Passionate Archaeologist

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Passionate Archaeologist

Legendary Enchantment — Background

Commander creatures you own have "Whenever you cast a spell from exile, this creature deals damage equal to that spell's converted mana cost/mana value to target opponent."

Femme_Fatale on Official missing/incorrect card/token thread

1 month ago

m_tironi: The M15 border of Passionate Archaeologist only exists in foil when looking at storefronts, so the site is correct. The extended art of Passionate Archaeologistfoil is available on storefronts as normal/foil and the site has correctly marked them. Both show correctly in the text deck edit card search.

The bugs are to do with the portrayal of these in the deck itself and in this very comment, as it doesn't seem to be properly labelling the treatment. If you notice any others like this let us know.

m_tironi on Official missing/incorrect card/token thread

1 month ago

Borderless Passionate Archaeologist isn't showing the selected Nonfoil option "Normal Treatment" once in the deck page, but always only Foil.

Passionate Archaeologist comes in both Foil and Nonfoil version:

Coward_Token on Lost Caverns of Ixalan

8 months ago

Even outside of kindred decks, Roaming Throne is worth considering for non-blue trigger commanders who always wanted a Spark Double. Special mention goes to backgrounds like Passionate Archaeologist, because they work by giving your commander the ability rather than triggering on their own.

Optimator on Harry Du Bois Catchin' Cryptid Critters

8 months ago

Underrated commanders. Very fun.

Passionate Archaeologist works for all spells, so perhaps if you want to add more draw later you could consider Visions of Phyrexia, Outpost Siege, and Urabrask, Heretic Praetor. Green has tons of draw these days, but having a few effects that impulse-draw might be worth it. Reckless Impulse and Wrenn's Resolve are very efficient too.

seshiro_of_the_orochi on "You've Heard of Chaos Theory?"

9 months ago

This looks awesome, very cool! Thoughts on Passionate Archaeologist? I realize it can hurt you really bad if you happen to exile it with Jeff, but then again, having it in play seems pretty damn powerful.

seshiro_of_the_orochi on I don't know what's going on, but it is

1 year ago

This is a very cool list, I really like the idea here. I also have some suggestions for you:

Syr Carah, the Bold could be additional card draw for you. Passionate Archaeologist will be a constant source of damage. Tavern Brawler and Outpost Siege draw additional cards.

You already have Blazing Sunsteel + Brash Taunter/Stuffy Doll, so that's an infinite combo you can use to win. Coalhauler Swine is another "masochist" creature. Chain of Plasma can turn your hand into fuel, and the empty hand is something you could utilize via Ghirapur Orrery. One final creature to include is Stormwild Capridor.

Gidgetimer on Salty Commanders!

1 year ago

I was using Chrome and I checked it on Edge too. I have to take the browser out of full screen and make it a narrow window to be able to see everything.

Those are the all-in combo decks that I uploaded and think that the combo scores are low on. Additionally I'm really not sure what significance meta share has on weighing the salt of combos. To my mind Eternal Scourge+Food Chain (with a not included in the list Chulane) at adding 5 points would be the same level of salt from people as Chulane, Teller of Tales + Overburden + Shrieking Drake which is only adding 0.6. Both are infinite draw into a Thoracle. If anything an Overburden out for a turn cycle makes people saltier about the game when you spread the combo pieces over two turns.

Is the one that was including the non-existent Passionate Archaeologist in the Aggravated Assault combos. Though now the Aggravated Assault combos aren't showing at all. I looked at the combos on this non-combo deck since it was displaying as higher than the Chulane deck.

Gidgetimer on Salty Commanders!

1 year ago

General site problems:

The analytics page is broken on PC at (the now normal) 16:9 aspect ratio. The scroll boxes go out of the bottom of the window making the bottom item(s) unreadable. I haven't measured, but it seems that the widest ratio that it is usable is around the old spec of 4:3.

Problems with combo detection:

I have put two all-in combo decks in and gotten extremely low scores on the "combo" section. I realize you are using a third party for the combo list, but it seems to be very unevenly edited. I will work on submitting combos to the database that you are pulling from, but I am just warning that it is far from exhaustive.

For example Alluren+Shrieking Drake and Alluren+Chulane,Teller of Tales+Shrieking Drake are both listed but there is no mention of Cloudstone Curio being in any combo despite that being the most prevalent of the three interchangeable land bounces for Shrieking Drake combo in Chulane decks. Cloudstone also enables another 45 combos if we list out every combination of the 10 non-drake 1 drop creatures in the deck.

Passionate Archaeologist is also showing in the combos list despite not being in the deck it is showing in or even in the combos linked.

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