Bontu's Last Reckoning

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Bontu's Last Reckoning


Destroy all creatures. Lands you control don't untap during your next untap step.

Gidgetimer on None

5 months ago


An easy acronym for what protection stops is DEBT. Something with protection can not be Damaged, Enchanted/equipped, Blocked, or Targeted by a source that it has protection from. Dead of Winter and Bontu's Last Reckoning do none of those things, so protection does not interact with them.

Nordlys on 8-Rack

1 year ago

Hi there, I have some suggestions to consider, but overall looks pretty good.

Regarding your curve:

You're running Bontu's Last Reckoning instead of Languish or Extinction Event or Yahenni's Expertise which seems to indicate that you want to keep your max mana curve as low as three. But then you have Never / Return which needs 4 mana, Castle Locthwain which means 4 lands in total (including itself) and Hive of the Eye Tyrant which needs 4 extra lands to activate, meaning you would need 5 total lands (including itself) in order to use it.

So your curve is actually maxed at 5. I know your deck doesn't strictly need the 5 lands to work because most of it is topped at 3, but I'd use Mutavault instead of Hive (and add more Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth to mitigate the colorless mana) in order to drop down that curve a bit and make the most of your man-lands. I don't know about you, but my matches are tight and I often need my lands to transform and attack, so Mutavault performs way better than Hive in my case. Hive is graveyard hate -which is always a good thing- but you've already have 4 copies of Go Blank and 2 Never / Return which seems enough for a mainboard.

Another curve related matter is the fact that if you're running 4-land spells and lands, you could perfectly include some Liliana, Waker of the Dead here. Probably not the full set, but I find her much more useful than Davriel, Rogue Shadowmage

Anyways those are my thoughts. You should play your deck as you prefer because, asides from winning, your deck should feel pleasant to you and that's an important aspect of playing and enjoying the game. Hope it helps.

wallisface on

1 year ago

Some thoughts:

  • 20 lands feels really low for a deck running Smallpox, that also needs 3 mana reliably, and ideally 4 mana for Tourach, Dread Cantor. Personally, i'd go up to 24 lands, and then run a playset of Raven's Crime so that you can still make use of any excess lands you might draw later in the game. (i'd drop the Hypnotic Specter for those extra lands, as the card just validates your opponents killspells too much)

  • I'd suggest running the full playset of Smallpox as it can just prove soo valuable for messing with your opponent, particularly if you're on the draw (which 8rack decks often want to be).

  • I'd ditch Megrim in place of some kind of killspell. between Shrieking Affliction, The Rack, and Davriel, Rogue Shadowmage you already have enough ways to punish an empty hand - and the opponent might not even have any cards in hand to discard after turn 3 anyway. You also want to be able to killspell the opponents board to force them into having to play more cards and get lower on resources. I think Fatal Push would be a lot more useful than Megrim here.

  • Duress can be really problematic in that it might not find a card to discard. I'd suggest running 3x Blackmail instead, and then 1 copy of Bontu's Last Reckoning. Blackmail is a lot stronger in that it will at least be guaranteed to force a discard, and the single copy of Bontu's Last Reckoning can come in clutch for getting out of gross situations (though I don't think you want to be running more than 1 copy because drawing 2 in a game is probably not helpful)

zapyourtumor on Scam Rack

1 year ago

I actually really like the inclusion of 4 Voidwalkers since it gives the undying cards another target besides Grief, especially since one voidwalker can cast cards exiled with a different Voidwalker (or its past dead self).

Having so many fetches in mono B for deck thinning is probably not necessary imo. I would probably put like 2-3 Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth along with 3-4 Urza's Saga. Urborg also goes pretty well with a couple horizon lands like Silent Clearing. Force of Despair is a cool card that a lot of 8rack players were excited to test out when it got spoiled, personally I don't think running 3 copies is a great idea in a deck already pitching cards to Grief but you could maybe run 3 combined between mainboard and sideboard.

Path of Peril is a really funny boardwipe since a) you can sack your Dauthi anyways and b) it doesn't hit Grief. Obviously some antisynergy with Saga but its probably fine if you sequence plays correctly.

This is definitely a deck where I would put some copies of Surgical Extraction in the sideboard.

20 lands is probably on the low side, although you aren't running any Raven's Crime. Need testing for that one.

The tweaks I'd make before playtesting would probably be:


-4 Bloodstained Mire -4 Verdant Catacombs -2 Force of Despair -2 Shrieking Affliction

+2 Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth +4 Urza's Saga +1 Godless Shrine +1 Silent Clearing +1 Pithing Needle +1 Nihil Spellbomb +1 Path of Peril +1 Bloodchief's Thirst/Funeral Charm/Dismember idk

Reasoning: with Saga, you can cut on Afflictions since you can tutor racks more consistently, Needle and Spellbomb are just mainboard saga target staples, and then some other removal to replace Force of Despair. Funeral Charm can let a big construct through with Urborg. What removal you choose to run is probably meta dependent.


