Intervention since the early game but I was maintaining so much threat with my tokens and Ozolith that I never needed to use it.

Unfortunately Gisa durdled the whole game as they were also hit by Arvinox's sacrifice cards and Sigarda's board wipe so could never really get off the ground.

I ended the game with 89 life and Giada as a 40/40 with 36 +1/+1 counters and 2 anthems.

The Ozolith like most of our 1-drops, can change the makeup of the game quite heavily from the start if we drop it T1. I've had it in a few games before but usually only drew into it mid to late game where its impact is not as great.

Court of Grace I think was in your deck before as it was mine but ended up getting pulled in favor of other cards. Now that I've had a few more games with it I think it's provides too much synergy to leave out.

I think the lifegain strategy as whole is niche and our payoffs aren't really worth it to build an entire package around. I still got to 89 life this game due to just 2 cards - Bishop of Wings and a late game Pyre of Heroes on Serra Paragon for a Lyra Dawnbringer that was essentially a win-more move rather than strategic. I know you love your soul sisters but I think in your next few games you might want to take another look at their performance. Well of Lost Dreams was kind of on your chopping block before and I think it's time to revisit that card as well.

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