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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Block Constructed | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Modern | Legal |
Modern Beyond Horizons | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Spelltithe Enforcer
Creature — Elephant Wizard
Whenever an opponent plays a spell, that player sacrifices a permanent unless he or she pays (1).
Lanzo493 on Staxation without Representation
3 years ago
Spelltithe Enforcer can get some more taxing done. Silent Arbiter can halt the battlefields. Crawlspace is even better since it doesn't limit your opponents attacking each other. Archangel of Tithes is one of the coolest taxing effects available on a creature (and the only one that forces people to pay mana to block). Norn's Annex is another unique tax effect since it requires colored mana to get through. And we can't forget the best taxing effect ever: Mystic Remora. Pair that up with Brago, King Eternal and you'll be drawing lots of cards for little mana. Also, Archon of Emeria is one of the best effects along the lines of Ethersworn Canonist you can run.
MagicMarc on Looking for more punishment cards
3 years ago
Some other cards that are similar or in the same spirit of what you want would be; Harsh Mentor , Immolation Shaman , Invader Parasite , Leyline of Combustion , michiko konda, truth seeker, Scab-Clan Berserker , Spelltithe Enforcer , AEther Sting , Flameblade Angel , Emberwilde Captain , and Kazuul, Tyrant of the Cliffs .
RambIe on Sweet tech I want to …
4 years ago
P.S. you could take cards like
Spelltithe Enforcer, Vryn Wingmare, & Windborn Muse
but then add cards like
Rite of Replication, Quasiduplicate, & Followed Footsteps
it should help buy the time you need pull off your combos
o and Stolen Identity seems like it would could be amazing with Temmet, Vizier of Naktamun
Cipher it onto a token you control then let your commander make it unblockable
zapyourtumor on watcha gonna do wit all that junk
4 years ago
Animate Wall and Elephant Ambush aren't legal, but at least they're the worst cards in the deck.
Loxodon Hierarch is a decent elephant. Ivorytusk Fortress is actual junk colors, but you would probably need to build around it more (works really well with Venerated Loxodon though). Loxodon Gatekeeper is a good hate card. Loxodon Smiter can be your version of Obstinate Baloth in the sideboard.
Some other cards are pretty good but also rly expensive like Spelltithe Enforcer and Terastodon (probably better for EDH)
For lands, have you considered Sunpetal Grove and Razorverge Thicket?
rdean14 on Card creation challenge
4 years ago
In making my Sygg, Tollfolk and Governor-Goddess Ephara Decks, I became very interested in turn-related effects, and that inspire this card, as well as Klothys, God of Destiny, who switches the way usually work, whereas most Gruul cards use green's might to accomplish red's free spirit, She uses Red's fury to express nature's law which green cares about.
Based on (Gerðr)[] in Kaldheim.
Khyrteh, Goddess of Polar Winter
Legendary Snow Creature - God
Protection from instants
You may cast Khyrteh, Goddess of Polar Winter
Whenever a player casts a spell at a time they couldn't cast a sorcery, that player loses 5 life.
At the beginning of your endstep, if you cast no spells this turn, search your library for a card, then shuffle your library and put that card on top of it and you gain 5 life.
This deck would use Eidolon of Rhetoric, Rule of Law, Curse of Exhaustion, Ethersworn Canonist, Oppression, Uba Mask, Tainted AEther, Desolation, Angelic Arbiter, Nullstone Gargoyle, and Painful Quandary effects to force my opponents to make difficult decisions. Bloodchief Ascension, Strionic Resonator, etc. would also give you more advantage from this ability.
Tax effects, like Thorn of Amethyst, Sphere of Resistance, Trinisphere, Lodestone Golem, Trinisphere, Nether Void, Glowrider, Thalia, Guardian of Thraben, Aura of Silence, Spelltithe Enforcer, Chancellor of the Annex and Feroz's Ban
Decree of Pain, Decree of Justice, Astral Drift, Death Pulse, Dirge of Dread, Eternal Dragon, Gempalm Avenger, Gempalm Polluter, Renewed Faith, Stir the Sands, Sunfire Balm and Abandoned Sarcophagus & Archfiend of Ifnir, also Oketra's Attendant, Undead Gladiator, Bloodsoaked Champion, Dread Wanderer, Nether Spirit, Nether Traitor, Reassembling Skeleton, Bloodghast, Angel of Sanctions,Anointer Priest, Sacred Cat, Dark Depths, Thespian's Stage, Shambling Vent, etc. to avoid 'casting' spells.
grand arbiter synergizes well... yeah...