This is definitely a lot more meta dependent so I can't comment as much.

Here Necromentia can probably be replaced with Surgical Extraction.

Go Blank is decent grave hate but can be replaced with extra Nihil Spellbomb or 4 Leyline of the Void, personal preference. Also good to note that Go Blank can sometimes be too slow (vs grinding breach) and also doesn't shut down some decks as effectively as leyline like Murktide, Scam, Grinding Station, Yawgmoth, Living End, etc while Leyline stops all of those in their tracks.

Delirium Skeins is a sideboard card against Leyline of Sanctity if thats ever a problem.

Path of Peril or Bontu's Last Reckoning can replace Damnation if you find yourself badly needing a t3 boardwipe.

Collective Brutality classic sideboard card against burn, and probably much better than March of Wretched Sorrow in 95% of situations.

You can also move the Spellbomb + Needle package to the sideboard if you think mainboard is too crowded with the scam package.

fuzzking123 on Sultai Big Stuff

1 year ago

Unlicensed Hearse seems like an awesome edition completely forgot that that card existed honestly XD, as far as aggro goes obviously game ones are a kind of coinflip as we don't know what our opponent is doing doing until we see that basic mountain come down turn one so sometimes is a bad 7 to keep against that, but games 2-3 are typically much more consistent wins with bringing in the second The Meathook Massacre, Languish, the 2 Bloodchief's Thirst, and potentially both a second Phyrexian Fleshgorger and Sarulf, Realm Eater as early game bodies to blunt the aggression. As far as extinction event goes is it better than just a second languish or possibly a Bontu's Last Reckoning?

Ninjew42 on Lihrok's finest Pioneer

2 years ago

I like it! Bontu's Last Reckoning is an option for board wipe.

Epicurus on Alela's Automotive Museum

2 years ago

All very fine suggestions to consider. I was thinking about Martial Coup, Valiant Endeavor, Slaughter the Strong and Retribution of the Meek. But I do appreciate the value of exiling over destroying in EDH.

Also, some of what I just listed would allow me to keep my own dudes. But once I have Peacewalker Colossus, Shorikai, or a number of other things (Bitterblossom, et al), I wouldn't really need any dudes anymore. In fact, Peacewalker and Parhelion II would take care of all my Vehicle needs by themselves. So maybe even Damnation/Wrath would be solid for the slightly lower costs and wider scope, or even Bontu's Last Reckoning to go as cheap as possible. Either way, I think 7-8 wipes total would be appropriate (or at least a good starting point for playtesting).

Yep. Sounds like a redesign.

RDWDTR on Attrition Jund (Baby Jund) 4-0 at FNM

2 years ago

I'm not sure what your budget is or what exact suggestions you're looking for but here's my feedback. I'm going to write these suggestions assuming you already have an idea of what the "optimal" Jund list looks like. There won't be any of those cards on this list because I assume you already know about them but are unable/unwilling to afford them. Overall I like your budget take on Jund but there's a lot of room to upgrade this, even on a budget.

Cards to look into:


  • Olivia Voldaren and Reaper of the Wilds aren't all that impressive to me, same with Dreg Mangler. These cards feel like filler for this deck. I don't really like Huntmaster of the Fells  Flip either but it's better than the other three cards.

  • Kitchen Finks seems more like a SB card to me against burn or aggro matchups, though it's not the worst thing ever MB

  • Bile Blight is ok but I think Maelstrom Pulse might be better. I would only run 2.

  • Birds of Paradise doesn't really belong in a deck like this. It's not the worst choice but I'd rather be using a discard spell or holding up mana for a Bolt or something T1 than play a Bird.

  • I'm sure you know this, but that mana base is really sub-optimal. You might see the biggest difference in upgrading that first.


  • 4x Dismember? What for? You already have tons of spot removal in the MB.

  • Drown in Sorrow is meh to me; I'm not so sure you need board wipe in your SB with all the spot removal and creatures you're running. I personally think you have better options for board wipe anyway: Bontu's Last Reckoning, Anger of the Gods and Kozilek's Return seem stronger to me. Damnation would be the best boardwipe but it is pricey. I would only run 1-2 of any of these.

  • Putrefy doesn't seem as good to me as something like Naturalize, even if it means getting got by Welding Jar.

  • Duress isn't the best SB slot. You could probably put this in the MB or just go for Inquisition as noted earlier.

  • Rakdos Charm is ok, you run 4 Scoozes in the MB so you're already decent against graveyard decks.

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