Backdraft Hellkite

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Backdraft Hellkite

Creature — Dragon


Whenever Backdraft Hellkite attacks, each instant and sorcery card in your graveyard gains flashback until end of turn. The flashback cost is equal to its mana cost.

Optimator on Anarchy Burger

9 months ago

Backdraft Hellkite - seems like good card advantage. It's not super popular, so maybe not

Seize the Spotlight - often 3 mana, draw 3 make 3

Rolling Thunder - I always thought these X spells that can be divided seemed good with Torbran

Impact Resonance - probably good with damage doublers only, but spicy

DreadKhan on Rakdos Santa Deck

1 year ago

Well, here is what I found: Anarchist, which seems over costed but will leave you a body you can Blim away, Ardent Elementalist is similar but 1 mana less. Backdraft Hellkite can let you Flashback Offering, but that's one and done as it's exiled after. Biblioplex Assistant has Flying, but that's a bad thing to give an opponent obviously. Bloodthirsty Adversary is another one off. Charmbreaker Devils are one of the more interesting ones, but it's awfully clunky. Efreet Flamepainter seems half-decent, but isn't repeatable. I'm a bit curious if Finale of Promise would work at all, it's annoying that you'd need both types, but if you can copy a Dark Ritual/Seething Song and Harmless Offering you can still do more stuff after. Invoke Calamity might be a fit, it's a lot of mana but is a strong effect. Goblin Dark-Dwellers is a beefy body but probably not something you'd want to donate after. I'm not sure if you could get in for damage with the spell-creature, but if you can Magar of the Magic Strings is pretty interesting. If you can get enough mana together Mizzix's Mastery might work, 4 mana to recast a 3 mana spell isn't terrible I'd say. Ogre Battlecaster might do it's thing more than once with First Strike. I'm not sure if Shreds of Sanity is reasonable, 2R is pretty cheap for this, but having to discard sucks. Revolutionist seems openly bad unless you can cast it via Madness. Spellweaver Helix is cool but might be too janky, but it can generate more Offerings (and another Sorcery I guess). I don't think you have a wide enough board to use it, but if you added more creatures then Surge to Victory could fit. Hope something in that pile I could dig out will work, there are some really pushed options like Yawgmoth's Will and Underworld Breach too fwiw, I guess you could Blim away Breach when you're done with it?

Random thought, but if you're fine with recursion effects maybe Oriq Loremage would fit in here? Probably would require more building around though, but Entomb is a great effect to have stapled to a creature if you've got the right cards.

legendofa on Ur Dragon wubrg army

1 year ago

I think this deck simply needs more mana, not just better mana. The average mana cost for this deck is well over 4.5, and 32 lands plus the Dragon Monuments won't be enough to support it. This deck wants at least 37-38 lands, if not more, and a bigger suite of ramp spells like Rampant Growth, Kodama's Reach, and Farseek will help speed you up as well. Five-color mana bases are hard to do on a budget; it's very easy to end up with the "fast/cheap/reliable: pick two" problem. If you add more ramp spells and Forests, that can go a long way toward smoothing your turn 4-5 mana base.

Try cutting some of the higher-end Dragons at 5+ mana. Go through each one, ask "Does this directly contribute to helping my deck win?" (or "Is this one of the coolest Dragons I have available?", if you're going for personal appeal), and take out anything that doesn't meet that standard of helping you win or personally appealing to you. And by "helping you win," it should do more than "be a Dragon." In the course of a typical game, would you expect it to help?

For a few specific examples:

How often does Intet, the Dreamer actually provide card advantage? If she effectively draws you multiple useful cards each game, she's worth keeping. If she regularly sits in your hand or graveyard waiting for "the right moment," cut her.

With only 25 combined instants and sorceries, how much weight does Backdraft Hellkite pull? How often does that ability get used productively?

Broodmate Dragon doesn't have any special interaction with Scion of the Ur-Dragon. Do you regularly get more than one token off Broodmate? If not, it's not the most efficient choice.

So those are my thoughts--clear out some Dragons that are underperforming and replace them with lands and ramp spells. And above all, have fun!

dragonstryke58 on Wulfgar of Icewind Dale & …

2 years ago

You can only use flashback once. Wulfgar of Icewind Dale would double the triggers for Backdraft Hellkite, but multiple instances of flashback do not allow you to flashback twice.

Flashback represents two static abilities:

  • Flashback [cost]” means “You may cast this card from your graveyard if the resulting spell is an instant or sorcery spell by paying [cost] rather than paying its mana cost
  • If the flashback cost was paid, exile this card instead of putting it anywhere else any time it would leave the stack.

Notably, the second ability is a replacement effect. This ability replaces the destination of the card as it leaves the stack. So instead of the graveyard, the card goes straight into exile. Since the card is no longer in the graveyard, it cannot be flashed back a second time.

