Hall of Gemstone

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Hall of Gemstone

World Enchantment

At the beginning of each player's upkeep, that player chooses a color. Until end of turn, lands tapped for mana produce mana of the chosen color instead of any other color.

RiotRunner789 on Favorite EDH Cards

3 months ago

My favorite card is Grave Pact but that isn't quite niche. I don't seem to have as many oddball fun cards that I tend to play but there are a few oddball or less played ones at least.

Black: Koskun Falls is a favorite of mine. I prefer decks that do not attack, so the tapping is not a big downside. Tainted Remedy because it makes opponent's creatures with lifelink funny. Gift of Doom which doesn't use the stack when morphing which has come in handy more than once. Pestilence is one of my favorite black board wipes which typically is on my board with an indestructible creature. Dystopia since at least someone is playing Selesnya.

White: Peacekeeper because no means no. Aura of Silence use to be more niche but has seen some prominent reprints. Solid removal with a tax effect has tripped up more than one opponent. Mandate of Peace is a great fog and a counter spell in some situations. Underplayed.

Green: Hall of Gemstone for any monogreen deck. Had a blue player try to win on my endstep and about 5 minutes into their combo, I asked where there blue mana was coming from.

Orzhov: Batwing Brume has killed a few Kranko players for me and saved me several times.

Colorless: Null Brooch is just Isochron Scepter with Negate already attached. Arena of the Ancients is great for when my commander doesn't need to tap, or attack, or is played after this and has vigilance. Great card no one expects.

Red: Apocalypse or Jokulhaups for the hard reset. Stranglehold because blue players are the worst and tutoring takes too long.

Blue: Mana Vortex for the slow decent into hell.

SufferFromEDHD on Azusa, Bureau of Land Management

3 months ago

Dust Bowl would be great in the late game with all those basic forests.

Might be able to get some value out of Lost in the Woods

Hall of Gemstone if you want to get mean.

Aosana on

10 months ago

SufferFromEDHD Thank you for the recommendations! I think I'll keep Primal Order in the Sideboard for now, and I also put Hall of Gemstone in there thanks to your advice. I don't know how I missed Lure of Prey! I'll have to cut something for that as soon as possible.

As for Argothian Wurm and Endless Wurm, I feel like their respective drawbacks make them a bit less reliable than some of the other big Creature cards I've already included. However, the latter's 9/9 stat line is incredibly tempting; for now, I'll put Endless Wurm and Rancor in the Sideboard for anyone who wants to try them out together.

Thank you again! :D

SufferFromEDHD on

10 months ago

Get that Primal Order in the main board.

Hall of Gemstone is a mono green all star.

Dust Bowl is brutal late game with a lot of basic lands.

Natural Order and Lure of Prey are neat.

Running wurms but no Argothian Wurm?

Endless Wurm + Rancor

Profet93 on Her Royal Fluffness: Gorestorm

1 year ago

Thank you for taking the time to respond to my comment in detail, I know it wasn't easy. You make fair points, you might want to mention budget(ish) in the description so others know how to suggest cards accordingly.

Any weaknesses you feel the deck has?

While I disagree with you decision to keep Primal Order, I respect your decision to keep it. Given you are okay with hurting then via nonbasics, are you into non-basic land hate in the form of Wave of Vitriol or does it go against the spirit of the commander/playgroup and is too expensive? A different card to consider might be Hall of Gemstone. Neither are serious suggestions, just wanted to pick your brain.

Skullclamp - Draw on dorks, deterrant to creature removal. Although you said you don't need much draw so perhaps I'm being a bit overzealous.

Heroic Intervention - Additional form of versatile protection

Slashdance on Forest Tribal, LoL

1 year ago

Thanks, Daigar.

It's been mentioned for my Elfball deck, and I agree it's a mean card that can help win games for any mono-green deck. I would use this if I were playing in a tournament, but for most any other game I prefer to try to stay as focused as I possibly can on synergy or answers. Hall of Gemstone is neither, and isn't fun for the rest of the table, it's just a form of control and slowing the game down, and honestly it's not really fun for 'me' and doesn't do anything for the deck in and of itself.

But, yeah, it's a powerful card can make somebody's day not so good, and I consider it more on the competitive side that I rarely play. So, for now, it's not going in my own personal deck. But feel free to use it yourself! =)

DaigarStrasis on Forest Tribal, LoL

1 year ago

Idk if it was mentioned but personally I'd think Hall of Gemstone would work well in this.

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