Descent into Avernus

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Descent into Avernus


At the beginning of your upkeep, put two descent counters on Descent into Avernus. Then each player creates X Treasure tokens and Descent into Avernus deals X damage to each player, where X is the number of descent counters on Descent into Avernus. (They're colourless artifacts with ", Sacrifice this: Add one mana of any colour.")

Gleeock on Is Staff of Completion a …

1 day ago

Temple Bell is fine depending on your personal strategy as a player. If you build a lot of versatility & durability into your decks then a small amount of "benefit for all" is fine. Basically, in a 4-player (+) game, if you know you barely ever are the archenemy role & giving everyone potential "solutions" is just fine because what are they really "solving" on your side of the board? this is fine. I play so many group slug - "death by 1,000 cuts" decks, the commanders are rarely the main show, & I rarely have any one lynchpin to be "solved". I often play a lower single-target removal volume & more wipes & mass-durability cards because the more midrange the game & the more parity & "solutions" everyone has, the more single-target removal starts to become too "small fry" when every other player is the next big threat.

Now, if none of that describes your playstyle & you play more commander-centric deck & you don't tend to use your opponents as resources.. then I'd say to use a more me-centered card.

I play a ton of Descent into Avernus & regularly kick butt with it because I have years of deckbuilding & playstyle directed at building for durability & a mindfulness that I am not the only priority at the table. Players will have to address each other if they are constantly dropping the next big bomb. Of course this can be a little dependent on an opponent making a rational decision from their point of view, which can be tricky.

Not that I am saying one strategy is better than the other, just that I don't like when people say "hug" cards are outright bad. That being said, I don't play a lot of true "hug" either.

Icaruskid on Repercussion of Zo-zu

2 weeks ago

Love the salt! Descent into Avernus might be a good addition here.

Crow_Umbra on Slander Commander [Primer]

2 weeks ago

My meta mostly leans aggro, Gleeock, so this could definitely help speed up games if anything lol. This deck is one of maybe 3-4 other different Goad commanders in the group. I generally enjoy cards like Descent into Avernus and Crescendo of War, which help put a clock on the table.

Alearin on Treasure, Dwarves, and Dragon's; OH MY!

1 month ago

Hi. Thanks for the comments on my desk Magda of the Maskwood [[Guide]] Updated for MKC. I was checking your build of Magda out and saw some cards that I think might fit your build.

  1. Ingenious Artillerist - Every time one or more artifacts enter the battlefield under your control you burn everyone's faces for the number of artifacts. This seems like it would quickly get grow to a ton of damage with your damage boosting cards. If nothing else it can be a backup to Reckless Fireweaver.
  2. Spiteful Repossession - With damage boosters out this can turn being slightly behind in land to a huge windfall of treasures. If each opponent has 1 more land then you and you have one damage doubler out you would deal 2 damage to each opponent and make 6 treasure.
  3. Magmatic Force - Every upkeep, including your opponents, do 3 damage minimum to whatever you want. With your damage boosters it will often be more. Burn their face or that annoying value creature that never attacks. If you have Magmatic Galleon and/or Spiteful Banditry out you can also get so treasure for more Magda triggers.
  4. Descent into Avernus - Generates increasingly large amounts of treasure tokens for the board; however, I would say you are best positioned to use them. Besides given treasures to your opponents it is also a bit dangerous cause the damage it deals applies to you as well. If nothing else this will accelerate your games by increasing the mana available and lowering life totals.

DreadKhan on Obosh doubling damage

2 months ago

Any reason you don't use Brash Taunter? It's great with damage based wipes, suddenly your Blasphemous Act family spells also dome an opponent, if you can double that you'll probably eliminate someone.

In a list that has a decent number of creatures that can deal damage you might look into Basilisk Collar, it's good with many of your creatures, similarly Scavenged Brawler can turn a mediocre creature into a real problem. I'll never forget putting those counters onto a Brash Taunter!

It's probably not the best thing you can be doing, but Crypt Rats and similar effects are endless fun. There is also Exocrine, this weird guy can generate a lot of damage if you've got the mana, yet it also will draw you a card and leave a huge creature. Also, what the heck, Thrashing Wumpus exists too, and can Pestilence twice every turn without croaking, which could add up/cripple your opponents' boards. Very good if you've got Whip out obviously!

Do people run a lot of Blue in your meta? I liked Citadel of Pain a bit in a deck like this, normally this is symmetrical, but with your synergy it might play a lot better. I like Citadel in decks that feature a fairly high MV, where you don't want people to be able to bluff by holding up mana.

Since you don't run a ton of lands, maybe Acidic Soil? That could be 3 mana to win on the spot in some games.

Would Descent into Avernus work in here? It'll speed up games, not sure if your deck is usually one of the faster ones in your pod, if so it should help, if you're normally a slower deck then it's probably going to get you killed.

Fires of Mount Doom is a dual purpose card, offering you a way to slow down a Voltron deck, yet also a way to draw cards. I normally wouldn't bother with Impulse draw, but if your deck isn't really into combos then it plays well enough. Another nifty way to get cards in hand that opponents probably can't take advantage of with Obosh out is Wheel of Misfortune, a card I normally don't like. If you can double that damage (or better), then opponents will be very wary of trying to wheel.

MagicMizz on Queen's Ultraviolence

2 months ago

Love this deck, I have a similar one. Inkshield and Descent into Avernus are both cool cards that can really change the game in your favor.

Gleeock on Favorite EDH Cards

3 months ago

I will go lower power on these pets, but oddities as well.

Oath of Druids my baby! it can crap on control in great ways while making sure the game will have impactful play from many spots.

Descent into Avernus I write about this one all the time

Shiny Impetus I ramp away while not being the guy that removed my opponent's thing.. Also, lets that pain train keep on rolling

Any of the monarch courts

Titania's Song hilarious, kills treasures too.

Crescendo of War for the sake of aggression

Wand of Wonder it just randomly will get me out of a bind and makes my deck function unpredictably

I don't have much for pet creatures, I will have to look into that

Gleeock on Anyone else kinda.... really let …

3 months ago

The frontier itself lends to what could have been a really fun set of group slug & punishers. Cards that punish artifice & enchantments while advancing the game in another way would have been great here. And in the other direction, a "gold rush" type of card that was functionally similar to Descent into Avernus would be great. I imagine Ghired (custom made for the frontier) would be able to cast some powerful enchantments to slow down industrialization & the taming of Thunder Junction. The setting would have been a great place for those type of game-clocking, yet non-stax types of effect

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