Wildfire Devils

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Wildfire Devils

Creature — Devil

When this enters the battlefield and at the beginning of your upkeep, choose a player at random. That player exiles an instant or sorcery card from their graveyard. Copy that card. You may cast the copy without paying its mana cost.

Sheld on The Chaos Legion

1 year ago

Hi @zepample,

I play in a very casual meta, so I can afford to play dumb expensive flavorful cards. :)

Here are some modifications you can try to make the deck stronger if your meta is a bit more serious:

Hope some of this helps to adjust the deck for your meta. :)

Stardragon on Devil Rant

2 years ago


A chaotic force that I think wizard dropped the ball on BIG TIME. For one thing almost no devils deal with chaos with Wildfire Devils and to a much lesser extent Sin Prodder and Vexing Devil being the exceptions. Instead they went with yet another Aristocrat/Sacrifice playstyle I mean come on we have enough of those already it just feels uninspired and lazy on wizards side and with lore of devils being agents of pure chaos and at least on Innistrad servants of demons sent to sow guess what more chaos. And with the half devil walker Tibalt in his first card Tibalt, the Fiend-Blooded he is also chaotic in his card effects even if it wasn't the greatest it was memorable at least to me (and not just for being a terrible walker in general) for cementing in my mind that devils are chaos would that way in the future boy was I wrong.

I think they should of went hard on the chaos aspect with things like Chaos Warp and Warp World effects as an etb or boss devil effect as well as Tibalt, the Fiend-Blooded's first effect or a Gamble like effects or hell just making search for random from your library without letting you see what one you picked, make people discard cards at random, or dealing damage to a random target (something like when this deals damage to player choose a player, creature or planeswalker at random and deal damage to it instead) and all these effect could be targeted at random players as well: Example when X enters the battlefield choose target player at random (including yourself) that player may search for a random card from library and put into their hand (or where they put is also random be hand, graveyard, exile, battlefield tapped, battlefield untapped, top of library or bottom ect.) than shuffle their library or When X is target of a spell or ability choose a target a random this target becomes the new target of the spell or ability, thing like that.

Would it be good...debatable, would be more interesting and fun I think so, I also think they should add a small amount of anti-instant and sorcery as devils seem to be a wizards bane in ways that punish players for playing those types of spells so such as life loss or random redirection for the effect or something else that just as wacky.

I also feel like they stay away from coin flip aspect since

  1. I feel like there can be more than one style of chaos and

  2. The coin thing is more luck than chaotic so it isn't the same for me. (and yes ik you can manipulate the tosses but that brings farther from chaos and being a more roundabout and less reliable control deck all things considered)

I don't mind the devil token for what they are and think they are fine as is just need more support to make them a bit more...spicy

But what do guys think?

Do you agree with me that they should of made devils chaos?

Do you think Sacrifice was the right way to go?

Or do you think they should of taken devils in different route from either Chaos or Sacrifice?

mn6334 on Janklord Rionya

2 years ago

Cast Creative Technique for the first time last night. It practically won me the game all by itself. Definitely got lucky but it was pretty impressive, imo.

I untapped with Rionya and 9 mana available. Decided to try the Technique and see what it would get me before deciding on anything else. First copy flipped into Wildfire Devils and I randomly chose myself and recast Thrill of Possibility from my graveyard. Second copy flipped into Volcanic Torrent which in turn cascaded into March of Reckless Joy. March did nothing but I had 4 Instants/Sorceries cast for the turn to make 5 copies of something off the Rionya trigger. I also happened to draw Fanatic of Mogis off the Thrill of Possibilty and I had 4 devotion already on the field (Rionya, Devils, and one other creature with one pip).
Cast and copied Fanatic and domed each opponent for 55 total damage!

Peoni on The Manhattan Project

3 years ago

I didn't know this commander existed but I'm glad I do now. I don't know what your budget or meta are but I have a few recommendations if you'd care to read them.

Since you want to get your commander out and keep him out maybe more stack interaction like Red Elemental Blast or Pyroblast as straight up counters, as well as cards like Deflecting Swat and Bolt Bend to deal with those pesky control players.

Arcane Signet would be a good replacement for Prismatic Lens since you don't need to mana fix, and if you can swing it Extraplanar Lens with Snow-Covered Mountains instead of regular mountains would give you big asymmetrical ramp assuming nobody else at the table was running them. There's also Ruby Medallion. Great for any mono deck.

Finally, maybe I'm failing to understand how important Knollspine Dragon is for your grand plan or if you just really like the card, but since he's the only dragon in your deck perhaps Sarkhan's Triumph could be swapped out for something else. Maybe another devil like Wildfire Devils?

Man you've really got me wanting to make a deck for this guy. Good job.

Joe_Ken_ on

3 years ago

You’ll want lands are around 36-37 for this deck.

I’d get some mana rocks like Sol Ring , Worn Powerstone , etc.

Hellrider , Charmbreaker Devils and Wildfire Devils would probably both be good to add to the deck.

Sumradagnoth on https://www.madhouse.dek/troll

4 years ago

mtgApprentice21 I LOVE this, and I may retire my Jodah chaos deck and build this one.

Couple of comments... Have you seen Goblin Bomb?
Goblin Assassin has good synergy with Squee.
Is boilerworks necessary? - Maybe sub for a fetch land?
Also a fan of Wildfire Devils

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