Oakhame Adversary

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Oakhame Adversary

Creature — Elf Warrior

This spell costs less to cast if your opponent controls a green permanent.


Whenever Oakhame Adversary deals combat damage to a player, draw a card.

Nemesis on Elves

1 year ago

other suggestions: Copperhorn Scout - untaps your mana dudes, is an elf

Wirewood Symbiote - not an elf, but protects your elves

Fauna Shaman - another tutor on a body

Elvish Clancaller - another cheap lord

Oakhame Adversary - card draw, typically cheap

and a couple expensive suggestions:

Glimpse of Nature - if your curve gets lower this could be a great option for going off

Concordant Crossroads - haste for everything would be really good for this deck imo

FelixCarter on You'll be Najello after I'm done with you

2 years ago

Cryptolith Rite, Nature's Will, Druids' Repository, and [Bear Umbra] will give repeatable combats. Nature's Will is a bit expensive, so keep Song of Freyalise instead. You can remove Battle for Bretagard, Goblin War Drums, and Mask of Avacyn to use the other three enchantments if repeatable combats is your goal. Otherwise, here are some other great additions:

Cathars' Crusade will make HUGE creatures very quickly. Brave the Sands gives the vigilance needed to take advantage of Cryptolith Rite or have blockers. Impact Tremors will cause lots of pain over time. Raiders' Spoils card draw on steroids. Something you are SORELY lacking.

Kaya, Geist Hunter a great addition that will mostly be used for her -2 ability. Rhythm of the Wild is a good card to be replaced since most of your creatures will be tokens, anyways. If you don't go with Kaya, Cathars' Crusade would probably be a better replacement for Rhythm of the Wild.

Trollbred Guardian and Hamza, Guardian of Arashin requires +1/+1 counters but you don't have very many +1/+1 counters in the deck to take advantage of this. You can remove them and instead use Mindblade Render and Oakhame Adversary for card draw. You need card draw.

Replace Mardu Shadowspear with Brutal Hordechief

Usher of the Fallen and Imperious Perfect are fairly underwhelming. Imperious Perfect is a little better, but I'd at least replace Usher of the Fallen with Rhys the Redeemed. Honestly, I'd use Ogre Battledriver over Imperious Perfect.

Rubblebelt Raiders is nice, but Champion of Lambholt will make your creatures unlockable just as fast.

Tuya Bearclaw and Hamletback Goliath get big, but they can be chumped VERY easily. Lovisa Coldeyes will buff all your tokens that are harder to chump. You could maybe keep the Hamletback Giant, but Zurgo Helmsmasher or Samut, Voice of Dissent is a good choice in your deck if you decide not to.

Blaring Captain and Blaring Recruiter are also very underwhelming. Chief of the Edge can easily replace the captain, and the recruit can be replaced be literally anything (my vote would be for Impact Tremors if you haven't added it already).

You have A LOT of mana ramp in your deck, but your lacking card draw and removal. I'd maybe remove the Diamonds and add two or three mana rocks that tap for one of any color. That'll give your deck 10-11 forms of mana ramp. If you add three, that'll give room for two forms of card draw. Reconnaissance Mission, Bident of Thassa, Skullclamp, and Vanquisher's Banner are great options.

Instead of Fracture, I recommend Despark. Mortify is a better Murder but can also be upgraded by switching to Utter End.

Replace Warped Landscape with Secluded Courtyard.

Be aware that you're sitting at only 30 lands. If you find your have a mana-base problem, I'd take out Radha, Heir to Keld, Duskwatch Recruiter  Flip, or ANY of the previously discussed cards and add 3-5 lands. Out of the lands you should also add, I recommend Savage Lands, Arcane Sanctum, Crumbling Necropolis, Jungle Shrine, Nomad Outpost, Mystic Monastery, Path of Ancestry, and Unclaimed Territory.

multimedia on

2 years ago

Hey, your deck is looking excellent and very powerful.

