Utopia Sprawl

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Utopia Sprawl

Enchantment — Aura

Enchant Forest

As Utopia Sprawl enters the battlefield, choose a colour.

Whenever enchanted Forest is tapped for mana, its controller adds one mana of the chosen colour.

nuperokaso on Big Boi v2

2 days ago

If you fail to draw a Forest, your 4 Utopia Sprawl and 4 Arbor Elf are dead cards. 10 Forest is not enough to rely on that. I suggest you swap 1 Mountain for Commercial District. That also gives you something to fetch for in a longer game. It would still be better to include at least 1 more.

Gearhead93 on Green Ooze and Ham

1 month ago

Love a good ol' slime list. The Arbor Elf and Utopia Sprawl package seems like it could really accelerate the game plan. For the sideboard I would also recommend Weather the Storm over Feed the Clan and possibly adding in some number of Ancient Grudge for the affinity matchup.

Overall, really like the list. Might have to show this one around at FNM.

nuperokaso on Trample Tribal

1 month ago
  • Since you are playing Arbor Elf, Old-Growth Troll and Utopia Sprawl, you need to be 100% sure that you have Forest in your opening hand. You are now playing 12 Forests, which don't guarantee that. I would suggest that you go up to 16 at least.
  • Aspect of Hydra is not a good card in your build. It works well only in a mono-green deck. Remove them. Ghor-Clan Rampager is a better pump and also a good creature with trample.
  • Commune with Nature is a bad card. If you want a better alternative, play Once Upon a Time, but best would be to play none of it - it's only relevant in combo decks.
  • Trample works well with Deathtouch, since you need to assign only 1 damage to each blocker and the rest to the player. Try 1 Bow of Nylea and 1 Basilisk Collar.
  • Return to Nature is a situational card which may end up dead in your hand. Such cards are not to be played in main deck, only in sideboard.
  • Don't play Thrill of Possibility. You don't have any synergy with it. Instead of spending 2 mana to get to cards you want, play cards you want.
  • Colossal Rattlewurm is a 6/5 trample for 4 mana with some upsides. Play some 2 Ramunap Ruins instead of a Basic Mountain to support it.
  • Explore is questionable. I suggest you remove them. Add extra Arbor Elf and you have one free slot.
  • As was already mentioned, 1 Stonebrow, Krosan Hero should make it into the deck.

Dabsolux on Pauper and PDH combos

1 month ago

I would like to create a list of all Pauper and PDH deck combos. Most of them are created by NateDiggity7 (Moxfield) and PenguinPete (MTG Salvation). Here some:

BG - Golgari

BR - Rakdos

C - Colorless

G - Green

RG - Gruul

UBG - Sultai

UB - Dimir

UG - Simic

URG - Temur

U - Blue

WB - Orzhov

WG - Selesnya

WR - Boros

WUB - Esper

WU - Azorius


BR - Rakdos

BG - Golgari

U - Blue

UR - Izzet

G - Green

UG - Simic

W - White

WG - Selesnya

DatShepTho on Groundshake

2 months ago

@NV_1980 Nice suggestions. 100% agree with the Sakura-Tribe Elder, and I've got one on the way already. The deck could do with one more two-drop. I'm reluctant on the Explore and Growth Spiral, because in my experience it can be inconsistent (sometimes it becomes only a two mana cantrip when you get land screwed).

Wood Elves is a decent suggestion that could work, but it feels slow and this deck can't abuse it enough.

I love Utopia Sprawl, and use it in a couple of my other decks. I'm not a fan that it won't trigger my landfall though.

I can't justify making the space in the deck for a Brainstorm or Druid Class, neither being creature spells

NV_1980 on Groundshake

2 months ago

Great start, but I think it could use some more speed (in terms of ramping and card-draw). Some ideas to imrpove on this, without spending a large sum of money:

  • Brainstorm: just an excellent draw/filter card at negligible casting cost.
  • Druid Class: excellent land-fall enabler and allows more land-drops per turn.
  • Explore/Growth Spiral: instant draw and as well as some land-drop.
  • Sakura-Tribe Elder: just a good ramp creature.
  • Utopia Sprawl: helps with whatever other color of mana you need at the time of casting.
  • Wood Elves: limited to tutoring for a Forest, but it enters the battlefield untapped so you can immediately use it.

