Gruul Signet

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Gruul Signet


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wisegreenbean on Jolene Beats You With Her Wallet

2 months ago

Rampage of the Clans is pretty funny for a deck that dumps so many artifacts onto the battlefield.

Kenrith's Transformation and Lantern of the Lost are primo cantripping interaction that I put in nearly every green deck.

Gruul Signet is sussy in green decks imo. I also don't love the 4 mana ramp sorceries in a deck with a 4 mana general. like, when u even gonna cast them? and your general ramps too? and you don't even have that much high mana stuff. There are 2 mana ramp sorceries you aren't running that curve much more nicely. Nature's Lore and Farseek and Three Visits

legendofa on Improve my Magus Lucea Kane …

4 months ago

Welcome to the club, euqinU

Building your deck on here will give everyone an in-depth view of where it is and what might help it grow. Simply saying you need more mana production is good, but there's not much we can do beyond listing the basic stuff that your friends have already probably mentioned: Rattleclaw Mystic, Talisman of Curiosity, Gruul Signet, and so on.

Is this for a 60-card format or a 100 card format? That basic land base is okay for a fast, aggressive 60 card deck, which would include formats like Standard or Pioneer, but is a little short for slower 60-card decks, and it's very low for 100-card formats like Commander, which tend to be in the 34-38 land range. I assume you're starting off pretty casual, but if you want a quick overview of some of the major formats, just ask.

redeyeswizard on Lucea Kane's Hydra Farm

11 months ago

I've made maybe 10-15 changes from the original build to include more mana from artifacts and a couple lands like :Gruul Signet; Mana Crypt; Simic Signet; Taiga; Tropical Island; Volcanic Island. Came to include Benefactor's Draught. For 2 mana I can UN-tap my commander and any other creatures that may have abilities that can also UN-tap her for when you really want to get nasty numbers in copies off one specific spell while also drawing at least one card. The small downfall is the creature UN-tap for everyone, but this deck benefits so much more as long as a counter spell doesn't catch your target X spell in the end. Can't remember everything ive swapped out and in as a lot of it happened while i was tired but i tried to remove anything that would slow down the deck while trying to get faster access to Magus Lucea Kane and more pop off directed towards her spell/ability copy.

Licecolony on NayaDinos

1 year ago

I'd add 6 or so lands. There's just not near enough there. It also seems you're expecting a really long game with cards to reshuffle stuff into your library and gain life. You start at 40 health. If you're taking that much damage, the extra 5 here or there aren't saving you. And reshuffling cards from the graveyard into the library is only going to be useful if you're playing against a mill deck or you somehow draw your entire deck. Both somewhat uncommon situations.

Cards under $3 that you might consider:
Nature's Lore
Rishkar's Expertise
Rampant Growth
Kodama's Reach
Colossal Majesty
Return of the Wildspeaker
Beast Within
Nature's Claim
Thunderfoot Baloth
Rootweaver Druid
Reclamation Sage
Cathar Commando
Knight of Autumn
Qasali Pridemage
Thrashing Brontodon
Ranging Raptors
Regisaur Alpha
Shifting Ceratops
Territorial Hammerskull
Territorial Allosaurus
Topiary Stomper
Atzocan Seer
Tribal Forcemage
Naya Charm
Road of Return
Boros Charm

Cards that I would call easily expendable:
Looming Altisaur
Imperial Ceratops
Wilderness Reclamation
Verdant Haven
Gift of Paradise
Fertile Ground
Oketra's Last Mercy
Rolling Thunder
Serene Remembrance
Elixir of Immortality
Oketra's Monument
Alhammarret's Archive
Sanguine Sacrament
Slice in Twain
Enter the Unknown
Boros Signet
Gruul Signet
Selesnya Signet

thefiresoflurve on Naya Populate True

1 year ago

Welcome to big board state club! (I used to run G/W populate back in the day).

Disclaimer: not sure what your budget is for recommendations, so I'm going to go by what I see here (Dockside, Smothering Tithe, Parallel Lives level of cost for individual recommendations).

I think Ghired, Conclave Exile would make a better commander here than Palladia-Mors, unless you're tied to the latter for sentimentality/flavor/etc.

Next, land base. The single best thing I did for my Esper deck was upgrading my land base. You don't have to go super hard here to see results, but I would put together a list like: 1x Cabaretti Courtyard 1x Command Tower 1x Jungle Shrine 1x Sungrass Prairie 1x Rockfall Vale 1x Branchloft Pathway  Flip 1x Needleverge Pathway  Flip 1x Rogue's Passage 1x Kessig Wolf Run 1x Gavony Township. If you like this route, there are even more cheaper dual lands you can add in like the Temple of Triumph and friends.

There are a few cuts or substitutions that I think the main deck could make really easily:

Ultramarines Honour Guard -> Caller of the Pack. If Ghired attacks with a creature that has Myriad, he can populate the token that Myriad creates, but the Populated token forgets about the exile clause. Thus, you can end up with a theoretically infinite horde of creatures. It's fantastic. :D

Going off that last bit... Wayfaring Temple -> Treasure. Basically a great card in commander anyway, here it's a free win if you manage to clone it.

Growing Ranks is an easy cut. It's way too slow for EDH (compare it to Parallel Lives...) Could replace it with a Talisman of Conviction or friends to help you ramp faster.

I would replace Momentous Fall with Teferi's Protection or Akroma's Will or Grand Crescendo - some extra source of board wipe dodging. I don't think your creatures are really big enough to warrant a momentous fall.

I would also replace Druid's Deliverance with one of the aforementioned board wipe dodges. There are also some cheaper options like Your Temple is Under Attack, Unbreakable Formation, Make a Stand. Reasoning being: you should have enough board state to block things that want to hurt you, as long as you keep your board alive.

As far as making tokens sooner: well, if you want to do that, you're going to have to run some cheaper creatures.... or ramp faster. I'd probably opt for ramping faster, TBH, since your creatures are really cool. If you add the entire Gruul Signet and friends, along with the Talismans I mentioned earlier, that should get you to the minimum ramp package in tricolor EDH to make sure you can play quickly.

Naya Charm -> Artifact Mutation can help make some earlier tokens.

Brindle Shoat and Call of the Conclave are some decent options for turn 3 tokens you might consider, as well. But adding those would also require cutting other stuff.... horrible choice I don't envy you : P

Sorry for the wall of text...Hope that helps, and happy building!

TheOfficialCreator on Gavin G.

1 year ago

I would highly recommend more ramp. Arcane Signet, Selesnya Signet, Boros Signet, Gruul Signet, and Chromatic Lantern are some good ones.

AEther Flash and Marauding Raptor are also great, as well as Instill Energy.

What specifically are you struggling with? That might help direct my feedback. In any case, welcome to the site!! ^u^

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