Nature's Claim

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Nature's Claim


Destroy target artifact or enchantment. Its controller gains 4 life.

wallisface on Need help from Tron-Eldrazi experts

3 weeks ago

I’m not sure how “budget” your “budget” is - if you can give me an indicator as to the max cost of the deck I can probably improve what i’ve listed there.

Oblivion Stone lets you board-wipe on turn 4 assuming you’ve assembled tron, which is perfectly reasonable. It was a staple card in many competitive tron decks for quite some time (mh3 did change this).

Blood Moon is something you’d answer with cards in your sideboard - it’s not something you should be worrying about mainboard as in most matchups you’re not going to see it. You’d probably want to dedicate around 3 sideboard cards to something like Nature's Claim.

Nunu312 on Alaskan Bull Wurm

1 month ago

Yisan, the Wanderer Bard is probably a trap. It might seem good to cast cards straight out of your deck, but it will take at least 4 turns after you play it for you to even be able to get things you might want out of your deck. Even if you were using it to get mana creatures, there are cheaper and faster ways to do that.

For card draw something like Garruk's Uprising might fit better with your theme?

Overall I feel like the deck runs a little inconsistent and could perhaps use some answers to things other players may do. Something like Krosan Grip / Archdruid's Charm / Nature's Claim to deal with enchantments/artifcats and Heroic Intervention to survive a board wipe might help? Similarly there are some card neutral solutions such as Kenrith's Transformation can help keep your momentum up.

DawnsRayofLight on Squirrel Combos

1 month ago

Ygra, Eater of All goes infinite with camelia and Experimental Confectioner

Using the above to explain my adds:

ADD (16)

Ygra, Eater of All

Krark-Clan Ironworks

Basking Broodscale

Mazirek, Kraul Death Priest

Ivy Lane Denizen

Delighted Halfling

Elvish Mystic

Birds of Paradise

Elves of Deep Shadow

Experimental Confectioner

Dosan the Falling Leaf

Phyrexian Altar/Blasting Stationfoil

Birthing Ritual

Braids, Arisen Nightmare

Fiend Artisan

Lively Dirge:helps to get cheap combo pieces

DROPS (need to drop a single card too to get to 100) 17

4x lands (this deck looks like it can run fine off of 30 if you add 4-5 0-1 cmc ramp pieces)


Prosperous Innkeeper

Song of the Dryads


Cauldron Familiar (unless I am missing the combo piece for it in the list)

Craterhoof Behemoth: may be a bit win more. don't see it doing much

Gala Greeters: meh card

Gilded Goose: meh

Tireless Provisioner: could stay or go

Toski, Bearer of Secrets: don't know how aggro this deck is, seems more combo oriented

Damnation: probably between MHM and fallout you have enough wipes

Nature's Claim: good removal but probably good on that

Woe Strider probably fine on sac outlets

May consider Protean Hulk piles as well

BlueTorche on !!! Chatterfang and the hungry Crew !!!

2 months ago

In my personal decklist (Chatterfang Casual EDH), I have 3 win cons :

  • Lifedrain (with Bastion of Remembrance, Zulaport Cutthroat and Blood Artist), which is the most reliable one, as it usually kills all my opponents at once. With Chattefang, it's easy to reach 20+ drains, which is huge in late game.

  • Big tokens (with cards like Creakwood Liege, Return of the Wildspeaker, Craterhoof Behemoth (more expensive this one)), which can easily kill your opponent if you have 10+ squirrel on the battlefield. Garruk, Cursed Huntsman isn't a bad addition in the deck, but I think it's a bit "slow", as it will need at least 1 full turn of table before having the emblem. Your opponents will usually focus it and kill it during this time.

  • Commander Damage, it doesn't happen often (to be honest, I never killed someone with commander damage in more than 20 games). But it is useful if you play against a lifegain deck or a stax deck. Commander damage can easily be done when you buff all your squirrels (including Chatterfang), and you can also sacrifice X squirrels to give +X/-X to Chatterfang. It's also why I suggested Yavimaya, Cradle of Growth, which make your commander unblockable (and is a good land anyway). The BLB card The Odd Acorn Gang you put in the deck also helps this win condition.

Additionally, Pitiless Plunderer and Warren Soultrader are cards that wins you the game always all the time you'll play it with Chatterfang, as they'll give you almost-infinite mana and ETB/LTB trigger.

Another win condition would be to add Ivy Lane Denizen, which combo with Scurry Oak and give you an infinite/infinite creature and infinite 1/1 squirrels. You may need to add some creature tutor to get both of the cards at the same time (I would suggest Chord of Calling, Dig Up, Diabolic Tutor and Fauna Shaman as buget card. You may also add more expensive card like Vampiric Tutor or Demonic Tutor).

As you say, with the new BLB card, it may exist other win conditions, which can involve food token.

I think you shouldn't focus on one particular win condition. Having more than one way to win can make your deck more reliable (that is my opinion, it may not be true). However, focusing on 1 or 2 win conditions will help you cut some card and having a better deck (it's a question of perfectly balance, as all think should be).

I will also suggest you Acorn Harvest which give you squirrel (not a very strong card, but for 6 mana it creates you 4 squirrels (8 with Chatterfang), not bad).

