Krosan Grip

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Krosan Grip


Split second (As long as this spell is on the stack, players can't cast spells or activate abilities that aren't mana abilities.)

Destroy target artifact or enchantment.

Nunu312 on Alaskan Bull Wurm

1 month ago

Yisan, the Wanderer Bard is probably a trap. It might seem good to cast cards straight out of your deck, but it will take at least 4 turns after you play it for you to even be able to get things you might want out of your deck. Even if you were using it to get mana creatures, there are cheaper and faster ways to do that.

For card draw something like Garruk's Uprising might fit better with your theme?

Overall I feel like the deck runs a little inconsistent and could perhaps use some answers to things other players may do. Something like Krosan Grip / Archdruid's Charm / Nature's Claim to deal with enchantments/artifcats and Heroic Intervention to survive a board wipe might help? Similarly there are some card neutral solutions such as Kenrith's Transformation can help keep your momentum up.

RufusTheGrufus on Mono Green Stompy

6 months ago

Profet93, thank you for taking the time to check out the list and offer your suggestions!

I'm going to try my best to articulate my opinions of said suggestions:

-Rishkar's Expertise: I do enjoy this card quite a bit, and did originally have it in the list. It eventually got cut because the floor was too low for a 6 mana card; and I opted for a similar effect in Return of the Wildspeaker because it's one mana cheaper and has extra utility since it can help push through alpha strikes. I do feel like this deck could benefit from a bit more card advantage though.

-Pir's Whim: I actually completely forgot this card exists, I think this is a perfect swap suggestion, thank you!

-Traverse the Outlands: I totally get why you're suggesting this card, I think I personally just tend to shy away from more conditional ramp, removal, and card advantage; since typically if I'm desperately needing one of those effects I don't want to have to rely on satisfying an extra condition in order to achieve it. I think otherwise Traverse the Outlands could totally find a home in this kind of deck.

-Collector Ouphe, Manglehorn, Reclamation Sage: Collector Ouphe and Manglehorn are definitely great cards to include in this deck. My main hesitation with including them is because this decklist was made with the intent of having it be a bit more casual and less "feel bad" for when my playgroup wants to play with lower powered/more casually oriented decks. I love the idea of including them though and am adding them to the Maybeboard for further consideration! In terms of Reclamation Sage, it was in the decklist initially but ultimately got cut over more flexible pieces such as Krosan Grip, Beast Within and Return to Nature as I typically feel the need to have some options for instant speed removal; and I have a few pieces of creature-based artifact/enchantment removal that can target multiple things.

-Nissa's Pilgrimage: This is just an objectively better card than Cultivate in a mono-green deck, thank you!

-Yavimaya Hollow: Intriguing card, I'm definitely interested in testing it out!

-Turntimber, Serpentine Wood  Flip: I generally have an aversion to these flip lands. I totally get the arguments for playing them, I've just never felt inclined to play a majority of them. I'd be willing to give this one a shot in the list though to see if it exceeds my expectations; especially since it's so on-theme!

-Goreclaw, Terror of Qal Sisma: I completely forgot about this guy, I'm interested in testing him out and am swapping him in over Giant Adephage; which was really just in the deck as a 'fun' pet card anyways.

-Shaman of Forgotten Ways, Somberwald Sage: I don't know how I forgot about Shaman of Forgotten Ways. Thank you for such a great suggestion, I slotted it in instead of Llanowar Tribe for now. Somberwald Sage I'm less sure of including at this point in time. I'll put it in the Maybeboard and keep thinking on it.

-Siege Behemoth: An interesting suggestion, I'm not sure if I'll find a home for it in the deck just yet but I'm adding it to the Maybeboard to consider!

-Berserk: This would be an incredibly fun include, I just need to find something to cut. It'll have to live in the Maybeboard for now.

