Scrap Trawler

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Scrap Trawler

Artifact Creature — Construct

Whenever Scrap Trawler or another artifact you control is put into a graveyard from the battlefield, return to your hand target artifact card in your graveyard with lesser converted mana cost/mana value.

Profet93 on Mono Black Affinity

6 days ago

SufferFromEDHD +1

Such high praise with a funny joke from you? You're too kind!

We live and we learn, all experiences to help us grow.

Skullclamp - Draw?

Genesis Chamber - Token production?

Whats the wincon, or is it too premature to ask? Speaking of wincons, I'm gonna throw some combos at you and see which if any stick.

Add Ashnod's Altar to the below combos...

Reassembling Skeleton + Pitiless Plunderer

Scrap Trawler + Sculpting Steel + Foundry Inspector

Wurmcoil Engine + Nim Deathmantle

Myr Battlesphere + Nim Deathmantle

Imotekh the Stormlord + Scrap Trawler + Myr Retriever

Imotekh the Stormlord + Nim Deathmantle

Imotekh the Stormlord + Junk Diver + Myr Retriever

And of course..... Grave Titan + Nim Deathmantle - This one is least likely given you are artifact central and zombies don't fit into that, but worth mentioning just in case.

A lot of the combo cards are synergistic with your deck so even if you choose not to combo with them, they can potentially still be of assistance.

TheForsakenOne on You Shall Not Pass

1 month ago

What I'd cut:

Pilgrim's Eye: Not a very good rate, and it doesn't even ramp

Eldrazi Displacer: You don't have enough colorless mana producers to make this consistent, and there are better flicker effects you have acess to

Eight-and-a-Half-Tails: Clunky protection when it isn't really needed

Avacyn, Angel of Hope: Sadly just a win-more card in this case. If it sticks around sure you're probably going to win but you'll be enemy #1 and you're likely not going to survive that

Sword of Feast and Famine: Probably the most overpriced of the swords, and the most likely to draw hate. It looks good on paper but without a way to capitalize on it you're going to bite off more than you can chew.

The Wanderer: Not worth the 4 mana. There are just better cards that could be run.

Ephemeral Shields is kind of a weird addition. Its just not very good.

2-3 Plains: 38 is just a bit high for a deck that peaks at 3 cmc cards. Maybe add more ramp instead

Suggestions to add

The MDFC's are just great to have due to their flexibility:ℴ=name&q=type%3Aland+commander%3AW+%28game%3Apaper%29+is%3Amdfc

You don't have that many ways to sacrifice artifacts despite having several triggers off of. The standards are Trading Post, Arcbound Ravager and for this deck Oswald Fiddlebender is great because it tutors out another artifact for free. Kuldotha Forgemaster is a must because it can turn some of your dud artifacts into a portal or blighsteel, and at instant speed too.

Metalwork Colossus is just fun, plus with all your expendable artifacts it can be quite persistent

Wurmcoil Engine is just great, and doubling that death trigger is fantastic. Can't play its new little brother, because he's black, but the original is still a classic

Threefold Thunderhulk has two ETB's that can be copied, and he's a sacrifice outlet. I would also recommend Hangarback Walker since you can double the death trigger

If you put in enough Artifact sacrifices cards like Scrap Trawler, Myr Retriever, and Loran, Disciple of History to recur them back to your hand. Also consider Syr Ginger, the Meal Ender for payoffs to all that sacrificing.

Its a dead horse, but Swords to Plowshares and Path to Exile are never bad choices.

littlestavie on Imotekh

2 months ago

Possible adds

Portal to Phyrexia: really good value

Back for Seconds: 3 mana, grabs 2 creatures and if you bargain a 2/2 token you put a mana value 4 or less on the battlefield

Scrap Trawler: Loops with commander ashnod's and myr retriever for infinite colorless mana, 2/2's and many other triggers

Cabal Coffers: better cabal stronghold

Soul Transfer: always going to have a artifact so good 2 for 1 removal and recursion (downside is its sorcery)

Unshakable Tail: makes clues whenever a 1/more creatures are milled and if you sac a clue can return it to your hand

Crypt Ghast: good mana doubler especially with 21 swamp and urborg

Mikaeus, the Unhallowed: undying counts as hitting graveyard and leaving so it triggers your commander and saves you from a blas act

Rowan's Grim Search: instant card draw and mill cards you don't want seems solid in your deck

Braids, Arisen Nightmare: maybe, you make a lot of tokens with your commander so might not be a bad sac and draw

Slagstone Refinery: this is a big maybe since it doesn't trigger on tokens but could give a lot of powerstone value throughout the game

Darkness: I just think this is a funny card that gets people out of nowhere

enpc on Need help with Samwise Gamgee

10 months ago

They both look like good budget alternatives. Teshar seems like a good option too, there are a bunch of Scrap Trawler/Myr Retriever combos that you could potentially look into if you wanted to lean even more into artifacts.

Part of me also wonders if Kodama of the East Tree might be an interesting include if you're running a bunch of dumb loops, but that would be something I'd have to have a play around with.

tenchito on Myrs Dance for Grapeshot

10 months ago

Puedes agregar Scrap Trawler y eliminar Hangarback Walker, de esta forma tu combo no solo se limita a Grapeshot sino que también puedes hacer el combo con Perilous Myr, además, puedes agregar Impact Tremors y aumentar las posibilidades.

tenchito on Myrs Dance for Grapeshot

10 months ago

Puedes agregar Scrap Trawler y eliminar Hangarback Walker, de esta forma tu combo no solo se limita a Grapeshot sino que también puedes hacer el combo con Perilous Myr, además, puedes agregar Impact Tremors y aumentar las posibilidades.

Niko9 on We've Been Duped!

1 year ago

Awesome deck! And one weird thought, and no idea how well it would work, but what do you think about Lifeline? You can't bring back the tokens, but it seems like you will always have a duped creature on board and would free you up to do things like Scrap Trawler and Ashnods alter loops.

Also, not sure how relevant it is to your meta, but I feel like cards like Relic of Progenitus hit graveyard decks really hard if you are duplicating them turn to turn.

Oh, and Leyline Tyrant might be decent at helping you save red mana from duped Coveted Jewel or something. I really like the tyrant in general, because it lets you just tap out on red before your turn and battery up some mana, and then always has fun interactions too.

Again, such a cool deck. Makes me want to give this commander a try : )

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