As cut suggestions, I would suggest Acorn Catapult (which I find very expensive, just to create 1 Squirrel by turn), Cloakwood Hermit (as it need "creature card" put in your graveyard. However, token aren't cards (rule 111.6. A token is subject to anything that affects permanents in general or that affects the token’s card type or subtype. A token isn’t a card) so it doesn't work (I thought about this card when a friend suggests it to me, I was disappointed to learn this rule :( )) and Squirrel Mob (on paper, the card seems good in the deck, but fill the board with tokens is better than having a big creature that will be blocked by anything). I also find Squirrel Sanctuary a bit slow (but it combos with Earthcraft, which I don't have because of its price, but make Squirrel Sanctuary strong). Wrap in Vigor is literally a Golgari Charm in less good (its only advantage is that is cost instead of ). Toski, Bearer of Secrets is also a card I find a bit slow. I bought it for my deck, but it never convinced me, and I would prefer Driven / Despair to it, which can also help you win, or other draw cards (Village Rites, Plumb the Forbidden...). Finally, Putrefy is not the most relevant card in the deck, as you already have a lot of Artifact/Enchantment removal, and Chatterfang is a creature removal. You may prefer Nature's Claim or Maelstrom Pulse as removal, or add more token synergy card (you can also add Crack Open, which is similar to Pest Infestation in the deck (I need to buy Pest Infestation, it seems incredible in a Chatterfang deck))

Master_J on Froggin Time!

4 months ago

OUT: Cultivator Colossus, Selvala, Heart of the Wilds, Fyndhorn Elves, Elves of Deep Shadow, Vampiric Tutor, Not Dead After All, Bala Ged Recovery  Flip, Demonic Tutor, Lightning Greaves, Greater Good

IN: Zopandrel, Hunger Dominus, Shakedown Heavy, Hunted Bonebrute, Tear Asunder, Nature's Claim, Culling Ritual, Nature's Lore, Arcane Signet, Unnatural Growth, Underground Mortuary

Trying to work out some kinks in this deck. I find myself without big boys to sac to the 'Rog sometimes. Also, upping the land count a little instead of using dorks that will die to Culling Ritual.

I may also come to regret pulling out the tutors, but I never know what to look for that will help me win immediately, so out they come for now.

JAEK on Shrine on you crazy diamond

1 year ago

Thank you for your comment and suggestions mtgplayer903, I've got an explanation for a few of my choices here:

  1. Birds of Paradise over Ornithopter of Paradise is purely a preference of mine. I adore BoP and it finds its way into all multi-colour decks that I make. OoP is a great choice too and budget friendly, but I went with the birds this time round.
  2. Eternal Witness is just a much better card than Skullwinder if I don't have to give my opponent the recursion but can get it myself with E-Wit then it's a no brainer for me personally.
  3. Riftsweeper is in the deck to retrieve Maze's End for me. I have had people blow up Maze's End a few times on me and then Bojuka Bog my graveyard, so I needed a way to make sure I could get it back from exile. Admittedly, Rift does need some support from tutors to make it properly effective at this.
  4. Nature's Claim vs Assassin's Trophy is a great suggestion. I'm not sure I have an A'sT to hand, but I will check and update that.
  5. Vindicate is in over Beast Within because I already run Generous Gift and I find that I don't really like giving my opponents a 3/3 beater to come back at me with. The sorc speed hasn't really bothered me yet, but maybe BW will come back eventually after more playtesting.
  6. Explore is dirt cheap and Exploration is a little pricey. I know it just got a reprint and I am hoping to get one soon, once I do it will be back in the list. I do use Exploration on MTGO though.
  7. Tolaria West is a great tutor for Maze's End, Maze of Ith and Reliquary Tower depending on what I need from it. I find that a card like Ash Barrens is nice, but I don't think it's quite right for my list as it stands.
  8. Gatecreeper Vine is out of the list now and Open the Gates is just a neat lil gate tutor so it'll stay in as the Gates theme is key to what I like about this deck.

eliakimras on Omnath, Locus of Douchebaggery

1 year ago

I play Obuun, Landfall Ancestor, and I came to realize the best removal in landfall is the one that can be used on myself to net more landfall triggers:

  • Ghost Quarter is a Strip Mine that can be used on your own lands. Since you run a heavy recursion + extra land drops package, you can recur both in no time.
  • Dire-Strain Rampage is another one. Unless instant speed removal is crazily needed, I would run it over Nature's Claim, for it can net you four landfall triggers and two lands in the graveyard, and has the extra benefit on being double-use removal whenever needed, even if milled or discarded.

If you don't mind lands entering the battlefield tapped, you might consider Riveteers Overlook, Cabaretti Courtyard and Brokers Hideout. They are easy double landfall triggers that immediately set themselves up for recursion. There also are Obscura Storefront and Maestros Theater, but I believe the green ones are the most important, since they can lead on turn 1 to guarantee a green spell on turn 2 without losing tempo.

  • I since removed Command Tower, Exotic Orchard and lands like that, because I need my lands to either fetch others, be fetched or have an amazing utility (like Field of the Dead), and my deck runs smooth like butter ever since :-)
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