I'm a stax player who got into the deck because of Death and Taxes, especially Mother of Runes, Thalia, Guardian of Thraben (Her printing got me into standard/formal play), Gaddock Teeg, and Iona, Shield of Emeria.
I really just made a card I wish existed...
I'd like to see another Kaldheim God!
Gakros on Cleverly Named Graveyard Deck
4 years ago
Board wipes depends on your meta.if you are going to use Damnation effects why not use Magus of the Disk,False Prophet,Cataclysmic Gearhulk, Massacre Girl and the list goes on.
if you are going to play something play it on a creature unless you need to stop others.Path to Exile,Silence,Swords to Plowshares are a must in a Combo Oriented Meta than you need to answer a play or you lose on the spot.
Thing is that Karador is a slow deck that needs space and time to do its thing... Slowly.... if you meta is also a slow one then you have the automatic advantage.If not that is when you need stax pieces like the ones you mention Rotting Rats and Spelltithe Enforcer. But its either too specific or too little. 1 discard per player is nothing. Compare that to Mindslicer. 1 time and gg.You can play stuff but others are pretty much done.
So either build a "discard" them to play many or Rotting Rats effects (i tried playing a similar karador deck i found it boring) or go for more wider effects.
Last thing i used to play karador for his value and recursion with strong creatures. But the moment i switched to Karmic Guide + reveilark Combo.... i was left speechless thats what power feels like . And it is reallly really budget. Look at my description in "How it wins" > "All the combo lines"
Epicurus on Cleverly Named Graveyard Deck
4 years ago
Gakros Solid suggestions, one and all! You can see on my maybe board which of them I'm considering immediately. My next question becomes what to pull for them.
Crazy thought: I assumed from the get go that I would need Wrath of God and Damnation, but am yet to use either. The deck doesn't seem to need boardwipe as much as I thought. I've been considering Nevinyrral's Disk as a panic button because it takes down noncreature permanents too, but I'm unsure I need that either. What are your thoughts on this?
Next, Rotting Rats is on my likely-to-cut list, but I wouldn't really want to replace it with something that has a high CMC, because I don't have a helluva lot of weenies in here.
Lastly, Spelltithe Enforcer does not fit the theme, but it has slowed down the opponents long enough for me to get rolling a couple times. It is just a really good card that should be in any EDH deck that includes white, in my opinion. So I'm hesitant to cut it.
As for the land, I haven't ever had mana problems. Yet. There's just too many spells in this deck that I don't want to part with for land. And a lot of mana ramp from the spells that are there.
I'm going to check out your deck shortly, and maybe draw some more suggestions from it. Thanks!
Gidgetimer on Group Hug vs Group Hate
5 years ago
"Group hate" isn't as well defined to me as it seems to be to you. Resource denial such as stax and MLD are only fun to play against if you are prepared for them. Most casual tables I have sat down at are not prepared. Once a meta shift happens and people are prepared I have noticed these players often complain about being "hated out". I'm not sure they are looking out for everyone's enjoyment by providing a challenge so much as trying to pubstomp.
On the other hand, taxation and "death by a thousand cuts" group hate provides a challenge that you can confront in-game instead of during deck building. Kataki, War's Wage , Pendrell Mists , and Spelltithe Enforcer require you to prioritize mana usage or permanent importance, but don't stop the game dead if not immediately answered.
Group hug I put on a level with the second category. Though I prioritize getting rid of hug pieces much higher than other people do. I often destroy hug pieces before the end of my next turn because they are horrible disadvantage. Every round a Howling Mine is out is 2 cards of disadvantage in a 4 player game.