Green Sun's Zenith

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Green Sun's Zenith


Search your library for a green creature card with converted mana cost/mana value X or less, put it onto the battlefield, then shuffle your library. Shuffle Green Sun's Zenith into its owner's library.

Profet93 on Beats by Xenagos ( Xenagos, God of Revels )

3 months ago

MattMan1982 I'm gonna throw a bunch of ideas at you, some are better than others, just wanna see if anything interests you. I'm not gonna provide any creature suggestions yet. Yours are always solid and I want your thoughts on these cards first.

None of these are needed but definitely are helpful assuming you can fit them into the mana base

Bonders' Enclave - Draw

Cragcrown Pathway  Flip/Spire Garden - Color Fixing

Blighted Woodland/Myriad Landscape - "Ramp"

Raging Ravine/Dread Statuary - Manlands. Nice to use with Greater Good or if you run out of creatures. The Dread Statuary is a personal favorite of mine for that reason

Rancor - Reuseable buff, trample enabler. I like using rancor on selvala and buff with commander for lots of mana should need be

Sylvan Library - Great to set up your draw and ensure you get your land drops. Given you only run 34 lands, that can potentially be an issue, especially given the relatively high avg cmc of the deck.

Skullclamp - Should you ever find yourself needing more draw, this can be an option. It's nice because if they want to use spot removal, they need to do so prior to combat, as you equip it. So if they do, you can pump a different creature and target that opponent.

Momentous Fall - Draw, used in response to removal to gain value. Beware of the blue player though

Return of the Wildspeaker > Garruk PW - Can be used in response to removal so you don't get 2 for 1ed. It's easier to cast and has an additional mode. While the PW has the option to make a token should you need a creature, I don't believe it's impactful enough

Berserk - Super fun! Politics, finisher, all for 1 mana. seriously underrated.

Green Sun's Zenith - Tutor

Decimate - 4 for 1. I see no way for you to deal with a maze of ith. Strip mine can be also used.

wallisface on Pantlaza and green sun's zenith

3 months ago

Whenever you cast a spell without paying its mana cost, X is always 0.

So in your example, the X in your Green Sun's Zenith will be 0

ThyArtist1809 on Pantlaza and green sun's zenith

3 months ago

Hi, i was just wondering if exemple i cast my Pantlaza, Sun-Favored so i discover 4, after that the first card that i discover is my Green Sun's Zenith what will happen ? do i get to pay the x and cast the zenith or it's automatically 4 due to the discover 4.


Profet93 on Karlach the Outlander

5 months ago

SoulXCross +1

Godo, Bandit Warlord - Synergy with embercleave, can also tutor greaves if needed.

Berserk - Can also be used on opposing creatures that are attacking your opponents for fun. Double commander damage anyone?

Tooth and Nail - Tutor for big dudes, one that gives has like Xenagos and a big beater

Green Sun's Zenith - Solid tutor

I don't see many draw sources. Have you considered the following...

Rishkar's Expertise - Draw + Tempo

Momentous Fall/Life's Legacy - The former can be used in response to removal, both fold to blue. Nevertheless, it's a huge draw source.

Bonders' Enclave - Land slot

Elder Gargaroth - Versatile

Skullclamp - Forces interaction pre-combat or else you can usually draw if it isn't exile removal

Selvala, Heart of the Wilds - Super ramp, also some draw

legendofa on Rat Colony hub

6 months ago

sergiodelrio I'm also avoiding loose and vague hubs names. They get used incorrectly or are broad to the point of all-inclusive.

Vague hub names have caused problems in the past. One hub in particular (Team America, now inactive) was being used for the wrong decks entirely. It's a Legacy tempo shell from 2008-2009, but was being treated as a synonym for any Jeskai deck, which is about as far away from the intended definition as you can get. I understand the source of the confusion, but a confusing hub is not a good hub, in my opinion. If it can't be understood at a glance, it's going to get reworked.

"Reduced variance" or "low variance" also already exists, kind of, as the "competitive" hub. The whole intent of competitive decks is to reduce variance as much as possible, so that the deck is as streamlined and consistent as possible. This is achieved through tutors, redundancy, deck manipulation, using playsets of cards, and so on. So what would be the criteria for inclusion in a "low variance" hub? I expect that a "low variance" hub would be highly subjective, used for any deck that its creator thinks is unusually consistent, whether or not it actually is.

