Finale of Devastation

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Finale of Devastation


Search your library and/or graveyard for a creature card with converted mana cost/mana value X or less and put it onto the battlefield. If you search your library this way, shuffle it. If X is 10 or more, creatures you control get +X/+X and gain haste until end of turn.

CardTyrant on Ixalan Park

1 week ago

Thanks and welcome back kill3rklown. The two spells you recommend are pretty costly mana wise. I don't think I'd add them personally. Akrona's Memorial is great, but my dinos already come with trample. The protection is good with it, and flying is great. Just 7 mana I would like to cast dinos.

Primal is good too, two dinos for 9 mána, but I would rather run Finale of Devastation.

Profet93 on Petrified by the Gorgussy [Primer]

3 months ago

Crow_Umbra, I apologize in advance for the wall of text below. Your deck is very interesting and got me thinking. If you don't want to respond to each point below, I can't blame you. In the end, I hope these suggestions help or at least get the gears turning. Looking forward to your response.

Skullclamp - Draw

Sakura-Tribe Elder/Rampant Growth > Farseek - Rampant growth gives you the option to get either a basic forest or basic swamp tapped. Farseek is only a swamp tapped. Rampant growth is a strict upgrade given you have no swamps aside from a basic swamp would benefit from the distinction.

Viridian Longbow - Idk if this is too cheeky but given all your deathtouch, this might be worth considering.

Academy Manufactor - This card seems perfect for the deck. You make a lot of treasures, you get more artifacts. You also occasionally make food tokens. If you added tireless tracker (not saying you should per say) then it triggers on clues. All around seems solid. Is this a reason I'm missing for why this isn't included?

Mastermind Plum > Preacher of the Schism - Seems kind of cool, got some synergy. Your description mentioned this is potentially on the cutting block. Given you already have enough deathtouch, would draw not outweigh the redundancy?

Infectious Bite > Bite Down - Given that this is removal 95% of the time according to your description, would the potential for a poison counter to fuel fin outweigh the possibility of killing a PW that isn't there 19/20 times?

Bootleggers' Stash - At the risk of being too on the nose/winmore, could this help? Same question with Parallel Lives.

I read your description regarding the token meta. Below are some anti token suggestions. Some of them are straight up hate, other of them are flexible, depends on what you're going for (in order of most token hate to flexibility)....

Virulent Plague - Straight up hate

Bile Blight - Removal with token emphasis

Maelstrom Pulse - Flexible removal spell (works well against clones too!)

Pernicious Deed - X = 0, bye bye tokens. Or use it normally to wipe when things get out of hand. I see its in your maybeboard, I believe this card warrants a spot the most out of any suggestion above or below.

Liquimetal Torque - What do you primarily use its second ability for? I get that you can make something an artifact to trigger some life loss. Given this deck is low to the ground, would you not be potentially better served with a Jet Medallion or Emerald Medallion? I suppose it depends on how much you value the lifeloss from artifacts + politic to make something artifact for other removal over the additional ramp the medallions can provide.

Kura, the Boundless Sky - What does this provide? I see no anti token, treasure or land token aspect. Perhaps I'm missing somehting?

Saryth, the Viper's Fang - I understand the deathctouch and hexproof anthem. Given your meta is mostly aggro, how many wipes do people typically use? Given your deck already goes wide, wouldn't most people just wipe the board anyways? I definitely see the benefit for sure, just wondering how this card performs and if it could be swapped for something either more impactful such as a Demonic Tutor or something more on theme in your maybeboard?

Questing Beast - I get that it likely wouldn't be blocked by tokens, is that it's primary purpose? Given that you also mentioned there are not a lot of PW's in the meta, would you not be better served with a general removal spell such as Hero's Downfall?

Guardian Project - How often do people kill your creature in response to the trigger to deny you card draw? Not saying to remove it, just curious is all.

