Prey Upon

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Prey Upon


Target creature you control fights target creature you don't control. (Each deals damage equal to its power to the other.)

Rhadamanthus on How does priority work with …

6 days ago

This specific scenario can't happen. Prey Upon has two targets, so Ink-Treader Nephilim's ability won't trigger for it.

If you were to somehow make a bunch of copies of a spell simultaneously with an effect you control, you would also control the copies and would decide what order they get put onto the stack. They would resolve one at a time according to the order you chose

In the case of multiple copies of Prey Upon resolving, each fight would be handled individually as each Prey Upon resolves. If a creature is the target of multiple Prey Upons and happens to die after one of the earlier ones, any later ones that targeted it will do nothing when they start resolving because a "fight" effect does nothing if one or both of the creatures are no longer on the battlefield or have otherwise become illegal targets.

vic on How does priority work with …

6 days ago

I control an Ink-Treader Nephilim and several other creatures. My opponent controls several creatures. Let's say we have an equal number of creatures.

I cast a Prey Upon on my Nephilim. Since it is my turn, and I have priority, does that mean I get to copy the Prey Upon for each of my creatures before my opponent can make any copies? Or does it go one for me, then one for him, etc.?

And when does each copy resolve? I'm wondering if I could potentially wipe out his army before he could either target anything or deal any damage to my creatures.

And since this is not complicated enough, now let's do this scenario for a multiplayer game where everybody has several creatures.

wallisface on Selesyna Midrange

9 months ago

As far as cards I would ditch:

  • Garruk Wildspeaker feels too slow/midrange orientated and not useful for what you’re trying to do here. Same goes for Elder Gargaroth.

  • Blossoming Defense feels kindof meh here to me. None of your creatures are crucial to keep alive - i’d rather these slots be used for more creatures.

  • I don’t think you need/want Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx at all… if your deck is benefitting from it then your mana curve is too high.

I think you should be running Tail Swipe instead of Prey Upon. And i think you can run the full playset if there’s room.

As far as creatures to add/consider, i have a bunch of suggestions that aren’t beasts, but would help you a lot. At the moment your only reason to running mono-beasts is Descendants' Path, which imo isn’t a strong enough card to warrant restricting your creature options soo heavily.

Anyway, creatures that cpuld be good here: Pelt Collector, Experiment One, and Strangleroot Geist. There is also the option of going down to 18 lands, running playsets of Llanowar Elves and Elvish Mystic (you ditch Arboreal Grazer in this situation), and playing 3x Khalni Hydra as a terrifying finisher (they make your Aspect of Hydra back-breaking).

legendofa on Golgari Skelly Bobs

11 months ago

Welcome to the club, Nezkul! I always get excited when I see a Skeleton deck.

To offer some specifics on wallisface's tips, the planeswalkers don't offer too much to your plan. Garruk, Cursed Huntsman in particular doesn't pull his weight in this deck, at 6 mana for either a couple of expendable bodies or some removal and draw. (Don't rely on a planeswalker's ultimate; unless your deck is loaded with proliferate effects or very hard control, more often than not you're not going to reach it.) Lolth, Spider Queen is a little better, since your Skeletons can be easily reclaimed. Still, though, it's primary function is as a draw engine, so maybe Phyrexian Arena or some "burst" draw like Village Rites would work better.

For removal, Hero's Downfall is more flexible than Murder, and has been reprinted enough that it's very affordable. I don't see your creatures getting more than maybe 3-4 toughness on a good day, so Grim Contest might not be the best option. There's lots of pretty good removal at 2 mana, so that is a potential switch. Prey Upon needs either Skeletal Swarming or Death Baron to be fully useful, so switching it for Bone Shards might work better.

Persistent Specimen is a decent 1-mana skeleton, as is Rimebound Dead if you can find some Snow lands.

Above all, have fun!

legendofa on

1 year ago

It looks like Phyrexian Obliterator is a major part of your game play. Have you tried using fight cards like Prey Upon, Primal Might, or similar effects?

Tur on Challenging Maarika

1 year ago

I believe that you're committing too much to your theme. There are too many cards which do the same thing. You should cut down on the instant/sorcery fight cards to maybe 5-6 cards (that is ~10% of the deck):

I suggest choosing some from these cards: Bite Down, Bushwhack, Cartouche of Strength, Chandra's Ignition, Fall of the Hammer, Go for Blood, Master's Rebuke, Nature's Way, Prey Upon, Prizefight, Tail Swipe, Ulvenwald Tracker

In my opinion, the best ones are: Bushwhack, Cartouche of Strength, Chandra's Ignition, Nature's Way, Prey Upon, Prizefight, Tail Swipe

Fight on a stick should be considered: Gruul Ragebeast or Kogla, the Titan Ape

Deathtouch to this theme is nice, but you're going to be doing 7 damage upon each fight. It's unlikely a creature will survive that fight. Therefore, you can cut back on deathtouch, that is Archetype of Finality, Bow of Nylea, Vorpal Sword, and Falthis, Shadowcat Familiar. Basilisk Collar is still good because of the lifelink. Saryth, the Viper's Fang is still good because of hexproof.

Furthermore, I would cut cards which deal damage based on how much Maarika receives. It will mostly be 3-5 damage. Such as, Fiendlash.

Because the commander is Voltron it needs many keyword abilities: haste, trample, and hexproof should be your bread and butter (no shroud for this deck). Enchantments or equipment which yield those keyword abilities are great.

There are a few Voltron related cards which I would suggest: Fiery Emancipation, Jeska, Thrice Reborn, and Hatred can one shot an opponent.

I hope this helps!

plakjekaas on Can I use "Rakdos Charm" …

1 year ago

Rakdos Charm doesn't state: "each creature attacks their controller"

It says: "each creature deals 1 damage to its controller." Tapped creatures are not exempt from doing damage. A Prey Upon could still target your own tapped creature, and it would still deal damage to another creature (and be dealt damage back).

Also, if the creatures would actually attack their owners by the effect of Rakdos Charm, they would deal damage equal to their power. The spell says it just deals 1 damage, no matter its power.

The only way to survive the Rakdos Charm in the situation you described, is to get rid of every creature you have, before the spell resolves. Either by sacrificing them, using an instant speed removal spell on them, or phase them out (like with a Slip Out the Back).

You did win that game.

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