Isn't Junji, the Midnight Sky an upgraded Phyrexian Delver? Both are five drops too. With Hulk trigger you get Junji and Seer; Seer sacs Junji and you reanimate Hulk. All this is doing is adding Seer sac step instead of reanimating Hulk when Delver ETB which I think is fine. I think if you don't want to cut another card for Junji then Delver would be a fine cut.

Other possible cuts for Junji are Dimir House Guard or Dread Return. Guard is not needed as a four drop sac outlet because you have Yawgmoth and it's also not needed for transmute because you have better tutors including Sidisi. Dread is less good as reanimation if not playing heavy self-mill.

Some other upgrades to consider are Vile Entomber and Unmarked Grave? More entomb effects are excellent with Meren. She can reanimate or recur, but she needs help to get a creature into your graveyard. Entomber could replace Oakhame Adversary and Unmarked could replace Dread Return or Dimir House Guard.

KanisxKoda on

2 years ago

I feel you on the Burnished Hart tempo wise and I see the pattern of direct into play ability.

I figured those 3 cards where more meta specific and totally agree with them being in there. However, I'm not too sold on the Oakhame Adversary in comparison to Toski, Bearer of Secrets. The value of each creature drawing a card on a hard to deal with target seems much stronger.

Dread Return is a solid cut imo. yeah it has flashback and is a sac outlet, but unless you need that fb ability its just too chunky.(Great to keep if your gonna slam in Gitrog combo to reanimate mid combo, but not much else)

I think the Higeki, Jukai Visionary will be a bomb in deck like ours but I have issues cutting things to replace it in my deck lol.

The ideal play would run like:

Channel creature, return yard, meren return, next turn bounce/mill/ramp, rinse and repeat....sooo much value.

lol help me figure what to trim in my deck so I can slap in Junji and maybe Higeki.

Also have you thought of making your combos wider with cards like Meathook Massacre or Blood Artist. I have a deck that uses the gain and drain synergies and since your deck has a lot of value in sac abilities to get to your combo. a little help along the way can save you in the end. just some food for thought. Gain and Drain <- ha just figured out how to do that.

KanisxKoda on

2 years ago

Lol your comment page is getting long. Had to scroll for a min.

Yeah I took a quick peak and there are a few tweaks/upgrades you can run over some others I think that wont be too overbudget.

I'd run:

Burnished Hart (under $2) or my favorite Yavimaya Elder (under $1) overDawntreader Elk/Neverwinter Dryad

So if your gonna pay to play lands you might as well get 2 for the price of one. Right? These 2 all stars allow you to pull 2 lands (deck thinning) and elder is even a static trigger which means you can sac to other outlets and still get value...soon much value lol.

Living Death(under $10) over Culling Ritual

Honestly I see the appeal in both. Culling however is more local meta based with high end, low cmc deck opponents. Living death covers a better wide meta and pairs amazingly with Dauthi Voidwalker, Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet or even a Scavenging Ooze

Toski, Bearer of Secrets ($10) over Oakhame Adversary

If your running a draw engine like this toski is a clear winner over adversary because he covers each attacking creature so you can draw multiple cards per turn instead of 1.

Veil of Summer (under $10) over Heroic Intervention

This is a meta call swap. I like Veil because it protects you from counters and the 2 of the most popular wipe spells colors. And draws a card. But if your group is heavy on red and white intervention is better.

For Junji, the Midnight Sky I usually replace creature for creature but in your decks case you can trim a reanimate since you have about 9 not including Meren of Clan Nel Toth

Best replacement creature for creature is taking out Apprentice Necromancer, otherwise Dread Return or Life / Death.

I say these 2 because of the exile clause and death only targets your yard un-like Reanimate, Animate Dead, and Necromancy which allow you to hit any yard.

