Reverse Engineer

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Reverse Engineer


Improvise (Your artifacts can help cast this spell. Each artifact you tap after you're done activating mana abilities pays for .)

Draw three cards.

DatShepTho on Elf & Monkey Money Laundering - R&R Treasures

1 month ago

Some of my favorite card draw spells in these colours are:

Fact or Fiction Most reliable

Seize the Spotlight Also gives treasures. The other choice isn't bad either

Expressive Iteration Gives more card selection. Best played before land-drop

Reverse Engineer. If you have treasures spare to tap.

Thoughtcast Efficient if you typically have => 3 artifacts in play

Tidings Straight card draw mid-late game. Mana efficient.

Wrenn's Resolve and Reckless Impulse Efficient impulse draw, the cards can be used next turn. Also gets around "card draw hate". Most efficient in low avg CMC decks.

Darb_the_Bard on A fistful of Myr [Urtet, Remnant of Memnarch]

1 year ago

Here are some other card draw options for artifact decks like this: Reality Heist,Thoughtcast, Reverse Engineer, and Universal Surveillance. The ones with multiple blue pips may not be great for a 5-color deck, but I would want to include them if I were to lean heavier into blue. Improvise seems especially great since you can cast them during your first main phase, then let Urtet untap your myrs during combat. Shimmer Dragon could be great for the same reason.

Looks like a fun deck! I may want to build it myself...

BringerOTBD on Breya, Etherium Shaper

1 year ago

Update: -Marionette Master / +Cyberdrive Awakener -Machine God's Effigy / +Imotekh the Stormlord -Blasphemous Act / +Their Name is Death -Disciple of the Vault / +Steel Overseer -Reverse Engineer / +Losheel, Clockwork Scholar -Bedevil / +Void Rend -Temple of Malice / +Cryptothrall -Temple of Enlightenment / +Optimus Prime, Hero  Flip -Temple of Deceit / +Thirst for Knowledge -Temple of Epiphany / +Shivan Reef

Notes: I chose Cryptothrall over Spellskite because they serve the same function, to protect your stuff, but Cryptothrall requires less effort. I put in Optimus because I wanted to experiment with him. Lastly, I'm keeping Austere Command in the deck since I like to have a board wipe that hits enchantments and artifacts.

keegcb on I Wanna Be a Billionaire, So F***** Bad

3 years ago

Beebles Here are my thoughts about your suggestions. I am very happy that you are sharing some of your great ideas. 1. Academy Manufactor : I absolutely LOVE this card, I didn't even think of this but it is incredible in this deck! It makes an additional two tokens every time I make a treasure... Seems very very good(super versatile)!! 2. Indomitable Creativity : It does seem fun (similar to warp world), but it is not the whole board like WW. So It forces you to invest into your tokens but it doesn't do anything to solve your opponents battlefields. So it is not great in this instance because you spend a turn to use it but then you're very open 3. Magda, Brazen Outlaw : She is lovely, and I actually had her in the OG list, but I thought about it and cut her. She is incredible for a treasure & dwarf deck but she is very slow and unreliable at producing treasures on her own. Plus, we are not playing a bunch of actual game changing artifacts (at least none that we want to trash 5 tokens for). 4. Shimmer Dragon : I agree, this is great for turning treasures into that nice draw, I love it and I may need to find some cuts to slip it in. 5. Reverse Engineer & Thoughtcast : These are perfect for draw and I included them in the OG list, but I cut them because they were non-permanent spells (a whiff on a Warp World). These are definitely viable draw options that can be added depending on what we can cut after playing a card. 6. Ghirapur AEther Grid : This is actually an incredible card for this deck. We turn those artifacts into a damage. This is something I love but it does take 2 artifact to utilize the ability. I feel like there are other viable cards for this slot that just hit harder and aren't win-more like this one. But I have seen this card absolutely win games and it really makes me want to put it in. It is still super effective, even if you're just making some meh artifact tokens. 7. Hidden Stockpile : I'm so so torn on this card. I have played it in an Alesha artifact deck and it's nice, but the worst part is that it is a single servo. I can sac a treasure and that's great, but if I sac more than one it doesn't matter; I'm only getting one artifact token. It's just way too slow for what we want to do, it also forces us to pay into the scry which is not what we want to devote mana to.

Beebles on I Wanna Be a Billionaire, So F***** Bad

3 years ago

Nice deck! Good to see a different take on a similar idea :). As a fellow treasure tribal deck maker, these are some cards you could consider:

Hope there are some tips there you like!



Ferpie on Low budget Esper Artifacts

3 years ago

I actually researched for A LOT of possible cards, I just can't realize wich path I should follow: control or creature focused. Since my intention isn't having a graveyard populated with artifacts (maybe with spells I used to control my opponent) I think Mirrodin Besieged doesn't fit, and Sai, Master Thopterist (as Academy Ruins ) don't match my intended budget.

To be fair: I gave it more thought and decided to focus more on control, so Ornithopter and Signal Pest are kind of redundant to add. Although, RIDDLE SMITH and Vedalken Archmage seem like viable drawing options besides Reverse Engineer . But there's a problem: Scourglass . That would make Riddle Smith and Vedalken Archmage a waste. Besides the fact that they're not artifacts so they don't benefit from my bonuses (both the +1/+1 and the casting reduction cost).

I ended up with a new version of the deck, I just can't decide what should I drop so I can get 3 Shimmer Myr and 3 or 4 Dispatch into the deck:

zapyourtumor on cheerio prowess jank

3 years ago

Nevermind after more testing I think you definitely need the paladins, just having 4x cheerio effects doesn't give you enough draw consistency. Also, Hurkyl's Recall is better than Reverse Engineer and also screws up artifact decks like whirza or hardened scales affinity.

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