I noticed you run torment, exsanguinate and damnable pact. While the latter can be used for an alt wincon, is it not draw most of the time? Assuming this, you run 2 X finishers and if not 3. Do you really need the redundancy? I believe another spell like Rise of the Dark Realms (also in maybeboard) could warrant an inclusion, especially given your aggro meta. I can understand the reluctance given that you are already taking their creatures anyways. If that's an issue, then maybe a Finale of Devastation? Recur/Tutor for a creature and go for the win through smashing face.

fuster on Mana Flooding is a good thing?!?!?!

4 months ago

Profet93, Let's talk about these suggestions, because I have ran most of these cards in the past and just straight up cut them:

Yavimaya Hollow and Yavimaya, Cradle of Growth are definitely cards I've considered for a while, but I can't reasonably justify cutting any other lands for either of them. I don't feel like I really need the fixing that Cradle of Growth provides, and the only card I'd really want to protect with Hollow is my commander, and I already run plenty of counterspells to protect her anyway.

I don't run enough basic lands for the Eldraine castles to ETB untapped consistently, and I can't justify cutting any other utility land for either of them. Deserted Temple and Gaea's Cradle is such a good combo, but the temple doesn't help me much if I don't have Cradle out already, as there's nothing else in the deck it really synergizes with. Plus, that combo feels very win-more.

As far as your non-land suggestions, I have run Abundance, Snapcaster Mage, Splendid Reclaimation, Tireless Tracker, and Courser in this deck in the past and just ended up cutting them all. Abundance just proved to be too expensive at 4CMC, and I cut it for extra ramp because it would either be a dead card in my hand, or I'd cast it and constantly forget its trigger since I have a lot of other triggers going on too.

I cut Snapcaster Mage because I actually have an easier to tutor, more efficient (and repeatable!) way to recur my instants/sorceries in Mystic Sanctuary. In the context of this deck, Mystic Sanctuary is just straight up a better card for that purpose.

I cut Splendid Reclamation for Ancient Greenwarden because Reclaimation is a dead card if my graveyard is either empty or only has 1-2 lands, while Greenwarden adds consistency even if my graveyard is empty by giving me a blocker for fliers, as well as doubling my landfall triggers.

I cut Tireless Tracker pretty early in my deck's development because it was too slow, too easy to remove before I racked up clue tokens, and I almost never had the spare mana to crack clue tokens anyway.

I went with Dryad over Courser just because the extra land drop is just that valuable to me, and I prefer it over playing lands from the top and gaining life, both of which I can already do with other cards anyway. It being easier to cast and allowing my fetches and colorless utility lands to tap for any color I want is just icing on the cake.

I've never considered using Horn of Greed not just because it's symmetrical, but also because I have no other cards or synergies that can make Horn's effect one-sided aside from Narset.

Realistically the only card I actually do want to try out from your suggestions is Finale of Devastation, and even then, I'm not sure what to cut for it. Craterhoof would be the obvious choice, but it would cost an extra 4 mana if I want to close out a game Craterhoof style using this card.

Profet93 on Mana Flooding is a good thing?!?!?!

4 months ago

fuster +1 It's hard to provide meaningful suggestions to a deck so tuned but I'll do my best.

Yavimaya Hollow - Protection

Maybe Yavimaya, Cradle of Growth - Or do you not need colorfixing/helping opponents?

Castle Garenbrig - Ramp, or is it considered a tap land?

Castle Vantress - Scry, or is it considered a tap land?

Deserted Temple - Untap cradle

Swap half your basic for snow-covered to more easily trigger field of the dead

Maybe Abundance - Synergy with sylvan library and a decent filter.

Snapcaster Mage - Recursion

Maybe Splendid Reclamation - Although you might not have enough land saccing to justify it's cost/too narrow. Works well with scapeshift and all your fetchlands.

Finale of Devastation - Tutor/alt wincon, especially with avenger and cradle.

Horn of Greed - Or is it too symmetrical?

Tireless Tracker - Or is it too slow/not needed given you draw enough?