-Life's Legacy, Greater Good: Since I'm truly a Golgari player at heart, and love playing around with sacrifice and my graveyard, these cards were definitely in consideration when I initially built this deck. I eventually opted for just Momentous Fall and not Life's Legacy because Momentous Fall can be cast at instant speed which allows it to be used in response to removal to help with rebuilding. If I had more synergy with sacrificing creatures baked into the deck, and/or more ways to utilize my own graveyard, I would definitely be including Greater Good. I'm adding them to the Maybeboard for now, especially since Greater Good may just be too much card advantage to turn down.

Thank you again for such considerate suggestions and for taking the time to look over the list!

DemonDragonJ on Waste Not

8 months ago

I have replaced Krosan Grip with Archdruid's Charm, because the latter card is far more versatile; it does have a stricter casting cost, but that should not be too much of a problem, for this deck.

nbarry223 on Dec 4th 2023 Ban announcement

10 months ago

For example, Foundation Breaker becomes a sorcery speed Krosan Grip overnight. That doesn’t seem like the answer to the problem.

kirbysan on [Primer] Helming the Host of Heaven *Update*

1 year ago


Ah, I guess spoilers don't work in comment boxes, that's annoying.

1. Guardian of Ghirapur IN Angelic Curator OUT

After nearly a year of playtesting, I'm not the biggest fan of the low CMC angels, especially Angelic Curator. While it's a 1/1 flying angel body for 2, the protection for artifacts is more of a hindrance than a help. It helped defend against a Blightsteel Colossus once but being unable to equip it hurts more. By turn 3 when we want to drop Angelic Curator we would rather want to drop a 3-4 CMC angel or an impactful Artifact, Equipment or Enchantment.

Guardian of Ghirapur is a far superior body to Angelic Curator at 3/3 for 3. Initially there weren't that many blink targets for this deck but I've tweaked it to have more relevant targets and provide some outs to accelerate our gameplan. Typical targets would be Stoneforge Mystic, Recruiter of the Guard, Inspiring Overseer, Karmic Guide, Sanctuary Warden, Bruna, the Fading Light  Meld.

2. Karmic Guide IN Angelic Page OUT

Following the same logic as Angelic Curator, Angelic Page simply doesn't do enough when it hits the board. Karmic Guide was initially pulled due to lack of use as 5CMC is a lot for simple recursion and the deck was more focused on mana efficiency. However, with the re-introduction of tutors and blink mechanics it may have a place again.

3. Recruiter of the Guard IN Mangara, the Diplomat OUT

Mangara has proven its worth in a few games if opponents continue with their strategy and play through it. However, like Smuggler's Share, if opponents decide to play around it, it's kind of a dead card on board. The first ability generally doesn't do much since opponents aren't swinging into our board and depending on the deck they can cast one big spell on their turn and save their instants for opponents. Recruiter of the Guard was in my initial build but pulled in favor of more angels. Typical line would be Recruiter of the Guard into Stoneforge Mystic to grab either Lightning Greaves for protection or Sword of Hearth and Home for protection, ramp and blink shenanigans. While it seems like adding 1 card for a maybe synergy seems inefficient I was able to pull it off in 1/3 games so it's not as inconsistent as it seems.

4. Firemane Commando IN Angelic Sleuth OUT

While the clues generated with Sleuth have saved me before, I would much rather have more consistent draw to keep my hand topped off rather than wastinga turn after a wipe to refill my hand. Firemane serves double duty as not only being a solid 4/3 angel body but also provides "free" draw through attacking which we want to do. It also helps direct combat decks towards opponents if they want the draw.

5. Invasion of Dominaria  Flip IN Thorough Investigation OUT

In the same theme as Sleuth, Thorough Investigation provides draw for later with the added benefit of going through the dungeon. I've completed dungeons twice before with this card but the benefits haven't been as strong as I hoped. Invasion of Dominaria  Flip provides lifegain and draw immediately and as long as we have 2 angels (Giada and 1 other) then we can defeat this battle the turn we drop it providing a 6/6 Serra Angel. When you staple all 3 together then that's incredibly efficient. Late game when we're trying to close out the game we may choose to not swing at the battle but instead go for lethal but the option remains.

