
Creature (103)

Fight (43)

Draw (18)

Removal (12)

Cheat (12)

Land (9)

LateRamp (3)

GraveyardHate (2)

Wrath (2)

Damahge (1)

Overrun (1)

Recursion (1)

Threaten (1)

Ramp (19)

Utility (20)

Buff (19)

Damage (12)

Protection (13)

Tutor (6)

Anthem (2)

Combat (2)

Tokens (2)

Counter (1)

Other (1)

Stax (1)

- - - Version 1.3 - - - 10/07/23

Fight like a crow! Fight Milk!

The #1 Neyith of the Dire Hunt deck on Tappedout!! Thank you!

Gruul Stompy with a heavy Fight theme. This deck is the successor to my beloved deck Indomitable Stomps -- (Fight Club/Stompy). That deck started as a very budget stompy deck and morphed into a Fight deck later. Neyith of the Dire Hunt was just such a huge upgrade over Rhonas the Indomitable so I felt it was time to make the switch when she was revealed. Rhonas still commands the lieutenant spot of this deck for sure--I'm definitely the sentimental type. He's the primary target for Defense of the Heart for sure.

Cards to likely add: Show

Cards to maybe add: Show

Cards in the Maybeboard with an SL are cards I own. Cards with an MP are potential cuts.

Audited 11/4/20
