Pit Fight

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Pit Fight


Target creature you control fights another target creature. (Each deals damage equal to its power to the other.)

UrzasUnderstudy on Tiny Wolves

1 year ago

Soooo I had written this huge awesome thoughtful comment that I had just gone and previewed when the site hiccuped and there went an hour's worth of words....

Anyhow, in brief and now in list form, here are some cheap, thematic cards you might want to consider: Breakneck Rider  Flip, Domri, Anarch of Bolas, Duskwatch Recruiter  Flip, Geier Reach Bandit  Flip, Hermit of the Natterknolls  Flip, Inscription of Abundance, Howlpack Resurgence, Kessig Wolf Run, Mage Slayer, Mayor of Avabruck  Flip, Moonlight Hunt, Moonmist, Natural State, Path of Ancestry, Pit Fight, Neglected Heirloom  Flip, Silverfur Partisan, Soul's Fire, Village Messenger  Flip, and Vines of Vastwood

lhetrick13 on Druids of maskwood

1 year ago

Pinkfluffyant - Thanks for the including that this is a casual deck as that changes the recommendations. The main thing that jumps out to me is why are you running 3xPit Fight and 2xTitanic Brawl? This deck thrives on token production and the vast majority of creatures/tokens are just 1/1 so having them fight another creature likely will not remove a creature from your opponent's board. You do have a few creatures with greater combat stats but with only 4 of those in the deck, the odd are not in your favor. Condemn, Path to Exile, and similar cards would likely serve this role better.

The other thing that pops out is that you lack card draw. Fungal Plots might be an interesting take as you are running Life and Limb so you can sacrifice saprolings/forests for extra draws and could easily replace some creatures with other cards that also produce saprolings for some "decent" draw potential.

Caran_Lyg on Druids of maskwood

1 year ago

Titanic Brawl, Pit Fight, Path to Exile, Cast Out or any other type of removal is always recommended to decks that can't FTK or can end the game in 6 turns or less. Your opponents will get to play Magic as soon as your done with your turn and will try to disrupt you once they see your strategy while they execute theirs. Another type of cards you can use are Divine Deflection, Heroic Intervention, or anything similar to protect your creatures from destruction based board wipes.

420MensRightsActivist on What formats is this legal in?

1 year ago

you don't really have enough mana for your high-cost spells. a good rule of thumb i use is you can use 20 lands if your mana curve tops at 3, 24 if it tops at 4, and if you have spells that cost 5+ then you want 24 lands plus some mana ramp. this can be something like Arbor Elf or Rampant Growth as a couple examples, but of course it depends on which format you're playing.

removal is crucial if the deck can't win by turn 4, but unfortunately this is somewhat difficult in just red/green. cheap burn spells don't deal enough damage to kill big creatures, and green spells are basically limited to the "fight" mechanic such as Pit Fight. outside of that your best bet is to just ramp up to bigger creatures than the opponent can.

you can use mtg arena to get some practice games online to get a feel for the game. the primary format there is standard.

if budget is a concern when playing in paper, ask your friends/playgroup if they could make some pauper decks for when you join them. pauper is a format that allows any card from mtg's history that has been printed at common rarity at least once.

TypicalTimmy on Card creation challenge

2 years ago

Remember a while ago where I made Zaren, Silverback Ironfist? The Ape Berserker who revolved around the Fight mechanic? So I built a deck and he was way to powerful. Every single creature spell becoems removal. Even when I nerf him, dropping it from two +1/+1 counters when the creature survives down to just a single +1/+1 until end of turn, everything just decimates the boardstate. Dropping a Hornet Queen just wrecked a game I was playing in. Because he is a custom commander, I have the deck here on Tappedout and I have the browser tab open. My current boardstate (after winning the game) looks like this:

Oh, right. I also have 5x Forest in play, 4x Mountain, Gruul Signet, Mox Amber, Mana Crypt and Arcane Signet. Das a lotta mana, man!

  • It's my Turn 9.

Game ended with me at 24 life.

Took down The Ur-Dragon, Mikaeus, the Unhallowed and Maelstrom Wanderer.

Poor Ur-Dragon died twice to my fights; Once to Akroma, Angel of Fury after she triggered a second time since The Ur-Dragon is both white and blue, she couldn't deal damage back. So when Akroma dealt 6, she got +1/+1 until end of turn and I had her fight again with Hunt the Hunter, since The Ur-Dragon is green. Later, Hornet Queen made short work of it, again.

I think I vastly underestimated the power of the Fight mechanic, and now I understand why we do not have a Fight Commander. T-T

Challenge Dominance


At the beginning of combat on your turn, you and target opponent may each reveal cards from the top of your library until you both reveal a creature card. If you do, they enter the battlefield tapped and fight each other. Put the rest of the revealed cards on the bottom of their libraries in a random order. If one creature survives, it remains on the battlefield. If both creatures survive, their owners shuffle them back into their library.

Wild T-T

SilentPlague on Tovolar Werewolf Tribal

2 years ago

Chain Reaction and Blasphemous Act seem counter productive to a werewolf deck. Usually the more werewolves that are out, the more they complement each other. This may hurt you more than others. Also by the time you can play Blasphemous Act, you will either have a bunch of creatures and likely will be dominating, or a ton of mana to where you should be able to play anything and likely have a bunch of creatures as well.

Chaos Warp is also very risky. There are better things to replace it with to get rid of creatures. Beast Within is also too generous. You may be getting rid of a hard hitter, but why not just remove it and leave the player with nothing? It certainly would not benefit you to remove your own werewolf creature for a 3/3 beast. Werewolves are typically going to be pretty powerful. So use cards that force opponent creatures to fight yours to get rid of creatures.

Take a look at Moonlight Hunt, Pit Fight, and Clear Shot.

Moonmist is a great card even with the daybound mechanic. It may not transform your newer werewolves, but making only werewolf damage count, it like a super Fog.

Mtydemon on Attack of the Hydra

3 years ago

Not sure about Simic hydra? never checked it as green ramp can be really fast.

I used to play the Utopia Sprawl but it didn't feel as fast as those Elvish Archdruid . I like the suggestion of Voyaging Satyr as it works like an Arbor Elf . Gyre Sage also is a bit to slow i think as you have to spawn creatures first to ramp the mana while the goal should be to ramp mana to spawn creatures but will play test it.

Deff gonna swap Pit Fight for Ram Through , seems like a good hitter.

Not sure about Hydra Broodmaster because of the lack of trample and the usability of the already added hydras. It will be a full turn to use the monstrosity and then a full turn to attack. I'm thinking to sideboard 2 of them for multiplayer or against non-blue decks and swap them with Mistcutter Hydra .

Unbound Flourishing I will deff add.

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