Deadly Rollick

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Deadly Rollick


If you control a commander, you may cast this card without paying its mana cost.

Exile target creature.

Mortlocke on The Queen's Egg

1 month ago


Hibernation Sliver is a deterrent. It boasts to my opponents that their removal is useless as a targeted "problem sliver" will simply show up again. The truth is i've never found myself wanting to use this ability simply because there are better alternatives in the deck in the form of Crystalline Sliver or a simple Counterspell. Additionally, I've owned Deadly Rollickfoil since it was released because I absolutely love the art. It's evocative of the earlier days in magic when the art was dark, sinister, and seductive. Speaking of seductive - Judith is hot. The art absolutely speaks to me - and what it says I'm sure I can't say in public.

Side Rant - I took this deck to a tournament over the weekend. It was advertised as a Commander tournament with prizes and no restrictions outside of the standard Commander banlist. Additionally, once you used a deck you had to stick with it throughout the whole tournament. Unbeknownst to me, a herd of cEDH players showed up and were crushing tables on turns 2 to 3 with regular consistency - they assumed it was a cEDH tournament, according to on of my opponents. After having one very exciting game I realized that while this deck is decidedly not one of the archetypes, it could at least leave an impact on a cEDH game. So I think I want to squeeze in some more interaction just to ensure that this deck could at least consistently hang at a cEDH table. So, that's the other reason why I wanted to slot in Deadly Rollick. Also i'm trying to slot in a copy of Flusterstorm. It's a great spell and just got the foil old borderfoil treatment in MH3 as a buy a box promo. I'm trying to decide on what to slot it in for, but i'm having a tough time deciding on what to cut. Do you have any ideas Flodes?

That's the end of my long rant, thanks again for commenting.

Edit: Made a few changes due to bad grammar/spelling

Mortlocke on The Queen's Egg

1 month ago


Hibernation Sliver is a deterrent. It boasts to my opponents that their removal is useless as a targeted "problem sliver" will simply show up again. But, I've never used once while owning the deck. I've never found myself wanting to use this ability simply because there are already better alternatives in the deck in the form of Crystalline Sliver or a simple Counterspell. Additionally, I've owned Deadly Rollick since it was released because I absolutely love the art. It's evocative of the earlier days in magic when the art was dark, sinister, and seductive. Speaking of seductive - Judith is hot. The art absolutely speaks to me - and what it says I'm sure I can't say in public.

Side Rant - I took this deck to a tournament over the weekend. It was advertised as a Commander tournament with prizes and no restrictions outside of the standard Commander banlist. Additionally, once you used a deck you had to stick with it throughout the whole tournament. Unbeknownst to me, a herd of cEDH players showed up and were crushing tables on turns 2 to 3 with regular consistency - they assumed it was a cEDH tournament, according to on of my opponents. After having one very exciting game I realized that while this deck is decidedly not one of the archetypes, it could at least leave an impact on a cEDH game. So I think I want to squeeze in some more interaction just to ensure that this deck could at least consistently hang at a cEDH table. So, that's the other reason why I wanted to slot in Deadly Rollick. Also i'm trying to slot in a copy of Flusterstorm. That spell is pretty cool, and in MH3 a foil old borderfoil copy was printed. I'm trying to decide on what to slot it in for, but i'm having a tough time deciding on what to cut. Do you have any ideas Flodes? That's the end of my long rant, thanks again for commenting.

Flodes on The Queen's Egg

1 month ago

Cool to see you added Deadly Rollick, but I was curious to hear how you decided on cutting Hibernation Sliver in particular.

HeavenlyAxe on

4 months ago

Hey Indie,

First off I really like the lands you have assembled and the suggestions from SufferFromEDHD are all good.

You are definitely going to want an artifact ramp package.

Sol Ring, Mana Crypt, Arcane Signet, Fellwar Stone, Gilded Lotus, Thran Dynamo

Special Mention to Nyx Lotus, it could be good being in mono black. and Jeweled Lotus, pays for your commander for free on turn 1 even.

Sword of the Animist is not bad ramp at all and buffs yours rats

Commander's Plate might be cute.

Liliana of the Dark Realms, makes sure you always get a land drop and could make your swamps tap for four.

Chittering Witch if your playing with more opponents.

Crypt Ghast is sort of ramp, but doubles your swamps. Very good in mono black.

Dauthi Voidwalker is not on theme at all but is just sooo much value in a two cost card I have to recommend it.

God-Eternal Bontu is excellent draw power in the right situation.

Dont forget you can run any number of Relentless Rats

Gray Merchant of Asphodel will heal you up a lot and hurt your opponents

Krav, the Unredeemed is also great card draw.

Yawgmoth, Thran Physician, has card draw, removal, and proliferate all on one card

Deadly Rollick, potentially free removal

Defile, cheap good removal

Thrilling Encore saves you from a board wipe or lets you bring everything back after sacrificing it all to like God-Eternal Bontu

Phyrexian Arena some ok card draw.

