Gift of Paradise

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Gift of Paradise

Enchantment — Aura

Enchant Land

When Gift of Paradise enters the battlefield, you gain 3 life.

Enchanted land has ": Gain two mana of any one colour."

zandl on

9 months ago

Return of the Wildspeaker > Soul's Majesty

Nature's Embrace > Gift of Paradise

Not a fan of Burgeoning with only 34 lands. I'd probably rather play Explore or Nature's Lore, or probably just another land aura.

I also think Reliquary Tower is very overrated. If you aren't winning with a full grip of 7 cards after discarding down to hand size, then 8 or more probably isn't any different. I know you have some "Forests matter" cards, but you're missing out on a lot of utility in your land base here. Okina, Temple to the Grandfathers, Boseiju, Who Endures, and Castle Garenbrig are all great, to name a few. Centaur Garden and Hashep Oasis are also really cool in green Voltron decks.

Licecolony on NayaDinos

1 year ago

I'd add 6 or so lands. There's just not near enough there. It also seems you're expecting a really long game with cards to reshuffle stuff into your library and gain life. You start at 40 health. If you're taking that much damage, the extra 5 here or there aren't saving you. And reshuffling cards from the graveyard into the library is only going to be useful if you're playing against a mill deck or you somehow draw your entire deck. Both somewhat uncommon situations.

Cards under $3 that you might consider:
Nature's Lore
Rishkar's Expertise
Rampant Growth
Kodama's Reach
Colossal Majesty
Return of the Wildspeaker
Beast Within
Nature's Claim
Thunderfoot Baloth
Rootweaver Druid
Reclamation Sage
Cathar Commando
Knight of Autumn
Qasali Pridemage
Thrashing Brontodon
Ranging Raptors
Regisaur Alpha
Shifting Ceratops
Territorial Hammerskull
Territorial Allosaurus
Topiary Stomper
Atzocan Seer
Tribal Forcemage
Naya Charm
Road of Return
Boros Charm

Cards that I would call easily expendable:
Looming Altisaur
Imperial Ceratops
Wilderness Reclamation
Verdant Haven
Gift of Paradise
Fertile Ground
Oketra's Last Mercy
Rolling Thunder
Serene Remembrance
Elixir of Immortality
Oketra's Monument
Alhammarret's Archive
Sanguine Sacrament
Slice in Twain
Enter the Unknown
Boros Signet
Gruul Signet
Selesnya Signet

DreadKhan on So a horse walks into a bar...

2 years ago

Have you ever run the numbers of what your mana base will usually provide? Maybe I'm missing something, but at 16 lands, you can expect less than 2 lands on average in your opener, so with draws you normally will hit your 2nd land drop, but you can expect to not hit your 3rd land until you've seen ~12 cards. Looking at your deck, it seems you probably want to hit at least your 4th land drop (IE have seen at least 4 lands by turn 4), because you've got quite a few 4 MV effects. To have a roughly even chance of drawing into your 4th land by turn 4 (when you've seen 10 cards), you would want to run as many as 24 lands.

Regarding Cultivate, I think running x2 of it is not a very big investment in ramp. You need to see 30 cards to see a Cultivate if you run 2 of it, so most games you definitely won't be getting 1 of it in hand. At x4, you should expect to see a Cultivate if a game goes reasonably long. For ramp in Legacy, Green has access to some very good options, including creature (Wood Elves is a good pick, can find non-basic Forest) and enchantment based ramp. Gift of Paradise fits nicely maybe, offering life gain. Cultivate feels great in a lower land deck I know, but I think Paradise and Verdant Haven have more synergy if you run more lands.

I used a calculator for most of this, keep in mind you can draw better than average or worse than average in a given game, so even something that's unlikely will happen in enough games. The decks where I do the most fiddling to get the ratios right tend to be the most consistent (and thus fun) decks I have.

Just some stuff for you to think on, have fun brewing!

Sammycy1 on Equip/Aura Galea

2 years ago

Hey nice deck! The way i see it you can focus more one one direction of this deck and use the other for support: either auras or equipment. Aura Focus: Add: Archon of Sun's Grace Ashiok's Erasure Boon Satyr Copy Enchantment Curiosity Darksteel Mutation Dissipation Field Hydra's Growth Gift of Paradise Hypnotic Siren Ichthyomorphosis Idyllic Tutor Kenrith's Transformation Plea for Guidance Psychic Impetus Unflinching Courage

Remove: Masterwork of Ingenuity Puresteel Paladin Explorer's Scope Indomitable Archangel Catti-brie of Mithral Hall Resolute Archangel Valiant Endeavor Serum Visions Brainstorm Angelic Gift Unsettled Mariner Cold-Eyed Selkie Military Intelligence

Equipment Focus: Add: Balan, Wandering Knight Behemoth Sledge Belt of Giant Strength Golem-Skin Gauntlets Kemba, Kha Regent Mask of Memory Mirrormade Paradise Mantle Prying Blade Quest for the Holy Relic Whispersilk Cloak

Remove: Resolute Archangel Ajani's Chosen Valiant Endeavor Gryff's Boon Angelic Gift Unsettled Mariner Military Intelligence Cold-Eyed Selkie Serum Visions Brainstorm Explorer's Scope Indomitable Archangel

And if you dont want to focus on one this would be a more Varied apporach incorporating a little from both Both Focus: Add: Fleecemane Lion Geist of Saint Traft Kiora's Follower Mirrormade Spirit Mantle Staggering Insight Utopia Sprawl Curiosity Beast Within Archon of Sun's Grace Curiosity Darksteel Mutation Dissipation Field Idyllic Tutor Unflinching Courage Behemoth Sledge Kemba, Kha Regent Mirrormade Quest for the Holy Relic Whispersilk Cloak Kenrith's Transformation