I have also declined to put in a real tutor hub so far for similar reasons. How many tutors do you need to have to be a "tutor" deck? Is four enough, with Imperial Seal, Vampiric Tutor, Diabolic Tutor, and Diabolic Intent? What about Eladamri's Call, Green Sun's Zenith, Natural Order, Buried Alive, Terramorphic Expanse, Misty Rainforest, Mystical Tutor... What would be a short and solid description of a "tutor" deck? "A deck that regularly searches its library" would include landfall decks, almost every competitive EDH deck, "silver bullet" decks, and hatebear decks, all of which already have their own hub, and probably more. "A deck with seven or more card that search its owner's library" is arbitrary, as is any other number for inclusion. "A deck that regularly searches its library for specific cards that help it advance its win condition"--nah, I'm going to search for this useless card that doesn't help me at all.

Incidentally, "scry" is already available as a hub in the keyword/subtype checklist.

If a hub includes a $300 Dragon's Approach Pioneer deck, a $80 Elrond, Master of Healing casual Commander deck, and a $50,000 Vintage Beseech the Mirror deck, that hub becomes even broader than the aggro/combo/control archetypes, and as such becomes almost meaningless. I've added Dragon's Approach, Rat Colony, and Shadowborn Apostle to the short list for consideration, so they might be coming soon; I didn't see as many decks or as much diversity for Persistent Petitioners. And don't worry about a long post, as long as it's meaningful. It shows the idea has people willing to defend it and fight for it, which makes it more likely to be included one way or another.

indieinside on How to lose friend Gaddock Teeg

6 months ago

also, you can't play Green Sun's Zenith if your Commander is out.

Azoth2099 on Jungle Rot

6 months ago

This has got to be one of the most underrated commanders! Have you considered Allosaurus Shepherd, or it's more economically feasible cousin Destiny Spinner? Fauna Shaman should probably join the party as well. If money isn't an object for you (or if your pod is pro-proxy!) Survival of the Fittest is essential here. Some other staples like Veil of Summer, Autumn's Veil, Heroic Intervention, Worldly Tutor, Chord of Calling, Eldritch Evolution, Natural Order, Green Sun's Zenith, Summoner's Pact & Asceticism will make things more consistent and adaptable.

Good luck refining this one, I'm sure it will end up incredibly powerful!

jarncards on Sleeping Elves Kill

8 months ago

Collected Company is one of the better cards in a deck like this.

If you run Green Sun's Zenith, I think you should run Dryad Arbor 100% of the time. Having the option to 1 mana ramp tutor as needed is the best in the game, even if it's fragile.

If you want to do the whole tap ten elves thing Benefactor's Draught, Vitalize, and Mobilize are useful. And as long as you're using mana dorks, they are good throughout the game. Birchlore Rangers is also a good mana dork for getting either color as needed if it matters. Like some of the others you have it can use creatures with summoning sickness.

Add Regal Force, you'll have the mana, and it draws infinity. Toski, Bearer of Secrets is also amazing at this.

Consider Patriarch's Bidding for when your ridiculous board state earns the response it will deserve. Also Gerrard's Hourglass Pendant

I cant build a green/black deck without Gaze of Granite and Pernicious Deed. They are great

Timberwatch Elf for the commander, or maybe Gempalm Strider might be better than Overrun. Trample isnt so important with so many creatures that will likely outnumber blockers, and the extra card from cycling and utility of another creature is worth considering. Ezuri, Renegade Leader is already in your deck and he's definitely the best option though. Beastmaster Ascension also works like a really inexpensive overun and turns on really easily.

Some of the green and black backgrounds area awesome Criminal Past, Cultist of the Absolute, Haunted One and Raised by Giants will stick around for the next cast even after your commander gets removed.

Consider Constant Mists or even instead of Fog, however I really don't think you need any of the fog effects. Honestly, you might actually need to worry about other people's fogs instead. Questing Beast is the only card that is capable of piercing though a Teferi's Protection or The One Ring in these colors. THrow in a Natural Order and you can get that, or a Craterhoof Behemoth when it matters most

Viridian Zealot, Reclamation Sage, Nullmage Shepherd, and Elvish Lyrist are useful for removal. You already have Glissa, but I dont think she's enough.

Elvish Champion might be your best lord. Pair it with Yavimaya, Cradle of Growth. Also definitely want to add Shizo, Death's Storehouse. Having lathril connect is important.

If you keep the tyvar planeswalkers, Harald Unites the Elves does a lot.

Kithkin Mourncaller might draw cards to use with your excessive mana. Leaf-Crowned Visionary, Skemfar Avenger, Miara, Thorn of the Glade do too, at a cost.

consider Crop Rotation. It can get nythkos, yavimaya.

Looking at your list you have almost nothing that turns on lathril in combat. look at Alpha Authority, Familiar Ground, Alpha Status, Gift of Doom, Rancor, Spider Umbra, Alpha Authority, Canopy Cover, Vorrac Battlehorns. Fallen Ideal is possibly my favorite with the die/sacrifce synergies you already have. Im not a fan of token doublers. I think youd be better off powering up lathril to make more tokens in the first place.

I would dump any ramp card that costs more than 3

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