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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal


Artifact Creature — Phyrexian Insect

Infect (This creature deals damage to creatures in the form of -1/-1 counters and to players in the form of poison counters.)

When Necropede is put into a graveyard from the battlefield, you may put a -1/-1 counter on target creature.

nuperokaso on Help me Man the Lux Cannons!

8 months ago
  • I wouldn't play Pyroclasm. That card is dead against many decks such as Ramp, Control, Combo, even late game Midrange. It requires splash to additional color, and even kills your own stuff such as Mages and Myr tokens. Try replacing it with Necropede as I did.
  • Precursor Golem seems like a bad choice. You yourself have no spell that could target it, so it's only disadvatage that opponent needs just one removal spell to destroy it.
  • In my deck, I should have probably played 1 Surge Node. It can be found by Trinket Mage. Unlike proliferate, it can place charge counters even on artifacts that lost the last one. In my version, if I ever went to 0 counters with Tumble Magnet, it got permanently useless. Also turn 1 Node into turn 2 Everflowing Chalice and activation is great.
  • Regarding win condition - don't play Eldrazi. Either play artifacts deck or Eldrazi deck. They have no overlap in synergies.
  • Do you really need to play multicolor? The less colors you play the more nonbasic lands with relevant abilities you can play. Look for lands such as This could be played even colorless.

nuperokaso on Help me Man the Lux Cannons!

8 months ago

Back when Scars of Mirrodin was in Standard, I had very similar deck: UG Proliferate . I will explain how my deck worked:

  • The central card of my deck was the Everflowing Chalice. Without it I simply don't have enough mana to play the cards and abilities. As such, I played 4 Trinket Mage, 4 Ancient Stirrings to find them (literally the reason why I played those two cards) and 3 Voltaic Key to untap them for more mana. For me, it was absolutely imperative to find the Chalice, so I believe you should be playing more Trinket Mage.
  • In my original build, I tried Semblance Anvil and Throne of Geth, but removed them as they cause card disadvantage. I had lot of mana, so I preferred expensive artifacts such as Contagion Engine that stay on board rather than cheap one-shot effects such as Ichor Wellspring.
  • Tezzeret's Gambit was phenomenal - it both provides another Proliferate I was missing, and it draws cards, so you won't run out of steam later in the game. The phyrexian mana worked great - at the start of the game, I am willing to pay life, because I need speed. At the end of the game, you have little life but extra mana is good. It's million times better than the Trigon of Thought you are playing.
  • I also played Prototype Portal, but it's actually a weak card. I started with 4, then went down until I played 1. It's slow - basically any game where you have mana and time to activate it three times to get to +1 card out of it was won anyway... However, there's a reason I play one - it enables you to go to stars should the game be locked. Imprinting Voltaic Key enables you to make a copy of Key, which will then untap the Portal. Withing five turns, you have thousands of mana and Keys, which enable repeated activation of all your artifacts.
  • Sphere of the Suns is not best, but a reasonable play. I may have made a mistake to play 0. You don't want to draw multiple, but 1-2 may be a good call. It speeds you up and we both know the deck is slow. Mox Opal would be better if it weren't expensive.
  • Voltaic Key is another really powerful card - it doubles your Everflowing Chalice mana, enables multiple activations of Contagion Clasp, Contagion Engine, Lux Cannon and Tumble Magnet. You can use the Key to untap Elixir of Immortality in response to it's activation to activate it multiple times and gain more life.
  • Tumble Magnet was the "removal" in my deck. Not very good, but made the opponent's equipment useless.
  • Golem Foundry was the win-condition of my deck, but it was simply horrible. I didn't want to play Emrakul, the Aeons Torn and the like, because it I get to 15 mana, I win anyway. If I don't get to that mana, Emrakul is a dead card.
  • Finally I played Necropede, with 2-3 probably a better choice than 1. They provide early blocking against aggro decks, capable of destroying two creatures for just 2 mana. Just proliferate. However, unlike other removal spells, this won't be dead if opponent has nothing on board. If you ever score a hit, you can proliferate your opponent to death.

I had a lot of fun with the deck. It was cheap (Contagion Engine cost 50 cents back then), unique, and you had permanently things to do - placing counters was 50% of the game time. It had problems if the opponent played Planeswalkers such as Elspeth Tirel, burn spells or +1/+1 counters (since they cancel the -1/-1 counters and then you can't proliferate to kill enemy creatures).