Courser of Kruphix > Dryad of the Ilysian Grove ? - Can you explain your thought process behind Dryad > Courser? On the one hand, dryad doesn't reveal your draws, provides an additional land drop and is slightly easier to cast. I don't see any significant benefit to it's other ability. On the other hand, Courser gains you additional life (while not needed), is harder to cast but allows you to cast from the top of your library. It does reveal your cards so perhaps that's the reason? I just assume when I'm against the blue player they always have a counterspell. Been thinking of swapping out Dryad for Courser in my azusa list.

Mortlocke on PRIMER | Heliod, Radiant Dawn

5 months ago

Played a game against this commander at a tournament on Sunday. This is truly a sneaky commander! I was attempting to close the game with a big flashy casting of Finale of Devastation, but earlier in my turn I cast a few enchantments to shore up my board which resulted in 4 draw triggers. I was watching the player's mana (of which he only had 3 blue untapped) - but not his commander. When he cast the rift I was just felt my heart sink realizing what I had enabled.

The Heliod player eventually won after casting Echo of Eons and Blightsteel Colossus - the flip side of Heliod enabled it I believe. As a Phyrexian i'm always down for a good oil bath. Anywho, cool commander - I definitely suggest the inclusion of Blightsteel Colossus - getting that free cast is just Chef's Kiss.

solarem on Smeagol will guide you | **Primer v2.0**

6 months ago

Thank you for the comment and suggestions leon_bulminot !

Maskwood Nexus is just a really great card, I've been thinking about it for a long time now. The reason why it's not in, is that I lean more into the combos. Win by combat just isn't the main thing anymore, it is now a backup.

Craterhoof Behemoth is also in the back of my head already, since it is just a very good finisher, but if not drawn then, it's not really that usefull. That's why I chose Finale of Devastation over it, since more often than not I can cast it for X=15 or more (highest I've done is like 2050 or something). However Finale isn't just a gameender, more often than not it is just a tutor for a combo piece, even if it is in the Graveyard.

I do have to say, Pathbreaker Ibex sounds fun, but I have the same problem with it as with Craterhoof. And Helm of the Host? Yes it is a very fun and cool card, however most of the time it would be a rather dead card.

I'll keep these things in mind, but I also right now have more of a Problem in what do I cut, I just love most of the cards too much xD

leon_bulminot on Smeagol will guide you | **Primer v2.0**

6 months ago

I like the theme.

First to comment on smeagol: PREEEECIOUS. Like holy crap the price tag. But!!! Onto suggestions.

Maskwood Nexus would not be a bad idea. One, it'll board drop +1's on all your creatures when you have Avenger of Zendikar on board. Also chains nicely with your Nazgul as now all of your creatures are Wraiths. Same for Chatterfang, Squirrel General. Everything is a squirrel that you can sack as needed for when you need a creature to die. I know some may say it has low interaction but 9 Nazgul, Avenger, and Chatterfang put you at 11% over interaction AND a token outlet for Changelings. Maskwood is a highly underrated card.

Also, personally I'd find a way to add in Helm of the Host. Precombat free token, even of legendaries? Yes sir. Amd if I were you, I'd drop Finale of Devastation. Yes it's an okay searcher but if you want the win, it is too mana intensive for a bit beat down. Pathbreaker Ibex would probably be a better choice for this deck as it seems to like spitting out creatures and tokens.

And it's effect triggers every combat of bump ups AND Trample. Craterhoof Behemoth isn't a bad alternative but it's a one shot unless you bounce it. And if you planned to use Helm of Host on Craterhoof over Ibex, that's just foolish. Each Ibex would have an independent trigger.

Just thoughts!!

Made_Compleat on Forest Tribal, LoL

7 months ago

In addition to Nissa, Ascended Animist, here are a few other good basic land tribal cards:

Endless Atlas do be pretty good draw.

Extraplanar Lens is a great way to get an obscene amount of mana.

Baru, Fist of Krosa: Just read the card.

And finally, Finale of Devastation is kinda funny with all your mana, just saying...

Hope this helps!

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