Azra Oddsmaker

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Azra Oddsmaker

Creature — Azra Warrior

At the beginning of combat on your turn, you may discard a card. If you do, choose a creature. Whenever that creature deals combat damage to a player this turn, you draw two cards.

Worrad75 on Attack-harmonicon

1 year ago

Reposting but with proper hyperlinks


Mardu Ascendancy

As previously mentioned, this card is nuts.

Mother of Runes

double wammy of helping us get in for damage or protecting our key pieces from removal

Swift Reconfiguration

1 mana ultra flexible spell. Protect your piece from a creature removal or board wipe. Blank a single attacker by removing it from combat. If you haven't tried it already, try this card. It will save your ass.

Audacious Thief

Need card draw, its as simple as that.

Azra Oddsmaker

There's usually a card in my hand that I dont mind discarding to draw 2. This deck naturally wants to get through for damage, but if this underperforms I could see it getting cut.

Blessed Hippogriff

Rare example of an innocuous card that impresssed me in draft that I want to try in constructed play. 1 mana protection for a key piece, which then gives you a solid flying body that helps smaller threats stay relevant in the mid- to late-game. 2-for-1 that fits the theme.

Aggravated Assault

This is the best extra combat spell available, and its not close. There's a handful of attack-based treasure token creators in the deck, so this can go infinite/semi infinite with relative ease.

Dowsing Dagger  Flip

I've always thought this card looked sick, so I'm testing it. Not super psyched about giving my opponents blockers, but here we are.


This deck draws a LOT of ire at the table once it gets going. I have found that the lifegain on Mishra, Claimed by Gix  Meld has been an allstar if I'm racing other aggressive decks, so I want to add another effect that can help. Shadowspear also adds utility as this deck is a bit low on trample, and the hexproof/indestructible silver bullet is bound to come up.


Moraug, Fury of Akoum, Port Razer, and Response / Resurgence

I am an extra combats enjoyer. That being said, these particular effects seem clunky after testing. Port Razer needs haste enabling and evasion in order to unlock its full potential, which is a high bar to clear for a 5 drop (and if I have those things ready, I'm probably already in a good position). Moroug is a tougher cut, but this deck just simply isn't built to take full advantage of repeated land ETB. Response//Resurgence was the hardest cut, and might be coming back in the future; the flexibility has been excellent in testing.

Pitiless Plunderer

This was by far my worst card in terms of ceiling-to-floor ratio. High end was having this plus a sac outlet and a ton of tokens. Low end was 4 mana for a 1/4. It feels too reliant on me drawing other specific pieces.

Company Commander + Myrel, Shield of Argive

The soldier tribal dream will live on, just not here. Both of these (in particular Myrel) are 4 drops that feel too slow without external setup


I have moved 3 cards to sideboard because I don't have the physical cards yet, and therefore haven't gotten to play test them yet:

-> Anger

-> Laelia, the Blade Reforged

-> Cursed Mirror

multimedia on Strefan and his vampires

1 year ago

Hey, Creeping Bloodsucker is a new Vamp in the latest set Jumpstart 2022. It's a two drop repeatable no mana cost source of Blood with Strefan.

Braids, Arisen Nightmare is another newish card who's very good in multiplayer Commander for repeatable draw. Draw a card for each opponent who didn't sac, that helps to keep your hand full of Vamps to cheat onto the battlefield with Strefan. It too can be a repeatable no mana cost source of Blood by sacing a Blood token or Vamp. You can stack the beginning of end step triggers to resolve Braids first and then Strefan, that way you create Blood for each opponent who lose 2 life from Braids.

In Rakdos when your Commander has flying and you want to attacking with it then Azra Oddsmaker and Mask of Memory are good repeatable draw sources. No mana cost repeatable draw like this can really help to have Vamps in your hand to cheat with Stefan.

