Boros Signet

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Boros Signet


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Azoth2099 on Kykar kicks ass (Suggestions needed!) (Budget)

3 months ago

Hey man! As someone who's brewed this one alot, I'm telling you right now you need waaay more mana rocks. Literally like 10+ rocks, plus a few rituals. The fact that they also generate a token is incredible in practice. Here's a list of the ones I'd include on top of what you already have: Fellwar Stone, Talisman of Progress, Izzet Signet, Boros Signet, Azorius Signet, Springleaf Drum, Jeweled Amulet, Lotus Petal, Pyretic Ritual, Desperate Ritual, Seething Song & Battle Hymn.

Also just so you know, Mystical Tutor, Personal Tutor, Enlightened Tutor & Gamble are all super cheap right now due to recent reprints! Gotta get it while the getting is good, ya know?

A great combo here is Isochron Scepter + Dramatic Reversal, it generates infinite Spirit tokens on top of just being great individual utility pieces for the build outside of the combo!

Lots of great, cheap synergy pieces like Wild Research, Kindred Discovery, Opposition, Vicious Shadows, etc...

I'll stop rambling now, great Commander choice dude! Let me know how you feel about my mediocre suggestions lol.

DemonDragonJ on "Wake Up, Wasteland! It's Me, Three Dog!"

4 months ago

I like this deck, but I do have several suggestions or questions:

Have you considered putting Celestial Mantle in this deck, or is that aura too expensive?

Would you consider Commander's Sphere or Chromatic Lantern over Boros Signet, or are you seeking to keep the mana curve of this deck low?

Are you certain that you can reliably cast all of your spells with only 32 lands, and, on that subject, would you consider putting Clifftop Retreat into this deck?

Crow_Umbra on Battle Buddies

4 months ago

Hi there, I saw your comment on the feed and thought I'd offer some suggestions on potential cuts. Some thoughts from looking over your deck:

  • First off, I think it's great that you have something like Insurrection as a top end finisher. Having played against some goad decks in my play groups ( mostly Kardur, Doomscourge), they can have trouble closing out games.

  • Your 4 drop slot seems pretty crowded and I think where you could focus some of your cuts. I think some of the cuts can eventually get turned into a couple more 2cmc rocks to help you ramp. If anything, you could probably swap 2-3 of your land slots for a couple more rocks like Talisman of Conviction, Boros Signet, Mind Stone, and maybe Cursed Mirror to copy a valuable creature.

  • Speaking of lands, I think if you stay heavy on the Enchantments, it'd be worth it to run Hall of Heliod's Generosity and maybe a few other utility lands like War Room, Minas Tirith, Scavenger Grounds, and Volatile Fault. Land destruction beyond Generous Gift/Beast Within isn't super common in most play groups. You could probably swap a few of your basics for some of these.

  • Goblin Diplomats might be more trouble than its worth, since your opponents can still attack you. This could maybe get swapped with Grenzo, Havoc Raiser

  • I think Fumiko can be a potential cut, mostly because she forces your opponents to attack, but not necessarily to attack each other like Goad might.

  • Firemane Commando as a removal option seems kinda clunky. You could maybe swap her for something like Soul Partition, which can be a protective effect or removal.

  • Mangara might be a potential cut, but I think this is more of a meta dependent call. I played him in a really early iteration of my Isshin deck, and oftentimes my opponents would remove him or play around his abilities by sending their 1 biggest and/or most evasive creature at me.

  • You can maybe swap Agitator Ant with Nils, Discipline Enforcer, since you have control over the counter distribution, and he also punishes the utilization of any counters on your opponents' creatures.

  • Assemble the Legion could be a potential cut, as it seems kinda slow for the payoff.

If you're interested, I theory-crafted a Nelly Borca deck that is trying to do what you want to do with this deck. I doubt I'll ever put it together, but it could be helpful to compare notes with. We definitely have some core similarities, but I think I lean a bit more into aggro elements for the deck to fall back to as a finisher, or if the Goad options aren't online. Check out The Slander Commander if you'd like.

NV_1980 on Queen Marchesa: War Profiteering

7 months ago

All hail the Queen! Disrupt Decorum is an excellent disruptor of opposing board-states (and life-totals :)). You've added very little in terms of ramp/rocks. Doesn't that make the deck comparatively slow in your meta (it would definitely be so in mine)? Your average mana value for cards is low, but you could probably still do more from earlier game-phases on if you included at least stuff like Boros Signet, Orzhov Signet, Rakdos Signet and Sol Ring.

CommanderNeyo on These Hands Rated S for Speed

8 months ago

Howdy! Note that you cannot use Archangel of Wrath, because although it is a white creature it has black in its color identity because of the {{b}} kicker cost.

Have you considered adding Sol Ring, Boros Signet, and Talisman of Conviction? They are excellent mana options.

I also would consider adding (2) more lands - your commander is (5) mana, so you want to make sure you can cast her.

Also, giving Karlach haste will speed up the gameplan - consider cards such as Lightning Greaves or Rising of the Day. I especially recommend Rising of the Day, because it also gives your commander +1 power - so you can one-shot a player every turn with commander damage.

You have a generally high average mana cost for the deck, so I would consider removing some of the higher cost cards or add more ramp, such as Worn Powerstone and Thran Dynamo.

I would consider removing Earth Tremor and replacing it with Swords to Plowshares. Generally you want your removal spells to be around 1 or 2 mana, so that you aren't spending all the mana in your turn just to remove one threat.

I would also consider updating the lands you have - there are lots of cheap lands to consider, such as: Command Tower, Needle Spires, Battlefield Forge, Temple of Triumph, Clifftop Retreat, Boros Garrison, Furycalm Snarl, Wind-Scarred Crag, Sacred Peaks, Boros Guildgate, Alpine Meadow, Stone Quarry, Rustvale Bridge, and Lorehold Campus.

Hope this was useful!

NV_1980 on The Rapture Chronicles

9 months ago

Isshin, Two Heavens as One would be very useful in here. I'd also really, really recommend you add many more rocks in here, to speed up Kaalia's appearance. Examples would be Arcane Signet, Orzhov Signet, Rakdos Signet, Boros Signet, Talisman of Conviction, Talisman of Indulgence and Talisman of Hierarchy. Another great card to consider would be Reconnaissance. Allows you to have Kaalia retreat from an attack if someone decides to block her (and you still benefit from her trigger).

Last_Laugh on Aurelia, the Warleader

11 months ago

Not a bad start but there are a few easy upgrades to be made. Boros Signet, Talisman of Conviction, and Arcane Signet replace Keystone and Fire/Marble diamonds. Sol Ring is a low hanging fruit, but assuming it's not included on purpose, it needs a spot.

I love the inclusion of Crackdown, but there's a few cards like Jaya Ballard, Hoard-Smelter Dragon, and Inferno Titan that won't untap. I'd suggest finding replacements that include white or are small enough to untap still. The Unicorn suggested above and Reconnaissance are good includes as well (recon allows you to untap after damage is dealt for pseudo vigilance... ignore that 20+ year old reminder text).

ZVCKK on Guild Tribal Superfriends

1 year ago

Udpate 18-07-2023: Trying to lean into more two colour for the theme. also d=trying to lower curve, focus on protecting PWs to actually get ultimates off, as the deck struggles to close games. Idea before was almost that any of the good stuff I find can run away with the game (assemble the legion and narset), but I don't think winning that way will be as satisfying. I think it would be good if I can get a PW out, get them to ult, and if that fails, niv to refresh hand and then give it another go.

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