Glint Hawk

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Glint Hawk

Creature — Bird


When Glint Hawk enters the battlefield, sacrifice it unless you return an artifact you control to its owner's hand.

leovolt884_ on Artifact Lock

2 months ago

jonjonhholt I thought about it and other cards like it but I felt like it would maybe slow down the deck too much having to take out removal or aggression. What's nice is the Glint Hawk only costs one mana so its easier to recast whatever you bounce. I could see removing Frogmite for some copies since they dont really help cast Refurbished Familiar and the flier would be better for damage anyways. I'll add it to the maybeboard for now :>

LeonSpires on Teshar cEDH

2 years ago

@ Chaotic_Justice Thanks for your suggestions and giving my list an upvote. I appreciate you taking the time to check out my list.

Emancipation Angel is good in more casual lists then mine. The 3 CMC is more problematic here. I am already running Kor Skyfisher and Glint Hawk. If I decide I need another of these effects I will add in Aviary Mechanic (2 CMC). However the better combos in the list use the graveyard and include Junk Diver, Myr Retriever, Scrap Trawler, and Workshop Assistant. The 3 CMC cost here matter less as all the pieces are artifacts and trigger Teshar's ability.

Aetherflux Reservoir used to be in the list before it became more competitive. Yes Walking Ballista is the go to win con but Altar of Dementia, Blasting Station, and Grinding Station also win the game if Walking Ballista is exiled. The problem with Aetherflux Reservoir is it doesn't do much except act as a way to win. All the other ways I mentioned are sac outlets when unable to win on the spot / mill you into the win. If I was to add another win con to the deck I would add Altar of the Brood (also used to be in the deck) as 1 CMC is more likely to be useful in triggering Teshar.

Rings of Brighthearth is tempting. I am very familiar with the combos around it. Used to run Arcum Dagsson cEDH before the Paradox Engine banning. But this list for Teshar is so tight I'm unsure of if there is a place for it here.

The card I have been considering is Voltaic Key / Manifold Key for the value they can get with Grim Monolith, Basalt Monolith, and Mana Vault. Of course I would also love to add Lion's Eye Diamond. If only my budget allowed for it.

amicdeep on The Curse of Erayo

2 years ago

the problem i can foresee with this list is your not flipping eryo until turn 4 at earliest and that's to slow for modern. the deck needs some mana neutral cantrips of some powerfully and cheap recastable spells

cards the come to mind are Manamorphose,

Mishra's Bauble, Tormod's Crypt with Repeal,

Finale of Promise. with cantrips

Memnite Ornithopter + Hurkyl's Recall Retract with Emry, Lurker of the Loch

even Faerie Impostor, Greenbelt Rampager, Glint Hawk would all help

GrimlockVIII on Flying Metal Pauper! (20/25 Euro/$)

3 years ago

Yo, Ichor Wellspring is a neat artifact you can probably use. It's a repeatable card draw engine so long as you can bring it back to your hand with your Kor Skyfisher and Glint Hawk

foxinsox on Hey Batter Batter Batter

3 years ago

Awesome deck! A pet favourite of mine is Quest for the Holy Relic , particularly when playing with 0 cost artifact creatures. It can pop off by turn 2-3 and also open the door to a Kaldra Compleat if you wanted. People rarely see it coming and it's harder to remove than a stoneforge. Glint Hawk is there as well given the speed.

zapyourtumor on Living Weapon Slayer

3 years ago

Or maybe you could bounce the now useless equipments to your hand for profit and to recast them with something like Paradoxical Outcome , Glint Hawk , or maybe even Master Transmuter .

Mewis on Teshar L00Ps (cEDH Fast Combo)

3 years ago

I think you've made one mistake where you say Glint Hawk + 1 fast mana (presuming any mana-positive rock like Sol Ring , Mana Crypt or Mox Amber ) will produce infinite mana. Teshar, Ancestor's Apostle 's ability triggers on cast, meaning that the Mox Amber will still be on the stack when Glint Hawk's ETB is put on the stack. You're then either forced to sacrifice another artifact to Glint Hawk 's trigger or sacrifice the Glint Hawk itself. This loop does work if you have two fast mana available, since this let's you alternate between the two. Example:

Teshar, Mana Crypt and Altar of Dementia on board, Glint Hawk in graveyard, Mox Amber in hand.

The loop can then be repeated by casting the Mana Crypt , bouncing the Mox Amber .

TL;DR: Bouncers like Glint Hawk need two artifacts to loop infinitely.

Goldenhawk on Skyblade Fliers (Mono-White)

4 years ago

Disappointingly, Arcum's Astrolabe has been banned within the Modern format and thus I will edit this deck to accommodate. Due to there being no solid alternative to Arcum's Astrolabe, cards of which had synergy alongside it alike Glint Hawk will also likely be removed.

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