Spell Swindle

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Spell Swindle


Counter target spell. Create X colorless Treasure artifact tokens, where X is that spell's converted mana cost. They have symbol:tap, Sacrifice this artifact: Add one mana of any color to your mana pool.

Klarion on Batman and Robin

9 months ago

My issue is that Confirm Suspicions gives me 3 clues which can put Mechanized Production across the win-condition line. I can see using Access Denied, but I don't think the deck makes enough treasure to make Spell Swindle as valuable.

Made_Compleat on Batman and Robin

9 months ago

Perhaps a Spell Swindle or a Access Denied might work with your deck? Both of them are 5-cmc counterspells that pull a lot more weight than Confirm Suspicions.

Love the deck!

SufferFromEDHD on Drafna's Artifact Trampoline

1 year ago

This set is filled with so many good commanders. I'm slowly making it around to brewing Drafna. Your build is solid! I will definitely be using Access Denied and Spell Swindle in my list. Mirran Spy is some spicy tech.

Arcbound Ravager always good in a deck full of artifacts.

Would Urza's Workshop and the other Urza's lands be useful in this artifact strategy?

Cut 3 islands and add Academy Ruins, Minamo, School at Water's Edge and Otawara, Soaring City.

bushido_man96 on Zombie help

1 year ago

Tainted Adversary seems a bit mana intensive to really get good results from. How many tokens do you usually get when you cast it? And is the effect worth that much mana investment? I don't like Stitchwing Skaab, either, especially when you talk about running out of gas. It will only contribute to that problem if you don't have cards to discard, and you don't want to discard better cards to play that one.

I'd consider cutting Spell Swindle for a cheaper CMC counterspell, or a straight removal spell. I think you want to be pretty aggressive with how you spend your mana in this deck, and holding up 5 mana to counter a spell is counterintuitive to that strategy.

I'd drop the mill theme: Dread Summons, Drown in Dreams, Maddening Cacophony, Peer into the Abyss, Psychic Corrosion maybe even Telemin Performance. I would add card draw spells in those spots. Night's Whisper, Ambition's Cost, and Sign in Blood will always draw you cards, regardless of board state. Altar's Reap, Village Rites, and Vampiric Rites are good draw sources when you have a board state. I'd recommend pushing your ramp to 10 spells, and then you should be off an running.

Good luck going forward with this deck.

Tic12 on Turn 5 - Darth Vadrik strikes back

2 years ago

@Neko25: Hey there, thanks for your comment. I already play Haze of Rage. Reiterate is on my wish-list, unfortunately i don't have it yet. But there a some interesting card's in your list, which i'm going to try out, like Spell Swindle, Finale of Revelation, Seething Anger and Temporal Fissure.

AcidicArisato on Principle of Control

2 years ago

For stealing your opponents' cards, I'd recommend Xanathar, Guild Kingpin as a back-up Sen. Celestial Dawn is also an auto-include in Sen decks.

If you want stax pieces, Drannith Magistrate, Nevermore, and Wash Away are great ways to stop your opponent from casting their commanders.

Aura of Silence is handy for taking care of pesky enchantments and can slow down their plans. Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver and Bojuka Bog are handy pieces of graveyard hate, with the latter being a free-roll in your deck.

Scheming Symmetry is HILARIOUS with Aven Mindcensor and Opposition Agent. Leonin Arbiter also goes nicely with it.

Fatespinner is nasty and can functionally lock opponents out of combat. Rhystic Study is an auto-include in these types of decks.


In terms of win-cons, you could go with the Mindcrank combo: Mindcrack + Duskmantle Guildmage. Use Ghoulcaller's Bell to start the process without damage. Syr Konrad, the Grim is also good for redundancy.

There's also any number of combos involving Laboratory Maniac, Thassa's Oracle, and Jace, Wielder of Mysteries. Use Demonic Consultation on your upkeep and name a card not in your deck to win on your draw step.

If you have a high enough density of creatures, Mortal Combat is a very simple way to win. With enough artifacts, Mechanized Production can be a free-roll. Revel in Riches is a very simple way of creating mana, with the upside of occasionally winning you the game (also pairs well with Spell Swindle.) Felidar Sovereign is also a hilarious.


If you're looking to make opponents struggle by dismantling their pieces, you should absolutely have pieces like Swords to Plowshares, Path to Exile, Vanishing Verse, and maybe even Generous Gift in addition to boardwipes like Farewell, Tragic Arrogance, Cataclysm, and Wrath of God.

Lanzo493 on Paths of Pain Commander

2 years ago

When I think of Nagato, the card that comes to mind is K'rrik, Son of Yawgmoth since he uses his life as a means for power. Reminds me of Nagato and how messed up his body ends up being. But being mono black wouldn't let you represent his other abilities effectively. I would use Jodah, Archmage Eternal since he has that "I can do anything" feel that Nagato has with all of his insane abilities.

As far as the attractive and repulsive forcers are concerned, I think of Kira, Great Glass-Spinner, Erayo, Soratami Ascendant  Flip Mass Manipulation, Perplexing Chimera, etc.

The summoning Pain can be represented by Tooth and Nail, Genesis Wave, and the like.

Absorbing chakra sounds like Mana Drain, Draining Whelk, Plasm Capture, and Spell Swindle.

Mind's Dilation could work for reading a person's mind. There's also Sen Triplets.

Living Death, Necromantic Selection, Ruinous Ultimatum, Eerie Ultimatum, and many other cards can represent his control over life and death.

gavriel1136 on Help with my Mizzix deck

2 years ago

I have a Mizzix deck of my own, (though my tapped out version is likely outdated), so I can share my insights. I also avoided storm for mine as well.

First off, your mana production likely needs to be higher. 4 rocks and some rituals won't cut it, especially with so few lands. People looove removing Mizzix, and having more mana to recast her is vital. If you like spells that give mana, consider Brass's Bounty or Spell Swindle

Second, is there a reason you have so many things to give instant speed? Leyline of anticipation, quicken, vedalken orrery. Why are these necessary? Blue/red has plenty of instant speed interaction without needing to speed up sorceries.

Third, your wipes. You have three and Mizzix dies to all of them. Consider effects that will not force you to recast your commander. Curse of the swine is nice, and but there are other options.

Lastly, some random card choices I don't follow. Foil, Counterflux, and Guilded Drake all seem sort of suspect. The first two make Mizzix's ability irrelevant, and the third plays into your minor "theft" subtheme, but frankly is just a random card to include. Better counterspells are ones that take advantage of Mizzix's abilities, such as Syncopate and Power Sink. I know 1 mana spells are efficient, but after you get 1 experience counter, those ponder, Brainstorm, and preordains are gonna feel way worse.

P.S., for protection, I recommend things that give hexproof/ shroud, such as Lightning Greaves or Giant's Amulet. On the spell side, Dive Down, or Blink effects like Teferi's Time Twist usually serve me best

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