Vastwood Surge

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Vastwood Surge


Kicker (You may pay an additional as you cast this spell.)

Search your library for up to two basic land cards, put them onto the battlefield tapped, then shuffle your library. If this spell was kicked, put two +1/+1 counters on each creature you control.

ArtistaFeo on Chishiro Precon 1

1 year ago

Easy Cuts

Old-Growth Troll, Walking Skyscraper, Smoke Spirits' Aid, Vastwood Surge, Sword of Vengeance, Unquenchable Fury, One with the Kami, Elemental Mastery,

Ox of Agonas (Swap for Inspiring Call), Ulvenwald Oddity  Flip (switch for Primal Rage), Spearbreaker Behemoth (Swap for Heroic Intervention I have a copy of this card to give you.), Ascendant Acolyte - maybe cut? good card but i think you can do better.

Shifting Shadow, only keep if you have a lot of creatures with ETB effects. By a lot I mean at least 10.

Blackblade Reforged, Bonehoard, andFireshrieker can be upgraded for more synergistic equipment or auras. For example Bone Sabres, Fractal Harness, and Luxior, Giada's Gift. Search scryfall for equipment with counter keywords, then do the same for auras. You should absolutely play Sword of Truth and Justice

Search scryfall for cards with "evolve" for early game creatures that are growers, not showers. I highly recommend Experiment One and Gyre Sage! Gyre is 100% better than either spell I talk about below. vv

Most ramp spells in your deck should cost 2 or less CMC. 3 is fine. But you want to play them early game rather than late game. Cards like Tanuki Transplanter are very good ramp spells, but you only want 1 or 2 ramp spells that cost 4 or greater in your deck. I would keep this card in your deck depending on what the rest of your ramp looks like. Rampant Rejuvenator is another 4 cmc ramp. it does synergies with your counter theme, but its less dependable ramp because it has to die and your deck isn't playing sac outlets like Phyrexian Alter. on the plus side it is nice to beef it up and wait for that pending board wipe to slingshot your land base past the rest of the table. These are the tough decisions we are faced with. You should cut one of these cards. Keep Bear Umbra, it is better than both above mentioned and has the same CMC.

I would cut most lands that enter the battlefield tapped, they really f*ck up your early game. its ok to have a few, but they better be worth it.

Drayven9309 on Adrix & Nev, Multi-Tokes

1 year ago

Regarding your land base I see you're running Misty Rainforest, but not any of the lands it's 'meant' to fetch - these are dual lands that still have land types and are thus fetchable. Tropical Island, Breeding Pool etc. I don't think you need to run Misty as you're only in two colours and green is the king of ramp, so you're unlikely to be hurting for the right colours as well as cutting 1/10th of your deck's cost.

I don't like to spend a lot of money on my land base (especially in only two colours) but there are some cheap dual lands that are good to throw in, these come in untapped if you fulfill certain conditions (which are reasonably easy to obtain, especially in green) Dreamroot Cascade, Flooded Grove, Hinterland Harbor, Vineglimmer Snarl.

(Simic Growth Chamber is fine to keep - make sure you are bouncing a land you've already tapped for mana though, pro tip)

This is just my opinion so take this with a grain of salt. But I would replace the following lands

Myriad Landscape enters tapped, you're in two colours, one being green so you've got better ramp choices.

Blighted Woodland green has better ramp than this.

Lumbering Falls unless I'm missing something you don't need the utility of having a man-land.

Misty Rainforest expensive mana-fixing and you don't have the other lands needed to make full use of it, and again green has all the ramp options.

Temple of Mystery, Thornwood Falls can be replaced by dual lands that usually come in untapped.

Rejuvenating Springs is fine but I prefer cheaper options.

Again, my opinion, but you seem light on removal and ramp while heavy on land. Most decks run 33-36 land, being in green you could probably get away with 33. Try throwing in some of these Nature's Lore/Three Visits, Vastwood Surge, Growth Spiral, Migration Path, Ordeal of Nylea has some synergy, and if you put it on a creature that already has two or more counters on it, you can sacrifice it the same turn you play it. This is by far a non exhaustive list so feel free to google simic ramp and see what other options there are.

As for removal you'll want to make sure you have removal for not only creatures, but other non-land permanents mainly artifacts and enchantments which can sometimes be difficult depending on your colours (I'm assuming you won't have to deal with problematic lands most of the time). Pongify, Curse of the Swine and, Reality Shift are good picks (Curse of the Swine-ing yourself to create lots of piggies is never not funny and unexpected.)

You don't seem to have any boardwipes, these are cards that, in a panic let you just erase everything from the Battlefield (barring lands, usually) and can be great for when your opponent(s) are simply getting ahead of you in terms of having a developed board-state. The best one you have available is Cyclonic Rift but is a bit pricey, others include Wash Out, Evacuation, Devastation Tide and, Nevinyrral's Disk (for an actual board wipe). Unfortunately Blue really only has options that return things to hand instead of thoroughly destroying or exiling and Green straight up has nothing except anti-flying. They do most of their removal through fighting.