Comprehensive Rules:

702.34a Flashback appears on some instants and sorceries. It represents two static abilities: one that functions while the card is in a player’s graveyard and another that functions while the card is on the stack. “Flashback [cost]” means “You may cast this card from your graveyard if the resulting spell is an instant or sorcery spell by paying [cost] rather than paying its mana cost” and “If the flashback cost was paid, exile this card instead of putting it anywhere else any time it would leave the stack.” Casting a spell using its flashback ability follows the rules for paying alternative costs in rules 601.2b and 601.2f–h.

Irish_Bastard907 on Wulfgar of Icewind Dale & …

2 years ago

I'm confused about how the stack works, if it would work at all. So I attack with Backdraft Hellkite and Wulfgar of Icewind Dale activates the dragon's ability twice but can cast the same spell twice before flashback exiles the spell? Or is the spell simply exiled and impossible to cast with flashback a 2nd time.

Blue223201 on dragon tribal is glorious

2 years ago

ok, thanks. for the help some of the cards you mentioned in my deck like Blackblade Reforged. but one card like Backdraft Hellkite it helps me get some more instance if i need any. My pet card is Ramos, Dragon Engine.

so here is how my deck works i get Tiamat out right look for 5 dragon cards the cards i look for are Ramos, Dragon Engine, Niv-Mizzet Reborn, Terror of the Peaks, Dragonlord Silumgar, and Atarka, World Render. Then put Terror of the Peaks first then atarke, then ramos then niv-mizzet. then the dragon lord. then just obliterate my opponent because they have no chance if i get all of them out and survive when tiamat comes out so yea.

and really quick what is you opinion about blink cards if you think that might help, what kind of blink cards would you prefer? speaking of cards-sorry for the long message- what is your opinion about Crosis, the Purger, Dragonlord Dromoka, and Darigaaz Reincarnated?

and what are some more instant or Sorcery spells i should put in?

LunchBox1211 on dragon tribal is glorious

2 years ago

I would like to say, before I say anything else, that the first few decks people build often have a bunch that could be fixed, so if it seems like I wrote an essay, I'm not trying to be overly critical. My first deck was a mono-white Angel Tribal Lifegain deck that had no real payoff for gaining life. Needless to say, it had a lot that could have been done, and my next deck was one of the Commander Pre-Cons from C18. I'd also like to say that these are just observations.

For cuts, I can see a few. Several of the planeswalkers seem only sort-of related, so you could get away with dropping some of them (like Gideon Blackblade and Ajani Steadfast). I'm not sure why Blackblade Reforged is in. It is great for go tall decks, where you want 1 really big creature (usually made big using equipments and/or auras), but in a go wide deck like this one, I'm not sure if you need it. Plus, dragons are fairly big on their own. | Chaplain's Blessing. I know gaining 5 life might seem good, but I've come to realize that gaining a bunch of life isn't very good without something like Aetherflux Reservoir. And at that point, I think a better option is to build around Aetherflux Reservoir, not dragons. | Not entirely sure what Bag of Holding is doing. | There are a few dragons that don't seem to be doing much, with the way your deck currently is. There doesn't seem to be a lot of instants/sorceries for Backdraft Hellkite get back. There aren't a lot of +1/+1 counter synergies, so Enduring Scalelord isn't doing a ton. There aren't a lot of artifacts, so Hellkite Igniter isn't getting the absurd amount of damage output that I've done with it, myself. It does have haste, but a 5/5 hasty flyer for 7 isn't super great. Unless you can give it deathtouch, most things in commander aren't bothered by Shockmaw Dragon's combat damage trigger. There aren't a lot of 2-colour spells for Niv-Mizzet Reborn to see off the top. | Dictate of Erebos can be brutal, but usually in aristocrat-style decks, where you want your own things to die.

Some other things I've noticed: Crux of Fate is a cheaper Descent of the Dragons that is also one sided. | About the Sarkhan question, I've always thought that Sarkhan the Masterless is kind of funny, and he can act as a deterrent for attacks (or a magnet, depending on board state). | 5 mana counterspells seems nice, but often end up being rather underwhelming, more often than not. | Fight effects (like Clash of Titans) are nice, but in a 5-colour deck, you also have cards like Path to Exile, Bedevil, Anguished Unmaking, Generous Gift, or Chaos Warp, that don't need you to have a big creature, and don't need you to put that creature at risk. | I feel like you could use a bit more ramp. I'd recommend a few of the guild signets from Ravnica, Arcane Signet and Farseek. | The Ur-Dragon was the out-of-the-box Commander for a 5-colour dragon tribal commander deck from C17. Usually he is the head of a dragon tribal deck, but he's still powerful in the 99.

All of this is just my opinion, with my own biases, and I'm still learning a fair bit myself, so take it with a grain of salt. Playtest it, see what works and what doesn't. See what you like, and what you don't. I will admit that I prefer more aggressive play as opposed to a slower, more control heavy style, so that may influence my choices, and I've also been (partially) traumatized by a few planeswalker decks before, so I don't really like them that much (although I do like the concept and design of them).

Lastly, I don't know if you have any pet cards or any cards that you are running because you like them (even if it may be not as good), so if a personal favorite is listed among the cuts, feel free to ignore that. Magic IS about having fun, at the end of the day. And, yes, Dragon Tribal is glorious!

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