Legion Loyalist

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Legion Loyalist

Creature — Goblin Soldier


Battalion — Whenever Legion Loyalist and at least two other creatures attack, creatures you control gain first strike and trample until end of turn and can't be blocked by tokens this turn.

Crow_Umbra on The Surgin' General [Primer]

3 days ago

Thanks for the suggestions KongMing. I currently have Dolmen Gate in the 99, and am quite familiar with it from other aggro decks I currently play. Similarly, I use Legion Loyalist in a couple of my other aggro decks. Although I don't have additional copies, I could see it as a potential swap with something in the 1-2 cmc range sometime down the road.

Spirit Mantle is great, but I find myself using Auras less & less these days, partly from playing lots of Aura/Voltron over the years, & partly the feelsbad™️ from getting 2 for 1'd on removal. Beyond the various Lightning Greaves variants & Skullclamp, I'm not a big fan of equipment.

KongMing on The Surgin' General [Primer]

3 days ago

Legion Loyalist can be a cheap and effective way to get damage through while attacking.

For getting Satya attacking midgame more without dying, how about something like Frontline Medic, Dolmen Gate, Angelic Guardian, or Spirit Mantle?

Also, including Embercleave and Sunhome, Fortress of the Legion could allow you to get some Commander damage kills.

Last_Laugh on It's good to be the Queen

3 months ago

Legion Loyalist is amazing in an aggro Marchesa build. First Strike and Tample out of nowhere wins games and the can't be blocked by tokens bit is surprisingly relevant.

Ripples of Potential dodges shitty wraths (including Farewell... hallelujah!) while leaving your counters intact.

Anduril, Narsil Reforged allows you to swing at lower life totals and still get counters on everyone.

Last_Laugh on Guff: Copy Everything & Burn Down the City

6 months ago

If nothing else from my original post, I'm still advocating for Smoke.

Loyal Apprentice is also nice in Superfriends for a free flying blocker on each of your turns.

Crow_Umbra on

6 months ago

Pretty solid deck! Have you had a chance to play this deck irl? I have a few suggestions for potential edits:

  • I think it might be worth swapping out some of your creature slots at the 5-8 cmc range for stuff that's lower in the 1-4 range. From having played Isshin for almost 2 years, I don't think the deck needs many top-end bombs.

  • If you do trim off the top-end, I'd recommend swapping out: Witch-King of Angmar (might not deter boards that go-wide), the Ancient Dragons can probably be swapped since they're combat-damage based, and either of your 8 drops could probably be cut.

  • Ogre Battledriver is a cool haste & power anthem. Could be helpful for giving you another haste option if you keep some of your higher end creatures.

  • Breena, the Demagogue and Karazikar, the Eye Tyrant are both excellent draw for Isshin, & can compliment the Firemane Commando & Aurelia, the Law Above that you already have in mainboard.

  • Taunt from the Rampart could replace one of your board wipes, maybe Cleansing Nova, & compliment the cards from the previous bullet.

-Legion Loyalist, Signal Pest, & Reconnaissance are all excellent 1 drops for Isshin. Reconnaissance can essentially be a pseud0-vigilance anthem that saves your creatures from combat; this EDHREC artcle explains how the timing works.

I hope these suggestions were helpful. Down to chat through additional suggestions if you're up for it, if not, no worries. Best of luck with the deck

Crow_Umbra on Isshin Mardu Tap and Win

7 months ago

Overall very solid deck. My only recommendations would be to cut your Dragon Engine and Samurai that aren't Isshin, and to slot in Dolmen Gate to help round out the board protection suite you have with Iroas, Reconnaissance, & Teferi's Protection. The Samurai, although flavorful, are your only cards that care about single attacking Warriors/Samurai, while most of your deck wants to go wide.

Some of the following could be potential creature slot replacements:

I hope these suggestions are helpful. Down to chat through more if you're interested. Best of luck

rwn1971 on Buttercup: Princess Bride

9 months ago

Oh i def do the swap on the Elas/viper deal . As for Ankle Shanker i am 50/50 on cause he not legendary but to give attackers first strike and deathtouch and if you got Legion Loyalist in that attack we get the trample to. I would test it out to see if it benefits the deck. If you do swap it out i would take out a deathtouch as he is going to give our attackers deathtouch anyways.

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