Core Prowler

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Core Prowler

Creature — Phyrexian Horror

Infect (This creature deals damage to creatures in the form of -1/-1 counters and to players in the form of poison counters.)

When Core Prowler is put into a graveyard from the battlefield, proliferate. (You choose any number of permanents and/or players with counters on them, then give each another counter of a kind already there.)

wallisface on Bant Infect

1 year ago

This link here is an example of what current modern infect decks look like. Specifically, the deck aims to win the game as fast as possible, ideally on turns 2 or 3. The deck doesn't want the game to go long because that will most-certainly mean defeat.

Added to the above, even non-aggressive modern decks still generally don't want to be playing more than 3-4 cards costing 4-mana, with nothing above this cost (you've got a whopping 20 cards costing 4-or-more, which will cause your deck to be miserably slow). Modern infect decks typcically don't want to play anything costing more than 2-mana (Though some more recent decks have been playing Phyrexian Crusader to help versus some matchups).

So, firstly I'd strongly suggest ditching all your slow and sluggish cards - all of Core Prowler, Evolution Sage, Vorinclex, Monstrous Raider, Ajani, Sleeper Agent, Tamiyo, Compleated Sage, and Fuel for the Cause, Brokers Ascendancy, Hadana's Climb  Flip, Inexorable Tide, and Oath of Teferi. All of these cards are faaaar too slow and will just give your opponent too much time to get a stable boardstate and lock you out of the game. I would also suggest ditching Unbounded Potential, just because it's a weak spell, and adding a 3rd colour just needlessly complicates what you're doing given your awkward landbase (if you play just 2 colours you can probably just run basics and not slow yourself down running taplands).

Cards to consider adding in include Become Immense, Vines of Vastwood, Mutagenic Growth, Might of Old Krosa, Blossoming Defense, Distortion Strike, Scale Up, and Rancor. When playtesting your deck, you want to be aiming to reliably deal 10 infect within the first 2-3 turns.

toxicsunshine22 on

1 year ago

Thank you for your help! I found Core Prowler too

InfectedToe on BOROS modular fun

2 years ago

This is a pretty fun deck, kinda wanted to build a Zabaz deck at one point myself but you're the resident Boros enjoyer so I knew you would at some point lol.

Regardless, I do have some suggestions: Panharmonicon is an absolute must-include, it literally doubles counters across the board. Also, Extruder could be a great explosive finisher.

As for slightly weaker but still good cards to include, Abzan Battle Priest could offer a good amount of lifegain, Cloud Key is basic artifact tribal, and Core Prowler is another cheeky infect wincon with bonus proliferation.

As far as cards to replace, Chief of the Foundry is pretty weak here as it doesn't actually count as counters for modular creatures, and Energy Chamber is exceedingly slow in practice.

Mortlocke on New hubs to be added

3 years ago

Hello legendofa,

I propose a new hub to be added: Phyrexian. During Modern Horizons 2, 225 creatures were retconned into having the Phyrexian creature subtype to join Vorinclex, Monstrous Raider . Additionally, there were a smattering of Enchantments, Artifacts and etc that ether have the Phyrexian subtype or create creature tokens that do. Thanks to this retcon I now have a deck that has a Phyrexian tribal theme. For your reference, below is a full list of spells that were affected by WotC's Phyrexian errata.


Scallywallwest on WhO NEeds FrIEnDs RIGhT?

4 years ago

Some good infect cards: Contagion Clasp, Contagion Engine, Grafted Exoskeleton, Phyrexian Juggernaut, Blightwidow, Skithiryx, the Blight Dragon (if you're not on a budget), Inkmoth Nexus, Corpse Cur, Core Prowler, Virulent Wound, and Crumbling Ashes.

If you'd like a common green wincon, that'd be Triumph of the Hordes. A more budget-friendly option is Predatory Focus.

I hope you have fun having no friends! ;]

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