Open the Vaults

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Open the Vaults


Return all artifact and enchantment cards from all graveyards to the battlefield under their owners' control. (Auras with nothing to enchant remain in the graveyard.)

jarncards on Stardew

1 year ago

It looks fun. I dont necessarily know if it needs any changes. If nothing else, I would strongly recommend you consider Wood Elemental and Alabaster Leech, since I will be playing against this deck.

Akroma's Will or Garruk's Uprising are good options to make sure damage gets through for mass trample/protection. Run Rancor, you get it back for multiple plays every time its enchanted creature dies

You dont have much to interact with opponent's boards. Or to protect your own outside of avacyn. given the snowball you have where each card you play will draw you 1-5 more, you might be ok without interraction since you might just overwhelm everyone if you want to play it that way, but white gives a lot of the best options for removal.

Archon of Sun's Grace is almost a direct upgrade to Ajani's Chosen. Honestly i think they are both great to run, I would reconsider using them, Avenger of Zendikar, and maybe something like Eldrazi Monument. If you intend to keep it so that you primarilly win through attacking with a couple super beefy guys, Lightmine Field is silly

Food Chain will be REALLY helpful when youve drawn too many cards. both to give mana to play them, and to kill off your card advantage engines before they get you killed. Most enchantress effects are not "may" abilities.

As usual, I consider Reliquary Tower to be a bad card. Since you are going to have even more draw than mana in this deck, personally I would ditch it so I could discard to hand size and take advantage of the mass reanimate cards for enchantments like Brilliant Restoration, Resurgent Belief, Open the Vaults, Triumphant Reckoning, and the Replenish you already run.

They are very expensive mana-wise, but Legion Loyalty and True Conviction would do silly things as wincons in this deck. legion loyalty will give you an obscene number of creatures, enchantment creature ETB triggers, and bonuses to the cards that care about the number you have like all that glitters, and

AstroAA on Bant enchantmentz

1 year ago

From here, most of my suggestions are towards just making your deck more efficient and better equipped to deal with potential threats.

Yeah, as shadow63 said, you don't have nearly enough ramp. Personally, I would cut Ormos, Archive Keeper, Nyxbloom Ancient, Dragonlord Dromoka, and Avacyn, Angel of Hope right off the bat and replace them with the likes of Birds of Paradise, Elvish Mystic, Noble Hierarch, and maybe even Sylvan Caryatid. If you wanted to keep a similar effect to Dragonlord Dromoka, I'd advise running Grand Abolisher instead as it's much cheaper CMC-wise.

In addition, I'd completely redo your mana base. I'd recommend things like Command Tower, Mana Confluence, City of Brass, Reflecting Pool, the three shocklands in bant colors, and at least the three fetch lands in bant colors. These would make your deck much more consistent. I'd also work to add in more spot removal like Swords to Plowshares, Path to Exile, Generous Gift, and Beast Within.

You can also cut stuff like Decree of Silence for cheaper yet similar options. Glen Elendra Archmage is a good and cheaper alternative that does something kind of similar. For Force Bubble you could potentially get away with running Elephant Grass instead. Instead of Sandwurm Convergence you could run something like Norn's Annex. Instead of Open the Vaults you can run Replenish.

Ravenrose on Build-A-Mech Workshop

2 years ago

I love the name but I was expecting a few mechs from the new Kamigawa set -.- But that is just me! :D By the way, are you running Open the Vaults?

Mithrandir.mvm on Wizzardrix (Kwain, Itinerant Meddler)

2 years ago

I love this deck! I've been toying with some cards, but I'm hesitant on some of them:

Omniscience: I tried to use it as a pseudo Smothering Tithe, but it doesn't work with X spells, and it's super expensive... Same happened with As Foretold

Mana Maze really slowed the table. But so did it with my deck! At the end I found it a bit fatigue-inducing, so I'm not sure...

Overburden and Mana Breach are interesting, specially at the early game. We barely have creatures, and don't play too many spells, so I think it can help.

The new Smuggler's Share should work pretty well here!

Enchanted Evening + destroy enchantments is mean. Also Aura Thief, which I love. I've tried a small package for this synergy, but have not played it yet, and I feel it's veeery niche. Getting a draw with Archon of Sun's Grace could be fun, I guess? Enchanted Evening has something that attracts me every time, though. Any other ideas to use it in this deck?

Meekstone was pretty effective.

Drumbellower is cheap mana-wise and allows us to overgift with Kwain. It feels like it needs more tap creatures, though, and I'm not sure it is worth it. But 3+ cards per round... Teferi, Who Slows the Sunset has another untap + lifegain. It should attract some gazes, though; is he worth it?

Words of Worship: with that much drawing, paying x to gain 5x life instead of drawing x could be interesting.

Wizard Class: hey! We don't have that many creatures, buuut this could become pretty stupid. Kwain Voltron anyone?

Ominous Seas has been cute: instant speed 8/8, you say?

Lay Claim it's another enchantment I like, and goes well with Open the Vaults.

I'm thinking of the New Capenna cards, let's see if some of them can work here too. Let's keep this deck brewing!

Wufankitt on Cursed Kami

2 years ago

have you thought about using Resurgent Belief instead of Open the Vaults?

Reynan on [Primer] Enchantress's Pillowfort: A Tuvasa Guide

2 years ago

Enchanting Bant deck. Would like to suggest Open the Vaults

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