Whispering Specter

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Whispering Specter

Creature — Phyrexian Specter

Flying Infect Whenever Whispering Specter deals combat damage to a player, you may sacrifice it. If you do, that player discards a card for each poison counter he or she has.

Kazierts on Pushing Poison

2 years ago

After reading your comment taking another look at your deck, I realized it has 70 cards. While, as I said, I don't intend to change your deckbuilding style, you should basically never go above 60 cards, unless your deck runs Yorion, Sky Nomad or Battle of Wits.

Your deckbuilding guidelines are quite interesting. Here's a few things I'd like to mention regarding them:

  • First, a compliment so it doesn't like I'm just criticizing everything. What you mentioned about legendary creatures is basically the correct way to play with them, in most cases. Too many can brick you and too few makes them hard to draw.

  • While, in some cases, it's good a backup windocondition, that does not apply to every archetype, Infect included. Because of the Infect keyword, the literally doesn't care about the opponent's life total. So, when you suddenly try to change to hit their life total with one or two creatures that don't have Infect, you're basically starting everything from scratch in the middle of a game. This goes into my next point which is your fear of hate cards.

  • I completely understand some cards that can shut your deck down are scary, but I feel like you're letting your fear get in the way of your deck. I'll use my deck as example. My manabase is almost completely made of nonbasic lands, yet Blood Moon doesn't scare me. Why? I have Thoughtseize and Inquisition of Kozilek. If that's not enough, then I also have Ratchet Bomb in my sideboard. Melira, Sylvok Outcast? Fatal Push, Damn, Collective Brutality and Liliana of the Veil all deal with it. My point is there multiple ways to deal with threats that don't force you into an extremely narrow path. Also, if you're playing Modern, no one will use Back to Basics because it's not legal. This also goes into my next point, which is the mana effiency.

  • Despite you saying you like to be mana effienct, a lot of cards here aren't. As I mentioned, some of them basically do nothing. Some actually do, but are overcoste, even in you examples. Sage's Row Denizen is very inefficient because mill decks like to turbo mill (which is something I personally don't like). This means the best mill creatures are Ruin Crab and Hedron Crab. When we come fo poisoning opponents, that's why Hand of the Praetors sees basically zero play outside of commander. Usually people just cast a Glistener Elf turn 1 and a Scale Up turn 2. Also, you're looking at the ratio, but not the usefulness of the creature. Sure, Cystbearer costs the same, manawise, as a Rot Wolf, but is incredibly worse.

If you want to follow this path of winning bast cast infect creatures with the hand on the field, then:

I understand if the above mentioned are a bit above your budget. A lot of these Infect cards haven't had a reprint yet.

I love when people go for nonstandard builds of decks. I hope you cam improve this without sacrificing too much of your own style.

StopShot on Innistrad: Midnight Hunt and Crimson …

2 years ago

@Coward_Token, Normally I'd agree that dragons are overused and I personally can not forgive them for what they did to Tarkir, but I got to make an exception for Innistrad dragons. Innistrad dragons just have this feel about them that really makes them fit on the plane. Take these ones for example based on their art:

Balefire Dragon

Moonveil Dragon

Archwing Dragon

Mirrorwing Dragon

Versus how core set dragons look:

Hellkite Punisher

Rapacious Dragon

Demanding Dragon

Scourge of Valkas

Innistrad dragons feel like what dragons should be, incredibly rare and beyond comprehension. The dragons don't take away or compete with the zombies or vampires or werewolves or the other niche horrors that terrorize the humans. They exist not to hoard gold, break castles or burn crops, they exist just to be scary. Dragons in other sets are fat flying dinosaurs that act like fat flying dinosaurs, but Innistrad dragons act and feel like specters just by their art, its like they're trying to mimic the same feel you get when you look at the art for Hypnotic Specter or Whispering Specter . I like Innistrad's spin on Dragons and I hope we do see one, because they're usually worth it unlike anywhere else where they would be found.

Also why the heck is specter not a creature type on the Innistrad plane? If this is how Innistrad does dragons I'd love to see how Innistrad does specters.

Mortlocke on New hubs to be added

3 years ago

Hello legendofa,

I propose a new hub to be added: Phyrexian. During Modern Horizons 2, 225 creatures were retconned into having the Phyrexian creature subtype to join Vorinclex, Monstrous Raider . Additionally, there were a smattering of Enchantments, Artifacts and etc that ether have the Phyrexian subtype or create creature tokens that do. Thanks to this retcon I now have a deck that has a Phyrexian tribal theme. For your reference, below is a full list of spells that were affected by WotC's Phyrexian errata.