6. Invasion of Gobakhan  Flip IN The Ozolith OUT

In the dozens of games I've played with Ozolith I've only had it successfully work once. Late game it may seem like a dead card as it sort of hinges on either an opponent playing a board wipe and us refilling the board to swing again or using Pyre of Heroes on a stacked angel to grab something relevant. I much prefer Gobakhan as it slows down an opponents gameplay, easy to flip and provides benefits right away by buffing our board the same turn it comes out and also has "free" protection for later.

7. Conjurer's Mantle IN Mask of Memory OUT

Mask has been pretty great overall but sometimes slows down the game too much by making us filter. While there's a recursion package, it's not always guaranteed, so pitching relevant angel bodies early can be detrimental for late game, especially against graveyard exiles like Bojuka Bog. Yet, we'll still want to draw our cards so the discarding is necessary. Mantle is great not only because it costs the same, has a buff and vigilance and grabs relevant bodies off the top 6 without having to discard.

8. Clever Concealment IN Cosmic Intervention OUT

Cosmic seems good on paper but exile effects like Farewell or Merciless Eviction can make it useless. It also doesn't protect the angel tokens which can sometimes be the main body of threat. Concealment allows us to not just protect the tokens but lets the vigilant angels tap for a surprise protection. Oftentimes opponents will check untapped mana before blowing everything on a boardwipe so the convoke mechanic is super relevant for a well timed protection spell. Depending on the success of this swap I may consider Wand of the Worldsoul as well for some sneaky convoke shenanigans.

9. Chivalric Alliance IN Tome of Legends OUT

In the same line of thinking as Firemane Commando, "free" draw is better than costed draw. They both cost the same but having to pay for Tome of Legends can slow us down as well as if Giada is removed too much in the beginning. At most we'll ever get 1 draw per turn anyway so this swap was pretty simple.

10. Land Tax IN Smothering Tithe OUT

I've loved Tithe for awhile thinking it's a great ramp card. While it is good, it hinges on the decks it's played against. I've been most successful against my friends Jhoira's deck which colored my view when bringing it into pub matches. After reflecting on it for a year, it simply isn't worth it in mid to high powered casual decks that don't use draw as part of their strategy. In 90% of games I'll get 3-6 treasures before it gets removed or the game ends. Figuratively, you would drop it on turn 4 and if no one pays the tax then by turn 6 you'll have at most 6 treasures which is only net +2 mana. If the game lasts till turn 7 then you could have +5 mana but at that point opponents would either have game ending spells or plenty of open mana to pay the tax. Land Tax on the other hand can come down T1 before Giada even hits the field, thins out the deck while filling the hand with relevant plays and synergizes well with Emeria Shepherd or Emeria, The Sky Ruin. It was in the initial build of this deck before but was taken out along with the other artifact ramp to add more angels in.

11. Plains IN Bonders' Enclave OUT

As one of the few available card draws in mono-white, Enclave was a land for hail-mary draws. I've only ever used these abilities in 1 game when I was desperate for any card draw and it felt terrible. Paying 4 to draw a single card is terrible use of mana. Also, there were too many colorless sources from lands so I was struggling early game to play 2 relevant white cards in one turn.

12. Mistveil Plains IN War Room OUT

Same line of thinking as Enclave. Mistveil's ability is more of an experiment as tap lands are generally too slow. Typically recursion would just put the creatures back on the battlefield but Mistveil can possibly help with the Blink/Tutor package we've introduced.

Considering Wand of the Worldsoul and Excise the Imperfect

Opponents: Sigarda, Host of Herons & Lathiel, the Bounteous Dawn

Starting hand: Windswept Heath, Fabled Passage, Path of Ancestry, Bruna, the Fading Light  Meld, Folk Hero, Righteous Valkyrie, Invasion of Dominaria  Flip

Game lasted only 20 minutes as this hand curved out nearly perfectly.

