Dolmen Gate

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Dolmen Gate


Prevent all combat damage that would be dealt to attacking creatures you control.

TimelessLove on Krenko's Goblin Meat Market

2 days ago

Additionally, I would Mainboard Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker and/or Fable of the Mirror-Breaker  Flip the latter of which being a valid Kiki-Jiki duplicate target. It's another option to go infinite, or simply increase the good parts of a boardstate.

Personally, I'd sideboard the Stax elements like Orb of Dreams and Winter Orb, even if there's some interaction with Throne of the God-Pharaoh. I might be undervaluing the card draw aspect, but Gempalm Incinerator only targeting creatures greatly devalues it for me.

Goblin Chirurgeon, I consider it essential to protecting valuable goblins on board since there's no way to bring them back from the graveyard. Your love for fancy lands might also have you consider Safe Haven. Similarly, Castle Embereth, Spinerock Knoll, and Den of the Bugbear each fits.

Goblin Goliath, offers much the same effect as Siege-Gang Commander while also giving a damage-doubling effect on tap.

While not being a sac outlet Battle Squadron offers an effect similar to Clickslither and Voracious Dragon while still being a Goblin, and not taking goblins off the board.

Goblin Warchief needs help with Haste enabling, whether pre-infinite or not, I think another option to win on board same turn is needed. Goblin Bushwhackerfoil, Goblin Chieftain, and Roar of Resistance offer this, while Ardoz, Cobbler of War can additionally capitalize on it.

Gauntlet of Might, Dolmen Gate, and Herald's Horn are good preference options. I keep wanting to add Basilisk Collar because of Goblin Sharpshooter, but it'd be a wasted slot too often.

Conspicuous Snoop is a fun card, which I now realize goes infinite with Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker on top of the library.

Crow_Umbra on The Surgin' General [Primer]

3 days ago

Thanks for the suggestions KongMing. I currently have Dolmen Gate in the 99, and am quite familiar with it from other aggro decks I currently play. Similarly, I use Legion Loyalist in a couple of my other aggro decks. Although I don't have additional copies, I could see it as a potential swap with something in the 1-2 cmc range sometime down the road.

Spirit Mantle is great, but I find myself using Auras less & less these days, partly from playing lots of Aura/Voltron over the years, & partly the feelsbad™️ from getting 2 for 1'd on removal. Beyond the various Lightning Greaves variants & Skullclamp, I'm not a big fan of equipment.

KongMing on The Surgin' General [Primer]

3 days ago

Legion Loyalist can be a cheap and effective way to get damage through while attacking.

For getting Satya attacking midgame more without dying, how about something like Frontline Medic, Dolmen Gate, Angelic Guardian, or Spirit Mantle?

Also, including Embercleave and Sunhome, Fortress of the Legion could allow you to get some Commander damage kills.

Icaruskid on Imagine Dragons | Budget Rosnakht [PRIMER]

2 weeks ago

Hey hey khayoz!

I went all in on go wide as my first version. It had all the Heroic spells and concentrated on buff and damage spells, no voltron:

Metallic Mimic
Roar of Resistance
Heraldic Banner
Coat of Arms
Shared Animosity
Obelisk of Urd
Signal Pest
Konda's Banner
Eldrazi Monument
Weapon Surge
Ogre Battledriver

Throne of the God-Pharaoh
Impact Tremors
Witty Roastmaster
Livewire Lash

It played pretty well. Board wipes were absolutely the killer. The game becomes adding the right amount of creatures and damage without overextending. Also sometimes my little kobolds were outclassed by more powerful creatures and couldn't attack. I could have added Dolmen Gate and evasion but then we are leaving my playgroup's budget behind. This is where I discovered Descent of the Dragons and thought it would be a great finisher that's also a "buff" spell and on theme. Then that led me to Transmogrify and I've never looked back.

But the overlap approach can do work. Like Draconic Destiny adds to your voltron threat but it also enables Rosnakht to attack giving the kobolds the buff they desperately need. Dynacharge and Weapon Surge are modal so you can buff the whole team or sneak in a voltron kill.

I haven't tested all in voltron. But indestructibility might be important. Mithril Coat, Darksteel Plate, Commander's Plate, and Hammer of Nazahn might be worth a try. I just wanted something with more sizzle, style wise.

Hope this helps! Let me know what you learn!

KongMing on Weapon X

2 months ago

How about Flickering Ward, Inviolability, and Embercleave? Dolmen Gate might be worth it too.

Case42 on Caesar, Mardu Dressing

4 months ago

My version of Caesar leans much much heavier into token production, but I still feel that you could use Lagomos, Hand of Hatred in this version. He is a great option for an every turn guaranteed sacrifice for Caesar, plus a tutor.

Since you seem to be aiming at a Go-Wide strategy, I would suggest cards that protect your creatures in combat.

Dolmen Gate Iroas, God of Victory and Reconnaissance

Reconnaissance in particular is very strong, as it not only acts as combat protection but also as a pseudo-Vigilance effect, as there is a stage in combat after damage is dealt where you are still in combat and can activate it.

Sk8mops on Aurelia Combat Master

5 months ago

Thanks for the suggestions!

In the early days of the deck I actually played Aggravated Assault, but it was really too mana intensive. I play it in other decks, but they usually have green as one of their colors. Boros is just too weak at generating mana and even in mid to lategame I'd rather spend the 5 mana on a stronger board presence than just an extra combat phase. That's the reason why Aggravated Assault was replaced by creatures like Combat Celebrant, Moraug, Fury of Akoum & Scourge of the Throne.

I don't like Lightning Greaves in equipment decks, because it happens more often than I'd like that I only have one creature on the battlefield. And not being able to equip more equipment is a really unpleasant slowdown..

Dolmen Gate is a good idea that I've already thought about myself. However, no free slot has yet been found for it. And I have to say that I play all my decks in paper and I just haven't been able to get my hands on a Dolmen Gate because I haven't come across it yet ;) But I'll keep my eyes open for it in the future!

NV_1980 on Aurelia Combat Master

5 months ago

Nice deck. Curious as to why Aggravated Assault didn't make the cut. Requires too much mana? Dolmen Gate is a pretty awesome redunancy for Iroas and cheap to cast. I'd further recommend Lightning Greaves for Aurelia.

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