Chaos Warp and Feed the Swarm are important removal in Rakdos because they can remove an enchantment. I'm also a fan of Reverberate in Rakdos since it can copy an opponent's instant or sorcery which could be removal. Enchantments that restrict you from attacking can slow you to a halt or wreck you if you don't have some way to remove it. Stefan cheating a Vamp onto the battlefield from your hand tapped and attacking does get around Ghostly Prison effect, but that's only one Vamp on your turn and you'll have to pay mana to attack with Stefan.

Good luck with your deck.

multimedia on Be'lakor Demons

1 year ago

Hey, Satoru Umezawa is spicy tech. Some other tech to consider is Zagras, Thief of Heartbeats? Makes it so with Belakor any Demon who ETB can kill any creature it targets with damage. Belakor + Great Unclean One is a machine gun with Zagras.

How about adding a few lower mana cost Demons with evasion to help to get through for ninjutsu? These can also help to get more Demons on the battlefield quicker for Belakor draw.

Loot, more entomb effects and expanding on reanimation are more ways to get Demons on the battlefield quicker, relying less on ramp.

Emergence Zone is helpful with Liliana's Contract. It's mana before you want it as a flash source. Flash allows Contract to be on the battlefield much less time then not which gives you more chances of winning with Contract.

Good luck with your deck.

llamahero on Treasure Zoo

2 years ago

Infinite-ish Combat: Hellkite Charger + Savage Ventmaw

Infinite Combat #1: Hellkite Charger+Savage Ventmaw+Wulfgar of Icewind Dale with infinite /

Infinite Combat #2: Hellkite Charger + Grand Warlord Radha + 5 additional creatures. More than 5 additional makes infinite /

Infinite Combat Extras:

-add Azra Oddsmaker or Gallia of the Endless Dance to draw entire deck.

-add Ognis, the Dragon's Lash for infinite tapped treasures

-add Professional Face-Breaker for infinite untapped treasures and impulse draws

-add Legion Warboss for infinite hasty Goblin 1/1 R

Shock Persist Combo: Murderous Redcap + Falkenrath Aristocrat or Immersturm Predator + Grumgully, the Generous or Rhythm of the Wild, choosing +1/+1

Bramblecrush Persist Combo: Woodfall Primus + Falkenrath Aristocrat or Immersturm Predator + Grumgully, the Generous or Rhythm of the Wild, choosing +1/+1

Persist Combo Extra:

PhocusEnergy on World at War

2 years ago

sixteenbiticon A quick update to my last comment - also, do keep in mind this list is tuned to a $100-budget playlist. At my table, there aren't many lists that can do significant damage in the first few turns, and the ones that can usually become the focus of the table to respond to, letting me ramp and drop some of my 3-4 drop creatures without much of an issue. If your table has a higher budget or simply faster decks, you can definitely lower the CMC to speed yourself up and provide yourself some extra cushion early on. Some early creatures I'd suggest for a lower CMC list (that won't destroy your budget):

  • Grim Flayer - Good early blocker that evens out your draws and gets bigger later.

  • Hapatra, Vizier of Poisons - A card I'm always on the precipice of including, a 2-drop that will weaken or kill your opponents early creatures and provide you with deathtouch blockers is extremely good.

  • Mindblade Render - It's a 1/3 that draws you cards for 2 mana. Nothing not to like.

  • Varragoth, Bloodsky Sire - an early deathtouch blocker that can let you tutor for cards if you start getting hits in.

  • Krenko, Tin Street Kingpin - A card that routinely pops up in this list when Varchild gets a bit too pricey for the budget. An early card that can start building up a host of tokens to help you block.

  • Virtus the Veiled - Deathtouch blocker that is absolutely disgusting early in the game. I don't use him specifically because my playgroup already hates me enough for playing Spawnwrithe.

  • Dreamstealer - A chump blocker if you drop him for 3, but get that Eternalize off in a post-Thantis field and oh boy.