T1 - Path of Ancestry tapped, drew Lightning Greaves

T2 - Plains (drew) into Lightning Greaves

T3 - Myriad Landscape tapped into Giada, Font of Hope, equipped Lightning Greaves swung with Giada

T4 - Windswept Heath into Plains into Folk Hero, swung with Giada, cast Righteous Valkyrie, drew a card

T5 - Mutavault (drew) into Invasion of Dominaria  Flip and swung both Giada and Valkyrie into the battle flipping it to Serra Faithkeeper  Flip to gain 8 life this turn and triggering Valkyrie's +2/+2 anthem

T6 - Cast Herald of War and equipped it with Lightning Greaves.

T7 - Cast Lyra Dawnbringer and Invasion of Gobakhan  Flip. Equipped Lyra with Lightning Greaves. Swung in for lethal ending the game.

Lightning Greaves did work this game as it not only protected Giada from early single target removal but also accelerated combat damage each turn. While I did draw into both battles this game I didn't have a chance to test out Invasion of Gobakhan  Flip except making a Krosan Grip more expensive which likely helped my Folk Hero or Lightning Greaves survive till the end.

Opponents: Sigarda, Host of Herons, Lathiel, the Bounteous Dawn & Wilhelt, the Rotcleaver

Starting hand: Cavern of Souls, Scavenger Grounds, Mutavault, Guardian of Ghirapur, Folk Hero, Winds of Abandon, Battle Angels of Tyr

Initially I believed this hand was amazing as I had draw, removal and aggro all in one but failed to realize I had 0 colored mana except for angels. It ended up working out as the 2 Selesnya players ramped hard in the beginning allowing Tyr to do some work.

T1 - Cavern of Souls

T2 - Mutavault into Giada, Font of Hope

T3 - Scavenger Grounds into Battle Angels of Tyr, Giada sworded by Lathiel

T4 - Ancient Tomb into recasting Giada, swung with Tyr drawing a card and generating a Treasure token

T5 - Plains into Folk Hero and Herald's Horn and swung again with Tyr and Giada drawing a card and generating a Treasure token. Using the 3 open mana I cast Recruiter of the Guard fetching Stoneforge Mystic.

T6+ Cast Stoneforge Mystic to fetch Lightning Greaves but Stoneforge was promptly exiled. I had originally planned to use Guardian of Ghirapur to chain blink Stoneforge into Sword of Hearth and Home but instead used her on Recruiter of the Guard to fetch Thraben Watcher. I finished the game by casting Avacyn, Angel of Hope and equipping it with Lightning Greaves to give my board protection and started swinging away with indestructible vigilance angels.

I was nearly knocked out by the Sigarda player in the second to last turn because she was equipped with Sword of Hearth and Home making her unblockable as well as a Kaldra Compleat and finally a flashed in Sigarda's Vanguard for double strike. Luckily I had left mana open for Oblation and targeted the Sword of Hearth and Home allowing me to block with Ghirapur and Giada preventing lethal damage.

Opponents: Prosper, Tome-Bound, Sliver Overlord & Muldrotha, the Gravetide

Starting hand was pretty slow with only 2 tapped lands but I figured Luminarch would win me the game provided I wasn't attacked early game.

Starting hand: Kabira Takedown  Flip, Windbrisk Heights, Luminarch Ascension, Invasion of Gobakhan  Flip, Herald's Horn, Bruna, the Fading Light  Meld, Generous Gift

Prosper started off the game insanely fast with a T1 Dark Ritual into Bucknard's Everfull Purse where he rolled 4 to cast Prosper on T1. They proceeded to dominate the game with a Reckless Fireweaver and later a Storm-Kiln Artist draining us to the low 10s. They attempted to finish us off with a Delayed Blast Fireball to wipe our board and swing with lethal. However, Slivers flashed in a Spiteful Sliver and Sliver Overlord to deal 30 damage back to Prosper bringing them down to 3. I used Luminarch Ascension to drop 2 angels before Giada died and got a 7/7 & 8/8 body that survived the fireball. While Slivers could have knocked me out with the Spiteful Sliver they had no real way to deal with Prosper after the fireball so I was able to knock out both players on my turn. Muldrotha had no answers so was dead on my next turn.

kirbysan on [Primer] Helming the Host of Heaven *Update*

1 year ago


Grabbed all my 3+ pod gameplays and the recent MOM gameplay and swaps and posted it on my own decklist. I'll keep commenting on Guerric page as it gets more traffic. Let me know your thoughts and if my thinking is sound. Thanks!