Hope this helped; happy brewing!

DreadKhan on Friendship is Magic

2 months ago

I'm also of the opinion that a few more lands would probably solid, 31 doesn't feel like very many, a few more would probably help with consistency (which may or may not be an issue for you).

It might not matter as much if you play vs other casual decks (you'll be less likely to be punished for running artifacts), but in Selesnya I feel like you don't want mana rocks, Green has access to some really good ramp effects, and they're often fairly affordable. For example, I think I'd switch out Arcane Signet for Rampant Growth, Commander Sphere for Kodama's Reach, Cluestone could go for Harrow (if people counter ramp spells I'd go with Roiling Regrowth instead), and Sol Ring could go for something like Wild Growth/Utopia Sprawl/Crop Rotation. If you go this route I would consider switching a few Plains for Forests, even if your deck ends up having a lot of White effects, Green ramp can find Plains for you.

When I try to build Casual decks, I still try to put removal in, but I try not to run stuff like Swords to Plowshares, and instead try to use less pushed options like Intrepid Hero, Avenger en-Dal, and Spurnmage Advocate. Each has it's own drawbacks, but the fact that you can't 'catch' (they aren't a 1 mana Instant) someone with these makes them fun in my experience. Spurnmage is a really powerful political card that can be helpful vs graveyard decks, and Avenger can technically gain you life if you have a big creature and just want the life, but it's also a deterrent. If you want a non-creature source of creature removal their is also Transmogrifying Wand, this is one of the best 'lower power' removal effects ever printed, it's good enough to make a big impact once resolved, but you need it to stick around to get full value over time. IMHO there's nothing wrong with running relatively little removal in a casual environment, but you'll probably win a few more games if you have some ways to slow down opponents that happened to draw well, so if that matters you might throw a few things in.

Not sure if you want actual jank, but Noble Purpose is an old favorite of mine that gains you tons of life if you're in combat, but most importantly it fully stacks with Lifelink.

DreadKhan on Rocks Dragon Deck

3 months ago

I'm not sure if it's too 'non-Dragon', but I've had good results fiddling with Orcish Lumberjack, especially in a deck with Mwonvuli Acid-Moss, Lumberjack and Acid-Moss gives you access to a true Sinkhole effect (you can even play it on turn 2), and it can technically find a non-Basic Forest fwiw. Technically you only need to tap the Forest and sac it to Lumberjack to play an Acid-Moss, but Lumberjack can also give you a turn 2 Dragon that costs 5 mana, does your meta feature a lot of cheap kill spells? If not I wonder if that'd be worth your while? I don't know for sure if Atarka had Orcish servants, but Orcs live on that plane, so the lumberjack has a tangential connection.

Also, since it's gone down a ton in price, what about Utopia Sprawl? It makes your Forests better, and you can't cast it without a Forest I understand?

Since you're actually in Gruul, I would just run Mountain Valley over Evolving Wilds, this can find a Dual, or if you're desperate it can still dig out a Basic (that you can use the same turn Evolving Wilds would allow you), the only issue is if decks play cards that blow up non-Basics in your meta (most don't).

It's not entirely budget, but Up the Beanstalk is a very strong card if you actually plan to cast those big Dragons, and it replaces itself.

I'm not sure what your meta is like, but if people run Stax stuff that can ruin your day, you can include Dire-Strain Rampage, this sorcery offers you a Harrow effect if you wish, but it can Naturalize something, or Ghost Quarter someone's important land in a pinch. The best part is that it has Flashback. It's not the fastest effect, but I feel like it's certainly good enough for sideboard (especially on a budget), and since it can also just ramp you it might be fine mainboard, ymmv.

It's an ETB tapped land, but Treetop Village is a reasonable attacker if you end up desperate, with your curve it seems plausible that you'd be able to play an ETB tapped land, maybe x2?

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