Nightfall Predator FlipCombos Browse all Suggest
Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Arena | Legal |
Block Constructed | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Gladiator | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Historic | Legal |
Historic Brawl | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Modern | Legal |
Modern Beyond Horizons | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Tiny Leaders | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Daybreak Ranger
Creature — Human Archer Werewolf
: This deals 2 damage to target creature with flying.
At the beginning of each upkeep, if no spells were cast last turn, transform this.
SinBlade on Wait, where did the deer go? (Budget)
3 years ago
Figured I may as well pipe in with options from my old wolf deck, especially since I'm not great with werewolves. (Hoping to improve, especially seeing this deck!)
I will note that my werewolf deck involved mild abuse using the Isochron Scepter card to intimidate my opponents and keep my hand stocked... Anyways...
Neglected Heirloom Flip is pretty fun to run with Wolfbitten Captive Flip for some excessively aggressive play, though I can't say it fits the trample death theme with flawless ease. Sideboard stuff of course.
Gruul Charm for the anti flying aspect. or Daybreak Ranger Flip as the premium alternative, since it can serve as general removal.
Atarka's Command isn't a bad sideboard card either. I mention it only because
multimedia on Werewolves on the hunt
3 years ago
Hey, good attempt for a budget version of Tovolar. nice Aggravated Assault. You've mistakenly added two Tovolar's Huntmaster Flip :)
The card that combos with Spellbinder is Savage Beating for extra attacks which is now a $30 card. Without having Beating then Spellbinder is not worth playing because there's only 5 instants here out of 94 other cards.
When you control five or more lands then Bear Umbra enchanted to a creature who can keep attacking can pair with Aggravated Assault for extra attacks. Attacking with five or more creatures makes Druids' Repository combo with Assault. Savage Ventmaw who can keep attacking combos with Assault and also makes infinite green/red mana. Umbra could replace Spellbinder, Repository could replace Mantle of the Wolf and Ventmaw could replace the other copy Huntmaster.
Consider more one, two, three drop Werewolves to replace the vanilla four and five drop Werewolves?
- Scorned Villager Flip
- Realmwalker: changeling, it's a Werewolf and a Wolf.
- Kruin Outlaw Flip
- Geier Reach Bandit Flip
- Daybreak Ranger Flip
- Breakneck Rider Flip
- Village Messenger Flip
- Hermit of the Natterknolls Flip
- Reckless Waif Flip
- Lambholt Elder Flip
- Wolfbitten Captive Flip
Some of these could replace:
- Tormented Pariah Flip
- Tavern Ruffian Flip
- Tireless Hauler Flip
- Burly Breaker Flip
- Villagers of Estwald Flip
- Harvesttide Infiltrator Flip
- Bird Admirer Flip
- Spellrune Painter Flip
- Fangblade Brigand Flip
A couple of reasons for these changes is to get three or more Werewolves onto the battlefield to transform Tovolar quicker and have more Werewolves that can give you value rather than just only being Werewolves.
Some lands to consider adding, replacing of some basic lands.
- Karplusan Forest
- Unclaimed Territory
- Cinder Glade
- Rockfall Vale
- Rootbound Crag
- Fire-Lit Thicket
- Game Trail
- Naya Panorama
- Jund Panorama
Good luck with your deck.
Omniscience_is_life on Favorite non meta creature
4 years ago
I personally like Search for Azcanta Flip a lot. I think it can be considered for any deck with blue, tbh
Epicurus on Card creation challenge
4 years ago
A15Life there are a lot of werewolf creatures with transform. In fact, the transform mechanic was created around werewolves. There's a shit-ton of werewolves with the transform mechanic:
And all of this is without mentioning all of the non-werewolf HUMAN creatures with the transform mechanic, and the card I created makes all humans werewolves too. So yeah, there's a bit of use for Autumn Moon's ability to make a werewolf transform.
Sorry. Continue.
Akromathia on Werewolves 30$ budget build
4 years ago
I would:
- Replace Prey Uponwith Moonlight Hunt: Superior speed, and superior damage output, without risking the loss of a unit. And I would also add 1-2 more copies to the main board.