Help Me Giada, You're My Only Hope

March of Machine Upgrades (x12) - Blink/Tutor Show

Game 1 (3-man Pod vs. Sigarda Voltron & Lathiel Lifegain) Show

Game 2 (4-man Pod vs. Sigarda Voltron, Lathiel Lifegain & Wilhelt Zombies) Show

Game 3 (4-man Pod vs. Prosper Exile, Sliver Tribal & Muldrotha Reanimation) Show

Almios on Blessed Perfection [1.3/MOM] - Suggestions Wanted!

1 year ago

My suggestions are based on not spending an arm and a leg to make improvements but maybe a finger or toe.

At a quick glance the first comment I have is lands seem a little low. I personally lean towards 36 if the deck isn't mono colored.

I know they are a bit slower but I would suggest using the tri colored lands as you are already using fetches. These lands add some real good color fixing early on and if they do become dead in hand cycle them away. Spara's Headquarters, Zagoth Triome, Indatha Triome and Raffine's Tower. I would replace your lands that reference the opponent count to come in untapped.

A land that goes on theme is Mirrex since it can get you mites as the game drags on. A second land I recommend since your land base is so varied is Field of the Dead, the zombies can add up and are nice little chumps if need be.

With the above changes I would say Crucible of Worlds but if you find sometimes you struggle to have something to play Conduit of Worlds is an extra mana but has the ability to give you the chance to cast something when you might not have anything else to work with.

I would personally go full Praetor and run each variation if possible for the big flavor. The added benefit is each one of them is practically game warping, but be warned it can attract a lot of attention. The newest Vorinclex is probably the odd man out though since he only finds basic forests and Dominaria Sheoldred simply because of price. Added benefits of the new praetors is you can accelrate their saga. Realmbreaker, the Invasion Tree would then make a very nice inclusion if you go that way.

Cards to consider dumping for them from what I can at a first glance are Flesh-Eater Imp, Plague Stinger, Septic Rats and Slaughter Singer. I chose these because I don't feel once they hit the board they are something that people say "this needs to die".

Norn's Choirmaster is a recent card that gives your commander even more of a presence on the board.

On the sorcery since the only card that I don't like the look of is Nature's Lore, sure it is a cheap way to get you your colors especially if you have dual typed lands but if we are upping the land count I would switch it to a Skyshroud Claim since it can find you the same lands but untapped if the land can come in untapped for mana efficiency.

The biggest suggestion on the instant side would be to add Krosan Grip over Infectious Bite. Sure the bite is a form of removal and poison generation but I find having one of the best artifact/enchantment removals is the better option.

I understand the suggestion fromm KongMing as a strong one but I don't think it works the way he intended it Temporal Distortion does put counters on their lands but it removes ALL of them not just one so even if you proliferate it doesn't keep the lands tapped down longer unless you destroy your own enchantment.

Astral Cornucopia is nice with since you can keep building it but getting only one color out of it can be problematic at times. I suggest replacing with a Crystalline Crawler if you are find being a little off theme.

I would find a home for Chromatic Lantern, having one artifact to fix all of your mana problems is very nice especially when in more than two colors.

Overall there are a couple of other cards I would recommend to consider but unsure of an exact home without taking apart every step. Grafted Exoskeleton, Tainted Strike, if you go the praetor route Geth's Summons is a great reanimation spell of you have the corrupted. Yawgmoth's Vile Offering is also a very strong spell for reanimation and removal. Inexorable Tide should probably have a home somewhere, it is a bit high CMC but it gets the job done. As Foretold also helps a lot of mana problems, do keep in mind it can also be used off turns if you have instant speed spells.

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