Sulfuric Vortex

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Sulfuric Vortex


At the beginning of each player's upkeep, Sulfuric Vortex deals 2 damage to that player.

If a player would gain life, that player gains no life instead.

Archon_Bel on "Valgavoth, Harrower of Souls" EDH …

3 weeks ago

I'm getting back into MtG after about one year and a half of not playing. Valgavoth, Harrower of Soulsfoil interests me because of the awesome artwork and ability to draw cards and get stronger without necessarily being an instant combo commander. I'd say I'm a casual player, but I like any deck I play to be fine-tuned, resilient, and effective in what it does. I still want to win, after all!

For this deck, I'm naturally thinking some kind of burn route with cards like Underworld Dreams and Sulfuric Vortex to consistently trigger Valgavoth's effect on every opponent's turn. Effects that punish the opponent for doing anything will also be effective in triggering the effect and whittling their life totals down. Additionally, I'm wanting to add in an aristocrats strategy for more life loss triggers, value, and more importantly, board control. A discard theme might also be nice, but aristocrats seems like it has more support.

Problem is that I'm not really familiar with either burn/punisher or aristocrats strategies, so I have no idea what cards and engines to put in a Rakdos deck. I have a Yawgmoth, Thran Physician deck, but that doesn't really need a whole lot of investment seeing how the commander is its own sac outlet, card draw, and board control.

tl;dr Valgavoth burn/sacrifice deck for life loss and board control. What do?

RiotRunner789 on How Can I Put Sunhome …

1 month ago

Looking at Gisela,

Combustible Gearhulk and Tectonic Giant both give you card advantage and damage to an opponent. Gearhulk being more of a burst and Tectonic being consistent. Both are less mana intense in the long run.

AEther Flash: Older card that only kills one of your creature cards (and even that creature still gets its ETB) and keeps your opponents from only having creatures with at least 5 toughness with your commander out.

Descent into Avernus, Citadel of Pain, and Burning Earth play well and are on theme with mana barbs. They are also all similarly priced and the only expensive-ish cards I'll recommend.

Having at least one Sulfuric Vortex effect that stops life gain is good in a deck like this.

Rem Karolus, Stalwart Slayer could be put in and even work as a backup commander. Plus side, it costs the same.

My point is, there are a ton of better options and the plus side is there are cheap and nonoppressive options as well.

Edit: Typo correction

SteelSentry on All the combos

7 months ago

Worldfire + Oblivion Ring exiling either Barren Glory or Near-Death Experience is a combo I've always wanted to put in a deck, but any red damage enchantment like Sulfuric Vortex works as well.

wallisface on Mono Red Control/Mill (Premodern)

7 months ago

halanvaina My main suggestion is to stop trying to build a deck around Crumbling Sanctuary... 5 mana is far too high for a card that only lets you begin to enact a plan. It also undoes any work you've done towards defeating your opponent before its cast.

Good red cards i'm seeing in the meta include:

^ all of the above seem to be fairly frequently used within the meta, as seen from the links already provided in my last post.

From your statement "Mono red is a difficult color to work with outside of aggro" - yes this is true. But one thing worth noting is that your deck isn't doing any of the typical things a non-aggro deck would be doing... so your current build is kindof aggro, just extremely slow. If you're wanting to build towards Midrange or Control, you need a LOT more interaction with the opponent to slow them down. If you're wanting your deck to be more geared towards Combo, then you need to have reliable ways to win the game extremely quickly. In any case you can't decide to be both a slow deck and a non-interactive deck - your deck needs to either be very fast, or very interactive (that is the case for all decks generally speaking).

From your other comments:

  • What specifically do you think Feldon's Cane is helping you with? You keep defending it in a super vague way but I'm seeing absolutely zero reason to be running it (I also just re-read Crumbling Sanctuary and realised Feldon's Cane doesn't even help with that, so I honestly have no idea what value you think this artifact is bringing).

  • The problem with Devastating Dreams is that it costs you and your opponent the same amount of lands and creatures - your deck includes both of these so you're unlikely to make any big advantages in this area (especially as your deck needs a LOT of lands to function). But then, it additionally costs you (and only you) a bunch of cards from your hand. I don't see how that every advantages you.

  • On your comment "It does damage to each creature, and makes the both of us sac ideally all of our lands". What do you gain from losing all your lands? As the opponent almost-assuredly has a lower mana-curve than you, won't they just get back into the game quicker? Especially as they'll still have a hand of cards. Yes it can work with Mogg Maniac but your deck isn't geared around pulling off this combo so it feels unlikely to give you a payoff high enough to warrant this interaction.

My suggestions would be as follows:

  • What archetype are you wanting this deck to slot into? If its aggro, you need to drastically lower the mana-curve (i.e, have nothing over 3 mana. You need to be able to reliably apply enough pressure to deal lethal by turn 4-5). If it's midrange, you still need to lower the mana-curve a bunch, but additionally you need a bunch of cards that interact with your opponents boardstate and slow them down. If it's control, you need to have the vast majority of your deck as interactive pieces and game-controlling effects. If its combo, you need to reliably be able to win the game by turn 4-5.

  • Once you know what archetype you're wanting to build, you need to decide what strategy you're wanting to enact here... so far it feels like there's no clear direction going on - I can assume by the name of the deck you're wanting to base this around Crumbling Sanctuary, which I can't ever see working unless you're building some form of control-shell, which will likely need more than just red as a colour-base. But in any case, you need to ditch all cards that aren't either enacting your plan, or strengthening the archetype you're in.

If you'd like I can try and build you some kind of example list, though i'd need to have a clear indicator to the answers of the above 2 questions on archetype and strategy.

legendofa on

11 months ago

Wait, that Sulfuric Vortex should be Roiling Vortex. Sulfuric has full life gain prevention, which also clashes with Raphael.

legendofa on

11 months ago

Welcome to the club, Kershin36!

I'm not a Commander expert, but there's a couple of cards here I'd like to poke at.

You don't have a lot of self-damaging effects to take advantage of Rowan, Scion of War--in fact, I only really see Blood Crypt and Bloodgift Demon that would reliably hit you. There are plenty of "damage target player" effects, but I assume you would want to use those on your opponents. There's also not really enough instants to use her ability on opponents' turns, either. I would cut her, or at least add more self-damage effects. Depending on budget and focus, Sulfuric Vortex, Phyrexian Arena, or Black Market Connections are all very good options, and Raphael, Fiendish Savior lets you recover the life loss easily enough.

Everlasting Torment is a very good card, but here it directly clashes with Raphael. I would simply cut it, unless you don't mind losing the lifelink or are willing to use a different commander.

There's no way to spread +1/+1 counters for Exava, Rakdos Blood Witch, and less than five creatures that use them at all. A 4/4 hasty first striker is pretty good as an attacker, but you're usually going to want more utility than that.

Here, I'm going to get into my personal tastes, so if these suggestions aren't what you're looking for with this deck, feel free to skip over them. I would add more sacrifice effects to control when your creatures die and help ensure you gain some advantage from it. Mayhem Devil will thank you. I would also add more mass removal and destroy effects. A lot of your removal options are single target and based on damage or toughness reduction, which isn't bad in moderation but won't help much against a token deck going off or a creature with double digit power/toughness, both of which happen pretty regularly. I'm a fan of discard, but choose your targets well.

And above all, have fun!

z0anthr0pe on Not The Burn!

1 year ago

This has a legacy tag. If it is, a few Sulfuric Vortex might be useful while you're burning them.

hootsnag on Red Burn

1 year ago

Roiling Vortex is a decent card. Almost the same as Sulfuric Vortex. I like the deck thus far.

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