- Replace Shockwith Lightning Bolt / Lightning Strike: Better damage output for (almost) the same mana.
- Lower mainboard Moonmistto 2 or 3 and replace them with Moonlight Hunt. The 1 or 2 other copies would be side boarded.
- Replace Ulrich of the Krallenhorde Flip with Huntmaster of the Fells Flip: Cheaper, almost as stronger and has greater impact on the battlefield (removal + life gain + token generator vs buffer + removal).
- Replace Wolfbitten Captive Flipwith 2x Mayor of Avabruck Flipand 1x Lambholt Pacifist Flip.
- Replace 1x Geier Reach Bandit Flipwith 1x Daybreak Ranger Flip.
The Lands need some heavy rework. Having 22 is a good number, but you need to improve your chances to hit duals.
- 4x Game Trail
- 4x Rootbound Crag- Evolving Wilds or similar.
- 8x Forest
- 5x Mountain
- 1x Kessig Wolf Run (maybe make space for another)
Would you like some side board suggestions? Hope it helps, have a good day.
Akromathia on Werewolves are Cool
5 years ago
OK, let us see…
Land creature ratio:
- Try 22 Lands instead of 20 (trust me on this).
- 25 – 26 creatures are just fine.
- 12 – 13 spells.
- Replace Cinder Glade or Rootbound Crag with Game Trail (Since you are on a budget).
- 1x Kessig Wolf Run .
- Add 1x Forest or another Cinder Glade , Rootbound Crag , Game Trail or Kazandu Refuge .
- Daybreak Ranger Flip good card, but usually better as sideboard, whenever you face tons of flyers or when in need for extra removal. I would replace the whole set with Duskwatch Recruiter Flip, faster, cheaper (in both mana and dollars) and helps a lot to keep your hand and board full of wolves. Another budget replacement, could be Gatstaf Shepherd Flip, same cmc, goes for like 20 cents the copy and has intimidate.
- Geier Reach Bandit Flip another pretty good card, but I would just main 2 copies, more than that is usually not great, and this opens space to great finishers like Kruin Outlaw Flip.
- You have a ton of “Lord Effects”, so Reckless Waif Flip might be a good addition, since she has better body than Village Messenger Flip. Maybe tun a mix of both? Also could replace some Bandits to make the deck more aggro.
- Now about Silverfur Partisan . Most people think that you need a bunch of instants to cast on it yourself to justify its inclusion. WRONG! Even though that is a way to make it work, and even thought there a couple of cool combos with Zada, Hedron Grinder , it is not its main role. While in play, the partisan gives you a wolf for EVERY TARGETED WOLF OR WEREWOLF, which means that for every removal spell they cast on your creatures, you get a free replacement, which is great against some heavy removal decks. Remember that Werewolves have 3 main weak points, fliers, removal and mass removal. A great side board card.
- Magma Jet is not good here. I get the scry thing and all, but damage is more important for wolves. The obvious is Lightning Bolt , but usually with the money of just one copy, you can get 4x Lightning Strike or Incinerate or even something like Arc Trail (not recommended).
- Rabid Bite this is a terrible, ugly, and horrible card. Never ever use it! Try Pounce instead.
Hope this helps! Be kind and have fun.
Natalbee on Wolfgain Amadeus
5 years ago
SonRyu - Oh man, thank you! :D Always great to hear that haha
You might be able to turn this into a RGW Wolf/Werewolf deck with cards like:
Huntmaster of the Fells
Ulrich of the Krallenhorde
Daybreak Ranger
Ulrich's Kindred
Howlpack Resurgence
Just go leaner on the Elves and heavier on the Werewolves and fight abilities. Maybe run an Ogre Battledriver or Purphoros, God of the Forge ? Who knows - the world is your oyster haha
Good luck on your Naya adventures. If you have a list I'd love to look at it
Fleanend on
6 years ago
Kessig CagebreakersDaybreak Ranger FlipKessig Forgemaster FlipPyreheart WolfRot WolfTaurean MaulerWolfbitten Captive FlipWolfir AvengerWren's Run Packmaster
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