Wrap in Vigor

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Wrap in Vigor


Regenerate each creature you control.

legendofa on Invade and Destroy: Sideboard Switch

4 months ago

To make sure I'm tracking right, your suggested switch pattern is

-4 Pelt Collector

-2 Wrap in Vigor

-1 other creature

Pretty much the whole sideboard needs to come in for the Ponza line to work, and the remaining Warriors need to be able to apply pressure. Which eight cards would be your other switchouts?

legendofa on Help with deck creation for …

10 months ago

Legendary beatdown? It should be easy to get her out on turn three for a turn 4 attack. Load up on cheap legends like Jolrael, Mwonvuli Recluse, Syr Faren, the Hengehammer, maybe Wilson, Refined Grizzly, and you have the start of a stompy deck.

Blackblade Reforged feels like a natural fit, too.

You could also ramp into bigger legendary creatures like Old Gnawbone or The Tarrasque and go for a big creature beatdown. Add some protection like Wrap in Vigor, Heroic Intervention, or Asceticism, depending on budget, and there's a deck.

I would say those are Doric's clearest strengths, ramping and face smashing, with a side of lands matter. I can't come up with anything too tricky or subtle to do with her as the centerpiece, so my suggestion is to dig into the aggro and swing hard.

carpecanum on Webs From All the Spiders…

1 year ago

Without a ton of tokens I'm not sure cards like Blood Artist and Zulaport Cutthroat will really help a lot. If you want to focus more on tokens maybe get Tend the Pests, Second Harvest, Chatterfang, Squirrel General etc.

If you want a couple burly spiders Chameleon Colossus and Changeling Titan are useful.

I think you should get a few (or a lot) of cards like Rabid Bite that allow Shelob to just murder somebody and make a token. There are several (Instants and Sorceries, mostly green) and they tend to have a CMC low enough to fit inside a Isochron Scepter and so would all but one of the Instants you already have. I see your two artifact pingers there, those are a great start. Arcane Lighthouse would help with spells that target like that. A lot of creatures have abilities that will carry over in Artifact form and I really like some of the possibilities there.

You don't seem shy about money so maybe Heroic Intervention and, cheaper, Wrap in Vigor, to survive a board wipe intact.

carpecanum on Toski and its spicy Fellowship

1 year ago

Maybe Nemesis Mask to double the chance of getting a Lure effect out. Wrap in Vigor to protect against a board wipe, or Heroic Intervention if you have one.

Helnas on Omnath locus of mana (opinions needed)

1 year ago

Instead of the mana doublers, i would add something like Bear Umbra, untaps your land if you swing with your commander, plus totem armor. Get some protection aswell, Lightning Greaves Yeva, Nature's Herald (just cast commander straight back when he gets destroyed, keep it in your hand). maybe a few spells like Tamiyo's Safekeeping, Tyvar's Stand, Gaea's Gift, Momentous Fall, Shared Summons, Wrap in Vigor some other creatures i didnt think of before: Oracle of Mul Daya, Silverback Elder, Apex Devastator, Cultivator Colossus, Ghalta, Primal Hunger, Cankerbloom, Topiary Stomper, Regal Force

For cutting cards, i would just cut cards that arent creatures or synergize with creatures, or dont do alot most of the time. something like Exponential Growth is gonna be a dead card in your hand most of the times.

Also dont understand most artifacts in your deck. Diviner's Wand for example, 3 mana to cast, 3 to equip, 4 to draw 1 card, 10 mana to draw your first card, and 4 mana for each card after that doesnt seem worth it at all. Id also cut 1x Mirage Mirror, Staff of Compleation, Helm of the Host, Lithoform Engine, Book of Rass

Id also cut: Vigor, Ironscale Hydra, Seeker of Skybreak, Viridian Joiner, Nantuko Mentor

And i would add 4-5 lands. playing a land per turn is stronger then playing an arcane signet or sol ring and then miss a land drop. (id cut arcane signet and sol ring aswell, they are bad draws past t4)

Icaruskid on Azusa, Lost but Seeking Cthulu [Primer]

1 year ago

Thank you Profet93!

Fierce Empath replaces Time of Need. I like the early blocker and the classic synergy with Woodland Bellower.

Seek the Horizon replaces Kodama's Reach. Three lands per card is better than two.

Gaea's Cradle and Itlimoc, Cradle of the Sun are pretty good here. But this deck goes tall with a few creatures rather than wide as you said about Eldrazi Monument. Even though I have the card and there is no budget technically, I can play this deck in more pods when not running the more competitive card that is not at its best here anyway. Leaving it out for now but mostly because I want to play this deck as often as I can.

I'm keeping Shared Summons in for now as well because I like the cast triggers of Kozilek and Ulamog which are my most tutored Eldrazi. I'll try to find a spot for Tooth and Nail too as it helps with velocity even if I don't get the cast trigger.

Harrow and Springbloom Druid effectively give Azusa extra lands, just from the graveyard. They help with consistency when I don't hit Lotus Vale, Lotus Field, or the fetch lands and help justify Ramunap Excavator, Crucible of Worlds, and Perennial Behemoth. Speaking of, Perennial Behemoth's unearth ability is handy when Eldrazi Monument is out and even when I don't have it on the battlefield there are usually some other fodder like Tireless Tracker, Springbloom Druid, or Ramunap Excavator to buy three or more turns of indestructible flying Eldrazi which make the monument more than just a flavor win. If I cut the monument I would still need some protection from boardwipes in that spot. This is why Planar Bridge is so useful as I can grab Eldrazi Monument or Akroma's Memorial to get damage through. And using Planar Bridge to get Mana Reflection is also a near game winning play too. These cards are imperfect but they are hard to replace with single cards. Like Heroic Intervention or Asceticism or even Wrap in Vigor don't give multiple turns of indestructibility and evasion (flying).

I hear you on Desolation Twin. It does do work after a boardwipe though and I don't want to diminish organic threat density too much. Maybe this is where Tooth and Nail belongs. I'll try it out.

I really appreciate your ideas!!

Asgeren on Spymaster's spy-plans

1 year ago

Hey, nice deck - I'm brewing something similar. I'd look into some wrath protection if I was you, since that'll be your main concern. Something like Wrap in Vigor, Heroic Intervention etc

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