Remove: Resolute Archangel Ajani's Chosen Valiant Endeavor Gryff's Boon Angelic Gift Unsettled Mariner Military Intelligence Cold-Eyed Selkie Serum Visions Brainstorm Explorer's Scope Indomitable Archangel Abundant Growth Goldvein Pick Cream of the Crop Three Dreams

Master_J on Aesi physical copy

2 years ago

Some upgrades, things to look for and think about:

First, your commander Aesi, Tyrant of Gyre Strait wants you to play lands and draw cards. Anything you can change towards that theme will help your deck run better. Also, there's some "sub-optimal" choices that could be upgraded for other things, some of which may have come with other commander precons, are really cheap, etc. Lastly, it looks like your paper version here has some token and +1/+1 counters sub-themes, which I'd bet would make your deck less focused, leading to more random things going on or you not being able to execute a game plan consistently.

So, with all that in mind, I would suggest some of the following changes, and my reasoning behind them:

Change Arcane Signet for Thought Vessel. Arcane Signet is good and all, but Thought Vessel will help with the unlimited hand size for the same amount of mana.

Change Wolfwillow Haven and Gift of Paradise for things like Kodama's Reach and Cultivate. Again, enchantments tend to eat removal, sometimes just by accident, where as lands generally don't.

Change Migration Path, Explosive Vegetation, and Vastwood Surge for things like Nature's Lore, Rampant Growth, Farseek, Three Visits, or Sakura-Tribe Elder.

You could change Crushing Vines for Beast Within, since Beast Within is more versatile, and it looks like you have enough bodies to protect yourself from a 3/3.

If you can get your hands on a Scute Swarm, you'll have some awesome token stuff to go on.

Also, if you can get your hands on a Tatyova, Benthic Druid, you'll have some redundancy and not have to rely solely upon your commander (for when it's died too many times, or you don't have the extra lands / fetch to keep your commander chugging along.

Ghost Town is a cheaper land that will let you pick it up on opponents turns, so you'll always have at least one land to play on your turn.

You might want to change some other bodies like Ornery Dilophosaur and Wren's Run Hydra for bodies that fetch lands like Wood Elves, Farhaven Elf, or others like it (like Elvish Rejuvenator and Springbloom Druid). This will give you blockers earlier, help you ramp, and make use of your commander later in the game too.

You could possibly upgrade your land base a little (in case you find yourself without the right colors often enough?). Some include Breeding Pool (which is on the $$ side), Hinterland Harbor, Rejuvenating Springs, Command Tower, and maybe a few more.

If you want a few bigger bodies to make use of your lands, I'd suggest Multani, Yavimaya's Avatar and Ulvenwald Hydra.

Hopefully this helps with how you think about your deck, some choices of cards, what you ultimately want the deck to do, and things to look for. Let me know if you have questions on choices or anything else.

Strangelove on Big lifegain, big creatures - Willowdusk

3 years ago

Hey Walrighti, +1!

@your post

Congrats on your first deck! You have a lot of fun cards in here and it looks great! I imagine you want to tune and make it even more efficient so here are some ideas...

Add 3 categories: #Combo, #Lifegain, and #Evasion; and then sort your maybeboard the same way you've done your mainboard to easily rank your choices within a category (By "combo" I mean all your "if-then" cards like Trudge Garden that are slower and don't work by themselves). Remove #Creatures (most of them are #Combo).

Avoid most cards above 4 cmc... Willowdusk is fast and fragile, so play into that... Also, prioritize cards that can do 2 or more things or that give value on ETB... If you have pet cards that don't really fit and that hurt to cut, put them in a "I'll build that theme later" list.

(All under $3)

+1 Devoted Druid ... this card is a beast

+1 Rampant Growth

+1 Arcane Signet

+1 Golgari Signet

+1 Talisman of Resilience ... #Ramp

+1 Elves of Deep Shadow

+1 Elvish Mystic

+1 Fyndhorn Elves

+1 Llanowar Elves ... #Ramp... the elves enable Willowdusk combos on turn 3.

+1 Marwyn, the Nurturer

+1 Viridian Joiner ... #Ramp... #Combo

+1 Boompile ... its a gem (hint: don't tap it on your turn) +1 Nightmare Unmaking

+1 Killing Wave

+1 Massacre Girl ... #Wipe

+1 Kenrith's Transformation

+1 Beast Within ... #Removal

+1 Swiftfoot Boots

+1 Inspiring Call

+1 Oblivion's Hunger

+1 Rush of Vitality

+1 Sheltering Word

~1 Slippery Bogbonder

+1 Golgari Charm ... #Evasion

+1 Haunted Cloak

+1 Chariot of Victory

+1 Charge Through

~1 Tuskguard Captain

~1 Rancor ... Trample and haste are important... #Evasion

~1 Destined ... the choices are really good.

+1 Deepwood Ghoul

+1 Mischievous Poltergeist

+1 Soul Channeling ... #Combo with Willowbark and stick to the board...

~1 Phyrexian Processor ... fun?

~1 Lurking Evil ... maybe?

~1 Solidarity of Heroes ... #Combo

~1 Ooze Flux ... tokens at instant speed?

~1 Retribution of the Ancients ... removal?

+1 Garruk, Primal Hunter

+1 Mindless Automaton

+1 Thought Gorger ... (leaves)

+1 Life's Legacy

+1 Return of the Wildspeaker ... #Draw

~1 Essence Harvest

+1 Bloodspore Thrinax

+1 Triskelion ... #Combo

+1 Nighthawk Scavenger ... #Fatty

...Always play at least 10 ramp spells under 3 cmc.

...Playtest and make sure Willowbark consistently makes a fatty (with evasion) before turn 6-7.

Here's another Willowdusk thread.

Happy building :)

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