DrummerGarrett on

11 months ago

The biggest risk with this strategy so far, is the power level and speed at which the creatures can get to a intimidating level. The infect theme is cute but might be somewhat distracting in the grand scheme of things.

Consider replacing Avacyn's Pilgrim, Blight Mamba, Necropede, and Orim's Prayer with something from the Maybe list with more power/utility.

At this point, remove Carnivorous Canopy for a regular Disenchant.

As well, Make sure you can produce even amounts of all mana. Seems pretty good so far, but White Mana could be better.

SuckassBolas on Mono green infect (~ 50$)

2 years ago


Thanks a lot for your suggestions! Idk how I forgot about Hashep Oasis while building the deck, guess that's an L on my part. Haven't been able to actually play modern a lot because of the lack of a playgroup in my area, so your sideboard suggestions are highly appreciated)

Idk how I feel about cutting Groundswell tbh, land drops haven't been a problem during the few times I've played the deck (yeah, like two games or however many I had are just an amazing statistic, right?), but I'll think about exchanging it Necropede.

Thanks once more!)

cyeRunner on Mono green infect (~ 50$)

2 years ago

+1 :)

Hashep Oasis is a good manasync lategame when you don't want to draw lands any more since you can use it to buff your creatures.
Also I'd add 1x Vines of Vastwood and 2x Necropede and remove 3x Groundswell since it is harder to trigger Landfall without any Fetchlands.
For the sideboard remove Become Immense, for the same reason as Groundswell: it is hard to get the Delve cost without fetchlands. Also replace Larger Than Life with Massive Might since it costs 1 mana less and you can cast it after blockers are declard in the combat step to give the creatures trample that are actually blocked.
Add 2-3x Weather the Storm in your sideboard against Burn or other aggro decks and 4x Return to Nature both as graveyard hate and to destroy artifacts/enchantments.

For your upgrades follow the following order:
1.Ignoble Hierarch/Noble Hierarch, get the cheaper ones first
2.Inkmoth Nexus
3.Adding a second color

I've been playing BG Infect for 3 years now, here is my decklist, if you want to check it out.

I hope these suggestions will help you with your deck :)

Kazierts on Pushing Poison

2 years ago

As someone who loves infect, I have to say your list has waaaaaaaaaay too many creatures and lands. Even slower versions like mine, a Monoblack one, run around 12 creatures + 4 Inkmoth Nexus. Infect is a strong mechanic. So, in order to make it balanced, WOTC made the creatures really bad, which is why it's usually a bad idea to run this many of them. And 28 lands is asking to get mana flooded

Nevertheless, I'll give my suggestions without trying to chance to core ideia of the deck. If playing this was is how you have fun and it works for you and your friends, then I just want to help you make it better without modifying its core.

If you want me to give you suggestions more aligned with how Infect is normally played, tell me and I'll be happy to help. I just wanted to respect your deckbuilding style as much as possible with these.

TrollNtrample on infect myr equiped (comments please)

2 years ago

First off, love this idea. Probably going to copy. But I have an idea or two:

I'd drop True Conviction to one, or none at all. 5 mana is a big ask these days, plus around turn five I think it'll be too late for the life gain or double strike to really impact the game state. I think there are more effective ways to accomplish what this card does earlier in the game.

I'd definitely mainboard Necropede even though he's not a myr. You don't have consistent early infect pressure so you could essentially start splitting your damage into traditional and infect. I'd also try and find a way to mainboard Steel Overseer, then you don't have to worry about myr tribal since he hits all artifacts.

I hate to say it, but Urza's Saga would be beautiful in this deck. Especially since two of your equipments and two of your creatures can be added to the battlefield with Urza's Saga.

Also, with the myr tribal, you lose out on some infect typing, so maybe a Stoneforge Mystic to help search out Grafted Exoskeleton. Maybe.

Lastly, since you're running Grafted Exoskeleton, Etched Champion seems like he's at least on the maybeboard. Protection means unblockable, and unblockable infect is very annoying. I'd throw in a Welding Jar on the maybeboard as well.

Other good artifacts to mull over that synergize with Urza's Saga: Basilisk Collar, Ghostfire Blade, Shadowspear, Myr Servitor, Myr Scrapling

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