Bojuka Bog if you are worried about graveyards

Mutilate, a good board wipe in mono black

Night's Whisper, Read the Bones, Sign in Blood, are a great draw package for mono black

Toxic Deluge a great board wipe for when things need resetting, and you could follow with Thrilling Encore and get it all back

Syphon Mind is great draw if your playing with more players

Victimize - is really really strong, get rid of one weak thing for two of your best things

Yawgmoth's Will - lets you treat your graveyard like your hand for a turn

Lord Skitter, Sewer King makes rats

Marrow-Gnawer - lets you make lots of rats

Infectious Inquiry - good draw and gives poison

Ogre Slumlord - makes rats when your creatures or your opponents creatures die.

Tangled Colony - if your opponent has to block it or it dies to like Blasphemous Act will make you rats

Vraska's Fall removal and poison counter

Drown in Ichor removal and poison

Bontu's Monument all your creatures cost less

Rat Colony can have any number and they buff themselves, and cost less mana than Relentless Rats

Typhoid Rats deathtouch rat opponents wont want to block

Crypt Rats can board wipe but can also win the game if you give it infect, doesnt work with your commander because toxic specifies combat damage but does work if you give it infect and deal damage with it's ability.

Ratcatcher tutors rats, and gives you card advantage

Ashcoat of the Shadow Swarm - buffs your rats and lets you get rats back

Wave of Rats has blitz and reanimates itself

Ink-Eyes, Servant of Oni rat that steals opponents stuff

Nashi, Moon Sage's Scion rat that steals opponents stuff

Adaptive Automaton is a rat and buffs rats

Okiba-Gang Shinobi rat makes opponents discard and has ninjutsu

Filth gives all your rats swampwalk pairs well with Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth

Dark Ritual lets your get a head start or some extra mana a turn you need it

Tainted Strike instant speed infect, funny in multiplayer because you can use it on anyone's creatures.

Phyresis Outbreak gives poison and might kill opponents creatures

Feed the Swarm enchantment removal in black

Vat Emergence gets a creature back and proliferates

Spread the Sickness destroys a creatures and proliferates

Pact of the Serpent strong tribal card draw

Living Death swap graveyards with battlefields, great after sacrificing your whole board to draw cards

Skullclamp sack small rats for card draw

Thrumming Stone if you go the Relentless Rats or Rat Colony route

Coat of Arms your rats will be huge

Bolas's Citadel this card is dumb lol, lots of casting power and then you hit Gray Merchant of Asphodel and keep going lol

Icon of Ancestry kinda draw buffs ok

Contagion Engine proliferate twice each time you activate

Eldrazi Monument gives creatures flying indestructible and +1/+1

Grafted Exoskeleton gives a creature infect, great with Crypt Rats

Sword of Truth and Justice proliferate sword

Bad Moon buff all black creatures, opponents too

Phyresis gives infect again good with Crypt Rats

Greed card draw

Vraska, Betrayal's Sting proliferate planes walker

I know that's a lot but hopefully gave you some ideas to work with!

Mortlocke on Indoraptor Combo

7 months ago

Apologies for taking so long to make a reply, life is busy and all. Before going into your deck, i'll speak on what I think are the ideal cards for your commander, Indoraptor, the Perfect Hybrid. This deck's primary wincons appear to be death by Commander Damage, as your Commander grows exponentially when it's Cast under the right conditions. The Enrage trigger is meant to deal with the opponents left after the initial shock of blowing up one opponent after the combat step.

In my opinion, your deck seems close - but misses the mark when supporting your commander's themes. Some of your cards seem a little too divergent from a nice central theme which I believe is or should be a form of group slug. However, you will break pairity through your commander's enrage ability. Obviously this won't earn you many friends but when you throw around enough damage friends may not even be necessary.

Objectively, your deck has all the usual suspects when it comes to solid reliable options that help with consistency. Demonic Tutor, Grim Tutor, etc are always the best options when you have available to you. Same for the other colors. Good job on making sure you have your options available to you when you need them. Great manabase as well - you've picked essentially all the best options. I would however advise a word of caution regarding the inclusions of Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth and Yavimaya, Cradle of Growth - fixing your opponents manabase can push them multiple turns ahead as well and cost you the game. I'd typically recommend cutting these unless you can break pairty and find a use for them that far outstrips the benefit to your opponents (e.g. include Cabal Coffers for urborg).

As painful as it is to cut or change themes, here are the cards I think would better suit your commander:

  • Caltrops: A reliable method to trigger your commander when Pyrohemia or Pestilence isn't on the field. it also punishes opponents as well. However, a word of caution here - if you can't deal damage to opponents before you cast your commander, then this will result in a nonbo or anti-synergy. Take or leave this one.

  • Rite of Passage: Enrage naturally wants to kill creatures off, so why not make that an advantage for you and break pairty?

  • Roaming Throne: Double up on triggers.

  • Wrathful Raptors: Double up on triggers.

  • Raging Regisaur: Did I say Double up on triggers? I feel like I haven't.

  • Fiery Confluence: When you simply need to get another trigger from your commander.

