Treasure Hunter

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Treasure Hunter

Creature — Human

When Treasure Hunter enters the battlefield, you may return target artifact card from your graveyard to your hand.

Apoptosis on Smile all the way

2 weeks ago

Based on some great feedback on Reddit and some of my own ideas, I made some edits (cards removed to sideboard so I can keep track).

In: Restoration Specialist, replaces Treasure Hunter and Auramancer.

In: Reveillark, replaces Pinnacle Monk  Flip

In: Panharmonicon, replaces Blade of Selves for ETB triggers

In: Felidar Guardian for infinite token combo with Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker. Replaces Athreos, God of Passage as it makes recursion conditional.

In: Michiko Konda, Truth Seeker. I wanted to test drive it.

In: Grand Abolisher (protection). Out: Boros Charmfoil (cry! I love this card, but it's not the right kind of protection for this deck).

In Murderous Redcap infinite damage win-con with Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit. Out: Figure of Destiny, feedback is that it is too slow, although to be fair it helped me win the first time I ran this deck.

Will also be updating Maybeboard based on feedback, some of the cards I don't have or haven't worked in yet.

LitchOubliette on Commander Staples Cube

4 years ago

Changelog (22/11/2020)








Mana Fixing

99LandOTK on A Better Teshar, Ancestor's Apostle

4 years ago

Is there any particular reason Treasure Hunter is in the deck but Trusty Packbeast is in the sideboard?

Joe_Ken_ on Mechanical Graveyard

5 years ago

Scroll of Avacyn , Sunbeam Spellbomb , Origin Spellbomb , and Soul-Guide Lantern would be good for 'mono white' card draw for your deck since you can get them out of the graveyard for value with your commander.

Heliod's Intervention is really good for removal as well as Crush Contraband. Swords to Plowshares is almost a must for white decks since it is just such good removal.

Stuff like Salvage Scout , Restoration Specialist , and Treasure Hunter let you get back the low cmc value artifacts back from your graveyard. Myr Retriever and Scrap Trawler will also get you back stuff.

I would do some searches for infinite combos for Teshar since I don't know of any off the top of my head, but I know they are out there.

NensouHiebara on Halvar, Divine Voltron

6 years ago


Treasure Hunter and Salvage Scout are good budget replacements for Argivian Archaeologist. Restoration Specialist is also an option if enchantment recursion is desired.


Eternal Dragon is a card that does a handful of small, helpful things, relying on the utility it offers than raw power:

  • It's a tutor for a Basic if I'm missing a land drop. Never disappointing to see it in the opening hand.
  • It's a tutor for Mistveil Plains.
  • Provides an inconsequential shuffle effect to refresh my library for Sensei's Divining Top.
  • It's a 5/5 flier in a pinch. Great base body for Equipment.

Eternal Dragon is an underwhelming creature by today's standards, but it does just enough for me to keep it around.


What you should be scared of is Stoneforge Mystic being unbanned in Modern, and the price spikes that will result from it. I've had this nagging feeling that this unban is close. And if it happens, Sword of Fire and Ice will be the first Sword on everyone's radar and can easily jump past $100 from hype alone.

Regardless, WotC has been gun-shy with powerful Equipment since New Phyrexia. The likelihood of a reprint making the Swords' prices tank is minuscule. Their power level from a Standard perspective is so high it causes nosebleeds and strong, efficient Equipment are problematic in Limited environments. It's hard to see the Swords be reprinted outside of another Masters set, which won't affect their prices that much anyway.

Buying the Swords now seems very low-risk IMO. At worst, their prices hover around the same value for the foreseeable future. At best, they explode from Modern hype.


Mana Crypt is an overglorified second Sol Ring, and can be substituted with pretty much any good mana rock. It's one of those cards that you use it if you have it and not worth the money to acquire one unless you really want it.


Rafiq of the Many is a pretty powerful Voltron option. He's a 3-turn clock with just the exalted trigger, and doesn't need much more to tighten that clock. Green and Blue open up access to stronger ramp, countermagic, card draw, and a plethora of other utility cards.

Ca1m_down on A Rebirth of Steel (Teshar Primer)

6 years ago

I've been loving Teshar brews. I feel like you're missing out on the infinite combo potential of all of the bounce or recur creatures. For example Treasure Hunter, Glint Hawk, Aviary Mechanic, Emancipation Angel, Kor Skyfisher with a sac outlet and any 0 cmc artifact goes infinite.

Also I feel like Altar of Dementia and Blasting Station deserve a look as additional creature sac outlets.

greatdevourer on Preaching to the Choir

6 years ago

Here's some ideas.

Replace the Butcher's Cleaver or Slayer's Plate with a Loxodon Warhammer. Same Cost, same equip, same damage bonus, but not having a restriction on the creature type and the additional trample are pretty nice.
I've always felt that Bonds of Faith is better in a 60 card deck than Commander. Too many threats and it suffers from the same problems that all Auras have.
The Citadel Siege feels out of place. I get the point of the two +1/+1 counters each combat, but if the board is empty, it becomes useless.

Please consider the following equipment (in no particular order):
Vulshok Morningstar
Illusionist's Bracers
Sword of Kaldra
Konda's Banner
Umezawa's Jitte
Basilisk Collar
Argentum Armor
Nim Deathmantle

Creatures to consider:
Auriok Salvagers
Sanctum Gargoyle
Treasure Hunter
Sun Titan

Additional cards to look at:
Forbidding Watchtower
Sejiri Steppe
Kjeldoran Outpost
Dread Statuary

babushkasara on Mama Makes an Entrance

6 years ago

I don't love Springjack Shepherd because tokens don't count toward devotion. Even though it has an etb it doesn't seem like it would necessarily net you all that many tokens/life (depending on your board state at the time obviously).I'd also maybe consider replacing Treasure Hunter with Open the Vaults for a couple reasons. First, more than half your artifacts can be hit by Sun Titan already. Plus, Open the Vaults returns enchantments as well, something you'd have trouble with outside of, again, Sun Titan. Playing mono-white, it'll benefit you more, on average, than it'll help other players. The consideration I suppose is if some of your artifacts care about their own cast triggers but I doubt it?

Also, and I realize this is more suggestions without removals, you don't have much in the way of non-creature removal. Things like Disenchant or Leave No Trace (especially good in a mono-colored deck because 4 of the options don't touch you). Even Valorous Stance could provide good utility. (I know you might have some creatures that destroy on etb but I'm on my phone so it's hard to check.)

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