Also you may want to add another free sac outlet. I highly recommend Altar of Dementia. It's budget friendly at around $10 ATM from mm2. Mill opponents and fills your yard fast. Great replacement for one of the extra reanimate spells you have.

solterranean on Lathril Casually Competitive

2 years ago

If you're looking to speed the deck up, I'd consider adding: Elves of Deep Shadow, Birds of Paradise, Wild Growth, Utopia Sprawl, Boreal Druid, Elvish Pioneer and the all-mighty Deathrite Shaman. For those, I'd look at cutting: Kodama's Reach, Rampant Growth, Elfhame Druid, Farhaven Elf, Jaspera Sentinel, Llanowar Visionary, and Springbloom Druid. Selvala, Heart of the Wilds is an amazing card, just not sure if it belongs here, maybe replace it with Elvish Guidance. There's also always Heritage Druid,

And hey, if you've got a Gaea's Cradle, Crop Rotation is a must (and its slower cousin, Sylvan Scrying, which also makes Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx a good add. More ($$$$) lands to consider would be: Cavern of Souls and Yavimaya Hollow. Other utility lands you might want to check out would be: Emergence Zone, Nurturing Peatland, Castle Garenbrig, and Wirewood Lodge.

If you've got the funds and are looking to get those last few % points in your ramp package, take a look at: Carpet of Flowers and Jeweled Lotus.

For card advantage, yeah I agree that Glimpse of Nature and Oakhame Adversary are good options, along with Sylvan Library, Necropotence, and Dark Confidant if you've got the $$ and looking to get as close to 100% as possible. Regal Force is a non-elf that's essential in elf decks. Some other options would be: Pact of the Serpent and Elvish Visionary. In terms of tutors, definitely consider: Chord of Calling, Eldritch Evolution, and maybe even Woodland Bellower and Fauna Shaman. Decks closer to CEDH would probably include: Vampiric Tutor, Diabolic Intent, and Survival of the Fittest. Also, Eternal Witness might be too good to not include, along with Noxious Revival. Patriarch's Bidding is a cheaper Haunting Voyage.

Card advantage cards you could consider cutting would be: Twinblade Assassins and Silhana Wayfinder.

In terms of removal, I think you'd want: Assassin's Trophy, Abrupt Decay, Nature's Claim and/or Force of Vigor, and Deadly Rollick. I also like Golgari Charm in more casual metas.

For elf synergy, along with Elvish Champion, I'd take a look at: Ezuri, Renegade Leader, Immaculate Magistrate

For utility, consider: Autumn's Veil, Veil of Summer, Vitalize, and the non-elves Scryb Ranger and Temur Sabertooth. Concordant Crossroads seems really good with Lathril too.

Hope this helps! Happy brewing

unstable_anomaly on Lathril Casually Competitive

2 years ago

Very nice, +1 from me. If I wasn't already running mono green elf ball and attempting a Golgari lands deck I would definitely build around this commander. Feel free to take a look at my own elf deck on my page if you're looking for some more inspiration.

Some suggestions if I may, feel free to take em or leave em: Glimpse of Nature / Guardian Project / Oakhame Adversary / Dark Confidant / Ohran Frostfang / Necropotence / Sylvan Library would all be excellent draw options in a deck like this and hopefully wouldn't slow you down too much. Highly recommend the last two since you'll most likely have the life for it.

Genesis Wave can be very powerful in the right deck. You might have too many instants/ sorceries for this to be viable, but it looks like you'd be able to generate plenty of mana to get some value out of it.

Elvish Champion would help get damage through and would pair nicely with your Yavimaya, Cradle of Growth.

Cover of Darkness would do much the same as Elvish Champion

Stoneforge Masterwork would be a huge pump for Lathril, Blade of the Elves and give you a burst of tokens.

Urza's Saga something that I've been working into almost all my decks since it tutors for fast mana or things like Stoneforge Masterwork / Skullclamp. Could speed up the deck quite a bit.

Not sure how you feel about infinites, but it looks like you're already running some infinite mana combos? For some additional infinite mana combos you could add Staff of Domination / Sword of the Paruns. Again my own elf deck would be a great resource for this since there's close to 100 different infinite mana combos in the deck.

Anyway, hope this helps. Cheers.

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