This is turning into an absolute wall of text and I'm getting lazy so I'm just gonna finish here by copying a comment from a YouTube video

Ramp: 10-12

Card Draw: 10

Single Target Removal: 10-12

Board Wipes: 3

Lands: 33-38

Standalone (cards that are effective by themselves/with commander): 25

Enhancers (cards that amplify or are amplified by standalones or commander): 10-12

Enablers (covers a weakness or fills a gap in your strategy): 7-8

Cards on your theme: 30(ish)

Consider overlaps (cards that count in multiple categories) and partials (cards that count as 'half' in a given category. E.g. scry 2 as half a card draw card)

xram666 on Prossh's Pit - EDH

2 years ago

For Ramp I would cut:

and add:

lhetrick13 on G/W Token Healing

2 years ago

TheStoneRaptor - I noticed you are running some ramp, likely to help with the pretty high mana curve. I would encourage you to try out Enter the Unknown. Unlike the ramp you are running, you can play this pretty quick and it either pumps or ramps. A good card to replace with this would be Vastwood Surge as it is kinda lackluster for 4 CMC and for 8 CMC you get to add some counters...Drop this card for something you will actually play every game instead of something you may play once in every twenty games.

shadow63 on Lae'Zel Master Chef +1/+1 counters

2 years ago

let me just reiterate your card choices aren't wrong. these suggestions are going to be because maybe we have different play styles or different metas. like i really try to keep my removal as flexible as possible and my +1/+1 counter deck is atraxa . Armorcraft Judge its unreliable and is a bad top deck. Avatar of the Resolute it just doesnt scale well to edh. Custodi Soulbinders paying 3 mana just to make a 1/1 is'nt very exciting. Fertilid ive used this one alot and in my games i almost never used it to ramp it was just a vanilla creature.

Return to Dust is just awkward i much pefer Heliod's Intervention. Ruinous Intrusion 4 mana to blow up 1 artifact or enchantment isn't worth it even if does give you a few counters. Lifecrafter's Bestiary with so few creatures its not great. with more creatures in here it could be great. Celestial Judgment there will be games where it will give you the win but there will be games where someone just has something huge out that this just misses or youll have to blow up more of your own stuff then an opponents Hour of Reckoning this is only good in a token deck.

some replacements creatures. Park Heights Maverick, Loyal Guardian, Forgotten Ancient, Walking Ballista, Pir, Imaginative Rascal, Steelbane Hydra, Evolution Sage, Conclave Mentor. non creatures Hardened Scales, Austere Command, Damning Verdict, Tome of Legends, Coalition Relic, Vastwood Surge

wallisface on Simic Mutate Scute Swarm

2 years ago


The problem with Neoform here is the general lack of good 2cmc creatures to sacrifice. I would recommend against running either Lotus Cobra Tangled Florahedron  Flip, as while they accelerate mana, they don't accelerate your landbase, which is what you actually care about. While paying 4 mana to Summoner's Pact may seem daunting, it's actually not really an issue - as with sufficient ramp you'll easily be able to pay for it and the Swarm. Its a staple of Prime Titan decks for a good reason.

Never go over 60 cards. The current cards I think are questionable/droppable are:

  • Vastwood Surge, Eureka Moment, Migratory Greathorn and Quandrix Cultivator: 3-or-4 mana is a lot for this kind of effect, and generally quite slow. By the time you have the mana to cast these, you should be already at a point of not needing them. Aim for the cheaper ramp I'd suggested. In addition to what I'd suggest above, Sakura-Tribe Elder is stronger than all these cards, and a good potential replacement.

  • Prosperous Innkeeper, Lotus Cobra, Tangled Florahedron  Flip: Your goal should be putting a lot of lands into play quickly, not just making a lot of mana. Mana on its own doesn't actually help you get anywhere, as your Swarm needs land drops, and a lot of existing lands in play.

  • Mana Leak feels like a sideboard card at-best. I'm not sure it works particularly well here, especially as by the time your engine is running, your opponent might also have enough lands to pay the cost.

If I were building this list with budget in-mind, it'd probably look something like:

Fuzzy003 on Kodama's House of Ramp and Counters

2 years ago

I'd add Llanowar Reborn to your lands. Retreat to Kazandu, Fangren Firstborn, Ranger Class, Thrive and Rite of Passage are some nice counter additions.

The Ozolith to recycle your +1/+1's.

You probably have enough elves to make Immaculate Magistrate an ok card to add and give Rings of Brighthearth another thing to target.

You have enough mana ramp to make Decree of Savagery a possible win con.

Vastwood Surge is ramp with more counters.

Myojin of Life's Web and Praetor's Council or Weird Harvest makes a nice refresh of your board state.

As for what to take out... (I hate trying to decide) but some standouts would be

That's my 2 cents worth. Hope it helps :)

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