Source: https://mtg.fandom.com/wiki/Phyrexian

amicdeep on Monoblack Infect [Competitive]

3 years ago

with very limited pump spells, have you considered Swamp Mosquito over the myr, it provides a second evasize flyer for the same cmc

that said i would probably want to go a little more midrange and run Skithiryx, the Blight Dragon and Whispering Specter spector is devastating if they've taken only a few counters and is directly in Unearth range. the dragon is the card i want to be playing after a board wipe (or before if you can regen it)

Yawgmoth, Thran Physician could also be another effective wincon, being able to just discard to win, and also kill off problematic combo creatures is useful.

lastly the package the deck could really use is Karn, the Great Creator, wishboard, with Contagion Clasp, the myr and sword in sb seems strong, while providing the deck with more silver bullets and ways to protect itself.

it's really a shame that astrolabe was banned as i could see there being a really good build with Dead of Winter astrolabe, scrying sheets and Throne of Geth

i don't like the current expertise boardwipe, im tempted to say Bontu's Last Reckoning

i know it may seem silly but you may want to seriously consider Profane Command, removal, reanimation and mass evasion is really strong

SeanmanX on Space Aids

4 years ago

Digging the first pass of the deck I would try to go all-in on the infect theme and ditch some of the +1/+1 counter focused cards. Would make the deck feel a lot more consistent in games played.

I also see some cards that give brokkos some form of evasion, its worth noting that brokkos already has a pseudo-evasion like effect by naturally having trample, which deters people from blocking anyways, I feel that the additional evasion effects via creatures to mutate onto seems a bit extra.

I reccomend removing these:

  • Merfolk Skydiver - +1/+1 theme, its nice for a 5 mana proliferation sink but I feel its too clunky
  • Pollenbright Druid - A one time proliferate is likely too cute for this deck
  • Polukranos, Unchained - +1/+1 counter themed, I see the argument for mutating onto a huge creature with +1/+1 counters, but polukranos also shrinks really quickly
  • Elusive Tormentor  Flip is a nice unblockable threat, but we're winning by going to bash town with infect damage, rather than an unblockable 6/7
  • Silhana Ledgewalker Another pseudo-unblockable threat.
  • Toothy, Imaginary Friend I likely would only play this card with Pir, Imaginative Rascal, seems very off theme from what you're trying to do aside from giving itself counters.
  • Yeva, Nature's Herald This card only gives your green creatures flash, I dont think its really worth it... otherwise I would be super on board
  • Blighted Agent is a human and you cannot mutate onto it. I'm not sure if you want to keep it in the deck as an extra infect threat, or go all in on the mutate plan.
  • Relic Putrescence feels way too narrow just for giving its controller a single poison counter
  • Simic Ascendancy Is a +1/+1 card that I dont see as a viable backup plan
  • Leyline of Anticipation It's nice casting things at instant speed but that isnt really the theme of the deck, if folks have instant speed removal they will likely use it anyways and this wont get you many bonus points
  • Golgari Charm What is this for? Removing 1/1s? Brokkos has trample and your infect creatures might have 1 toughness... regenerating brokkos? Just mutate again..

Cards I would consider adding:

Since you're looking for more Destroy effects, Card draw effects, and counter effects, consider the following:

There are a few different land ramp spells I may play, but those are likely out of budget. For the remainder of the cuts I reccomend taking out the worst infect creatures, and possibly some of your land ramp spells

multimedia on Snapdax, Apex of Mutation

4 years ago

Hey, first version of Snapdax I've seen.

The double strike of Snapdax makes a mutated flying infect creature very deadly. Mutating Plague Stinger or Whispering Specter for instance. Infect is however not a fun type of deck for casual Commander, but it's an option if that's not a problem in your playgroup.

Darksteel Myr and Adanto Vanguard have indestructible protection from most removal when they mutate. Mother of Runes is repeatable protection to safely mutate or it can protect the mutated creature in combat or make it unblockable before combat.

Flying is the best other ability to pair with double strike. Needle Specter, Drana, Liberator of Malakir and Vampire Nighthawk are flying creatures to mutate. Needle has a busted combat damage trigger when it has a lot of power. Drana when she does combat damage to a player because of double strike can put two +1/+1 counters on the mutated creature as well as any other attacking creatures. Nighthawk mutates into real threat with flying, double strike, lifelink, deathtouch.

Abilities that trigger when you do combat damage to a player trigger twice with double strike. Needle Specter and Drana, Liberator of Malakir can take advantage of this so can several other cards. Mask of Memory, draws four cards and discard two cards. Azra Oddsmaker, discard one card, draw four cards and it can choose itself. Grenzo, Havoc Raiser, double strike triggers this guy twice.

Swords to Plowshares and Generous Gift are removal spells to consider adding. Open the Armory can tutor for an equipment. Exotic Orchard, Caves of Koilos, Battlefield Forge, Dragonskull Summit, Isolated Chapel, Clifftop Retreat are lands to consider adding.

Good luck with your deck.

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