  • Forerunner of the Empire: The tutor effect is neat for when you need to get another Dinosaur - but what's really great is his second ability which you guessed it - gets you another trigger from your commander when said other Dino hits the battlefield.

  • Assassin's Trophy/Beast Within: Your deck doesn't have very much interaction, which will lead to situations where you will find yourself wanting to do something about a problematic card - but unable to do so.

  • Deflecting Swat/Deadly Rollick: The free cast spells are great in any deck - and thanks to the "recently" released commander masters these cards are cheaper than they've ever been.

  • Compy Swarm: This creature will get your consistent Dinosaur ETB triggers as your opponent's creatures die off from Pyrohemia and the like triggers.

  • Plague Spitter: It does what Pyrohemia and Pestilence does - with caveats. With the effect being only once per turn

  • but free, you don't have to worry about keeping mana open to use it. But it's on a body and can be easily removed.

  • Ranging Raptors: As you are using Enrage, why not ramp while you're at it?

  • Sword of Hearth and Home: Given your commander's first ability is an ETB trigger, when not have the option of potentially increasing it's power and toughness after a particularly vicious turn? The ramp also doesn't hurt to boot. The best part though, is that you don't have to target your commander - need another creature to ETB so you can trigger something else? You can do that too.

  • The Ozolith: This is obviously an expensive suggestion - and I don't know your budget. But this card has some very obvious synergy with your Commander that would definitely make all those recasts worth it - and you know you'll be recasting your commander.

The Proliferate/Poison cards are an interesting method of dealing with opponents early - but this theme unfortunately requires much more cards to be built around it to work in my opinion. Proliferating the +1/+1 counters and the poison counters already on an opponent is great and all - but I don't think that will create consistently lasting and reliable game states that are favorable to you. It only takes a single piece of interaction to make the whole process fall, and that interaction only needs to target your single point of failure - your commander.

You have a solid deck, but I think over time as you play it in pods and ponder your themes you may make make some changes or tweaks. I hope my card suggestions are something useful to you. +1 from me, if I haven't already.

Michigone on Isshin for a Fight

11 months ago

Finally picked up a copy of Deadly Rollick, and I want to test it out in the deck. I figured the removal spell that ramped was a better cut to make than the spell that provided life, as mana is the more valuable commodity.

Change Log 08-Aug-2023

Cut/Move to Maybeboard:

Add/Move to Mainboard:

DemonDragonJ on Commander Masters Previews and Speculation

1 year ago

Previews for this set have officially begun! Does anyone else have anything to say about them?

I am very glad to see that The Immortal Sun is finally being reprinted, so it shall now be affordable, and the reprint of Archfiend of Despair likely means that I shall now be able to obtain a foil copy of it for a reasonable price.

I am not happy to see Cyclonic Rift or the free spells from Ikoria reprinted (i.e., Deadly Rollick or Obscuring Haze), but I am very glad tos ee the confluence cycle being reprinted.

I am glad to see the medallion cycle be reprinted, but I actually would like to see the familiar cycle (i.e., Sunscape Familiar, Nightscape Familiar, and so forth) be reprinted, at some point, as well.

Shazica on

1 year ago

I have a very similar deck with Reyhan, Last of the Abzan and Ishai, Ojutai Dragonspeaker as commanders. I was looking into having Atraxa as a commander instead, but Atraxa is infamous for being a very strong creature that amasses tons of scary, unpredictable value - it is a poison deck? Is it a +1/+1 counters deck? Is it a superfriends deck? Most often, you will find that the other players have Rule 0-ed you as the archenemy before the game begins.

There are two things you can do about this. You can either rise up to the challenge, or you can change commander.

If you want to take on the challenge of constant Archenemy because you want to keep Atraxa, then you have multiple cards that are too weak. Some of which are Arcus Acolyte, the three Myojins, Pollenbright Druid, Murder, Magistrate's Scepter, Chromatic Lantern, Vivisurgeon's Insight, and Expand the Sphere for starters. There are probably 10-20 more I would consider cutting, since these are too casual for the level of play you're signaling with Atraxa. Instead, run low-mana spells like Nature's Lore, Night's Whisper, Fierce Guardianship, Heroic Intervention, Flawless Maneuver, Deadly Rollick, Mystic Remora, Cyclonic Rift, Negate, Swan Song, the WUBG shock lands with their fetches, the list goes on... This won't make your deck cEDH, this will make it more reliable, reactive, and consistent in answering most of your opponents stuff.

If you want to change commanders, you can go for Falco Spara, Pactweaver for value, Anafenza, the Foremost for aggressive, Ghave, Guru of Spores for combo, or the partner pairings of Cazur, Ruthless Stalker  Flip + Ukkima, Stalking Shadow, or Nikara, Lair Scavenger + Yannik, Scavenging Sentinel. All of these will force you to abandon a fourth color, but restriction breeds creativity...?

Side note 1: You can still run Atraxa in the 99, that is a more commonly accepted usage.

Side note 2: You have two Ivy Lane Denizen.

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