  • Azra Oddsmaker - Probably the weakest suggestion here, but figured I'd include it anyways. Her trigger is pretty consistent to hit in this list with Thantis out, but she's hit-or-miss before that.

multimedia on Chainer Nightmare Reanimator

2 years ago

Hey, if you're wanting to take your deck into 8 or more power level (PL) then you really need to decide how you want to win the game? At 8 PL or higher to win infinite combos are the way to go. Chainer doesn't need to be a piece of the combo, his discard can be an enabler. Since Chainer cares about creatures then using combos that involve creatures is best.

Some creatures to play for combos: Worldgorger Dragon, Mikaeus, the Unhallowed, Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker, Gravecrawler, Blood Artist, Zulaport Cutthroat, Walking Ballista, Murderous Redcap, Pitiless Plunderer, Dualcaster Mage, Reassembling Skeleton.

Some enablers for combos to play: Viscera Seer, Carrion Feeder, Goblin Bombardment, Altar of Dementia, Phyrexian Altar, Ashnod's Altar, Animate Dead, Dance of the Dead, Necromancy, Twinflame or Heat Shimmer.

Some win conditions for the combos: Blood Artist, Zulaport Cutthroat, Walking Ballista, Murderous Redcap, Zealous Conscripts, Gray Merchant of Asphodel, Dualcaster Mage, Purphoros, God of the Forge, Mayhem Devil, Goblin Bombardment, Bontu's Monument, Aetherflux Reservoir, Sunscorched Desert, Impact Tremors, Cut / Ribbons(Ribbions), Torment of Hailfire.

Some cards to play to protect combo: Deflecting Swat, Tibalt's Trickery, Pyroblast, Red Elemental Blast, Dualcaster Mage, Reverberate.

Beyond combos some other good creatures to play: Dockside Extortionist, Magus of the Wheel, K'rrik, Son of Yawgmoth, Crypt Ghast, Plaguecrafter, Dualcaster Mage.

Expanding on loot can help to draw and get creatures faster into your graveyard: Buried Alive, Magus of the Wheel, Cathartic Reunion, Thrill of Possibility, Tormenting Voice, Azra Oddsmaker, Sire Of Insanity, Seize the Spoils.

Expanding on fast mana and/or big mana producers helps to have more mana to cast more spells which can assemble combos faster: Dockside Extortionist, K'rrik, Son of Yawgmoth, Crypt Ghast, Mana Crypt, Dark Ritual, Rite of Flame, Cabal Ritual, Burnt Offering, Sacrifice.

If you're interested in any of these suggestions then I offer more advice in another comment that includes further explaining the combos, more card advice as well as cuts to consider.

Good luck with your deck.

DrukenReaps on How do you create card-draw …

2 years ago

I'd be careful about having too much card draw that is reliant on your deck working. Having draw that just draws because it draws is often going to turn a game from not going well to being a little better.

In that vein I recommend Endless Atlas , Necropotence , Greed , Phyrexian Arena

To be more on theme the following work well Theater of Horrors , Stromkirk Occultist , Neheb, Dreadhorde Champion , Azra Oddsmaker , Anje's Ravager , Greven, Predator Captain

Take a look at a similar but more established commander for ideas too Kardur, Doomscourge

And there might be better options here than what I listed as I was mostly looking through my madness deck for some things to fit your needs Karazikar, the Eye Tyrant

I generally recommend around 15 card advantage total but you can go significantly lighter when your commander draws.

StopShot on Alesha, Who Smiles At Death and (s)Taxes [Primer]

3 years ago

I agree that Esper Sentinel is better suited as a tax piece than it is draw value, but I’ve been brainstorming what secondary card could help boost the draw potential of it and I think the best card to compliment it is Sword of Light and Shadow . Making the tax may be too disruptive for most players to want to pay, but it also gives the Sentinel protection from two prominent removal colors and provides a cheap recursion method to get him back as recurring a 1/1 with no evasion through your commander may be too much to ask.

Even without the Sentinel it looks like your deck has a number of other targets that look more suitable to recur with the sword than with your commander such as: Azra Oddsmaker , Linvala, Keeper of Silence , Sire Of Insanity as well as your tax pieces that lack evasion especially since the added protection the sword gives can also keep those tax pieces around longer.

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