Selesnya Signet

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Selesnya Signet


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DemonDragonJ on Selesnya's Voice

3 weeks ago

Please forgive the triple post, but there is no logical reason to choose Selesnya Signet over Arcane Signet, unless you wish to avoid using such a cliched and common card.

MrHighscore on The Dirty Dozen II

9 months ago

Hmm, Cultivate and Kodama's Reach are very inconvenient with their 3 CMC. That is the round I'd like to put Atraxa on the table.

I will replace with some 2CMC, and I'm considering Sakura-Tribe Elder and Simic Signet.

Also not at all sure if Smothering Tithe is any good in this deck. Considering replacing it with another 2CMC rock like Selesnya Signet

Azoth2099 on Anikthea, Hand of Erebos is Graverobbing

10 months ago


OK here we go lol

Creature cuts: Archon of Sun's Grace, Composer of Spring, Courser of Kruphix, Doomwake Giant, Dryad of the Ilysian Grove, Nessian Wanderer, Nyx Weaver

Artifact cuts: Mesmeric Orb, Whip of Erebos

Enchantment cuts: Battle for Bretagard, Boon of the Spirit Realm, Cast Out, Exploration, Familiar Ground

Sorcery cuts: Extinguish All Hope, Kodama's Reach, Rampant Growth, Skyshroud Claim

Instant cuts: None! Add things like Veil of Summer & Silence, though

I'd recommend that you replace all of those lands ramp spells that cost more than 2 with more mana rocks instead! Your guild signets (Selesnya Signet, Orzhov Signet & Golgari Signet) & talismans (Talisman of Hierarchy, Talisman of Resilience & Talisman of Unity) are all better options since this isn't a Landfall deck.

Licecolony on NayaDinos

1 year ago

I'd add 6 or so lands. There's just not near enough there. It also seems you're expecting a really long game with cards to reshuffle stuff into your library and gain life. You start at 40 health. If you're taking that much damage, the extra 5 here or there aren't saving you. And reshuffling cards from the graveyard into the library is only going to be useful if you're playing against a mill deck or you somehow draw your entire deck. Both somewhat uncommon situations.

Cards under $3 that you might consider:
Nature's Lore
Rishkar's Expertise
Rampant Growth
Kodama's Reach
Colossal Majesty
Return of the Wildspeaker
Beast Within
Nature's Claim
Thunderfoot Baloth
Rootweaver Druid
Reclamation Sage
Cathar Commando
Knight of Autumn
Qasali Pridemage
Thrashing Brontodon
Ranging Raptors
Regisaur Alpha
Shifting Ceratops
Territorial Hammerskull
Territorial Allosaurus
Topiary Stomper
Atzocan Seer
Tribal Forcemage
Naya Charm
Road of Return
Boros Charm

Cards that I would call easily expendable:
Looming Altisaur
Imperial Ceratops
Wilderness Reclamation
Verdant Haven
Gift of Paradise
Fertile Ground
Oketra's Last Mercy
Rolling Thunder
Serene Remembrance
Elixir of Immortality
Oketra's Monument
Alhammarret's Archive
Sanguine Sacrament
Slice in Twain
Enter the Unknown
Boros Signet
Gruul Signet
Selesnya Signet

seshiro_of_the_orochi on Curse of the Were-Rabbit

1 year ago

As Kaheera costs 3 mana, you should add multiple MV1 ramp cards, so Llanowar Elves, Avacyn's Pilgrim etc. seem important. That way, you'll often be able to cast your commander on turn 2. Besides that, Rampant Growth, Edge of Autumn and Selesnya Signet are great cards. Cultivate and Kodama's Reach still are other powerful options in Mono-.

TheOfficialCreator on Gavin G.

1 year ago

I would highly recommend more ramp. Arcane Signet, Selesnya Signet, Boros Signet, Gruul Signet, and Chromatic Lantern are some good ones.

AEther Flash and Marauding Raptor are also great, as well as Instill Energy.

What specifically are you struggling with? That might help direct my feedback. In any case, welcome to the site!! ^u^

TheHamster on

2 years ago

Last (probably) big update till new commander comes out. Swapped out Kodama's Reach for a Selesnya Signet I have a lower concentration of basics and an extra rock just seemed good. also swapped Mosswort Bridge for Bala Ged Sanctuary  Flip getting a random free elephant most of the time isn't as worth of a land that can sometimes be recursion, Karn's Bastion was cut for another forest, after playing it a few games, tapping to proliferate just never felt worth the cost and I'd rather just have another colored source in my lands. Fortified Village was cut for Ondu Skyruins  Flip as being the worst dual land, deemed having an emergency wrath is just more necessary. Return of the Wildspeaker swapped in for Shamanic Revelation on average I end up with 1 or 2 bigger creatures vs the 6 or 7 creatures I'd need for revelation to draw the same rate + the instant speed over sorcery is nice and random overrun is eh but cool to have if ever needed. Akroma's Will was put in place of Akroma's Memorial having basically the same effects at instant speed (+ a 7th instant speed mass protection) is basically the same as a clunky artifact as when you cast it you're usually swinging for lethal that turn anyways instead of risking a potential blowout if they have a Shatter effect. and lastly Call of the Herd came out (i know sad, but found the elephant token spells just aren't worth it as they've slowly been cut out over time) for Harsh Mercy a Janky on flavor board wipe that leaves my board in tact.

also slowly been foiling out all the cards in the deck that CAN be foiled cause shiny thing invoke terror ~

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