Urza's Ruinous Blast

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Urza's Ruinous Blast

Legendary Sorcery

(You may cast a legendary sorcery only if you control a legendary creature or planeswalker.)

Exile all nonland permanents that aren't legendary.

Quazer on Rocco's Menu

10 months ago

Thanks for the comment! Rebound is great but its only problem is if you don't cast it from your hand you don't get the effect and full value of the card. Which is why I only have the one rebound card in there.

After playing this deck a bit I will probably be adding Academy Manufactor but I'll most likely replace The Battle of Bywater as creatures tend to get bigger then 3 power really quickly. Urza's Ruinous Blast wipes out your foods which is really bad so I'm probably gonna replace that with Farewell so I can get rid of whatever I need to while keeping my foods.

Local_Hethen on Rocco's Menu

10 months ago

I recently made a Rocco deck myself. Glad I stumbled across your build. I was wondering what spells to use for casting from exile and you have done a great job giving ideas. I even remembered Rebound was a thing I could use because you're using Terramorph.

From your Maybe board I would definitely recommend Academy Manufactor instead of the Urza's Ruinous Blast. It would create some aggro because you have the creatures that react to artifacts entering the field, and the Academy Manufacture will triple the damage output, but you add Clues for draw and Treasures for mana ramp. The Ruinous Blast may be a good reset button, but it resets yourself as well, but that's just my opinion.

multimedia on Urza upgrade

1 year ago

Hey, some nice upgrades to the precon so far. Good additions of wincon combos: Sword + Foundry + Altar and Urza, PoK + Altar + Battlesphere.

Consider cutting a few of the lesser unnecessary higher mana cost creatures for some more draw? Constructs have an easy time if they can attack at doing combat damage to an opponent thanks to menace from Urza. If you can draw a card each time a Construct does combat damage to an opponent then you're getting great value from Constructs and a good reason to want to attack. Bident of Thassa is in the precon and it's repeatable draw with Constructs. Research Thief is more repeatable draw with Constructs that's also a flying artifact creature. More repeatable draw from Constructs can help to draw combo pieces.

Skullclamp is in the precon and it's excellent with Sword + Foundry combo since it creates 1/1 Thopters that can then each be saced for 1 mana to draw two cards. Because Urza's artifact creature affinity can pay for his Commander tax then Skullclamp with Urza is another way for repeatable draw.

Grim Hireling doesn't draw with Constructs it makes ramp, treasures which can help with Revel in Riches since the only reliable source of treasures here is Tithe. Hireling's effect is like Thopter Spy Network where you can trigger it more than once if you have creatures do combat damage to more than one opponent.

When deciding to add a card, it can help deck building and the mana curve to cut a card that's more mana cost. Wire Surgeons is a lesser 6 drop here than the rest and it's effect is only artifact creature not artifact. Having to pay the mana cost of an artifact creature in your graveyard to then exile that artifact is not good. Sharuum the Hegemon another 6 drop here who reanimates an artifact which is much better than what Surgeons does. Marionette Master can be a wincon with combos: Sword + Foundry + Altar and Urza, PoK + Altar + Battlesphere, but this is adding a fourth card, 6 drop, to the combos which is a lot and is really not needed because these combos create infinite artifact tokens which gives Constructs infinite power/toughness.

If you want to combo with Sword + Foundry then you can't control any effect that increases p/t of artifact creatures. Thankfully, Foundry can sac any nontoken artifact, before you want to combo with Sword + Foundry sac the artifact anthem effect. This makes anthem effects that increase p/t that are artifacts better than anthem nonartifact cards. Urza, Prince of Kroog is the exception since it's part of another combo. Since playing Sword + Foundry consider cutting Tempered Steel?

You want to avoid artifact exile effects as much as possible because you have no way of getting back a card in exile. Playing some more Counterspells is a mana efficent way to counter opponent exile effects. Urza's Ruinous Blast hurts you too much since it exiles all Constructs and all combo pieces here except Urza, Prince of Kroog. All the 4 drops here have effects either when ETB or repeatable except Filigree Attendant doesn't, making it a much lesser card that could be cut?

Steel Seraph is a reasonable priced upgrade for Hexavus. Seraph can be cast with prototype for 3 mana giving you a 3/3 artifact creature flier to help artifact creature affinity for Urza and it can on your turn at combat give a creature you control flying including Urza. Wonder is another better option then Hexavus for flying, Unctus, Grand Metatect or Armix, Filigree Thrasher can discard it while in combat. Discard Wonder when you have to discard down to 7 card hand size because you drew so many cards.

Good luck with your deck.

plakjekaas on My conspiracy theory

1 year ago

But to be sure to see the destruction caused by Urza's Ruinous Blast, some Sunglasses of Urza are sorely needed.

Jaroc249 on

1 year ago

Baron_Pretzels okay. The reason I put some of the cards in is because it's not just the multicolour but I also wanted each solo colour to be represented by at least one creature and one spell:


White: Sisay, Weatherlight Captain, Odric, Lunarch Marshal

Blue: Esior, Wardwing Familiar

Black: Drana, Liberator of Malakir

Red: Kari Zev, Skyship Raider

Green: Sakura-Tribe Elder, Fallaji Wayfarer, Esika, God of the Tree  Flip, Kolvori, God of Kinship  Flip


White: Path to Exile, Swords to Plowshares, Urza's Ruinous Blast

Blue: Negate

Black: Yawgmoth's Vile Offering

Red: Mana Cannons

Green: Beast Within, Kodama's Reach, Cultivate, Farseek, Nature's Lore

Another Blue creature I was thinking was Fblthp, the Lost

Reason I put The World Tree was probably cause I've put Esika in.

ArtistaFeo on Mr. Smith

1 year ago

Food for thought.

Heroes' Podium I know the focus is on having a big construct army, but you will also have a small army of Urza Clones. Might as well make them big too.

The Peregrine Dynamo This wont work on origional Urza's ability, but should work on the copies?

Unbreakable Formation Here is a budget protection card to help from wipes, otherwise id say run a few more counter spells.

Vorrac Battlehorns will get through a token army that can stop menace.

Urza's Ruinous Blast This is a wipe that will hit your construct army, but your urza's will survive and build a new army, plus the flavor is too good. Urza's Ruinous Blast?, More like Agent Smiths Ruinous Blast.

Hour of Reckoning Constructs will live.

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