
Beaters (73)

Cantrips (38)

Protection (20)

Lands (11)

Life Gain (7)

Resurrection (4)

Anti Creature (54)

Recursion (40)

Card Advantage (33)

Anti Artifact/Enchantment (11)

Discard (9)

Combo (5)

Mana (51)

Miscellanious (49)

Sacrifice Fodder (33)

Anti Graveyard (9)

Flexible Interaction (6)

Anti Artifact (1)

Anti Enchantment (1)

Last update: Aetherdrift

Combo lines:

  1. -'Persist Combo' (amount in deck = 2) + Aerie Ouphes = No more fliers.

  2. -'Persist Combo' (2) + persist creature (3) + Sacrifice Outlet (4) + Falkenrath Noble = infinite damage. (+ Ravenous Squirrel / Mortician Beetle / Gixian Infiltrator / Rot Shambler / Bloodbriar / Voracious Vermin = infinite counters.)

  3. -Basking Broodscale + Sadistic Glee = Infinite token deaths + infinite colorless mana. (+ Nadier's Nightblade / Falkenrath Noble / Mirkwood Bats = infinite damage.) (+ Ravenous Squirrel / Mortician Beetle / Gixian Infiltrator / Rot Shambler / Bloodbriar / Voracious Vermin / Cloakwood Swarmkeeper = infinite counters.)

  4. -Infinite colorless mana + Energy Refractor = Infinite colored mana.


  1. Despite opponents having a limited amount of fliers, you can still get infinite death triggers off of Aerie Ouphes sacrificing itself. Since it's damage ability and persist ability are seperate triggers, if you hold priority and order the damage trigger to go onto the stack first, (so that the persist trigger resolves first) Aerie Ouphes will come back before the damage trigger resolves, granting you the ability to do it again as many times as you please.

  2. If you sacrifice Mesmeric Fiend before it's enter the battlefield trigger resolves, the card that you then exile will stay in exile.

  3. Vines of Vastwood can target your opponent's creatures, meaning that besides being a protection spell, it can also be used as a counterspell when they target a creature of theirs.

(Not all) Scryfall searches:

-Text = Sacrifice -Text = Destroy -Text = Exile -Text = when enters + Type = Creature/Artifact -Text = When put graveyard + Type = Creature/Artifact -Text = When dies + Type = Creature/Artifact -Text = Leaves -Text = Food -Text = Token -Card type = Land -Text = Bargain -Text = Return graveyard -Text = Transmute -Text = Put top library -Text = When gain life -Text = Persist -Text = Undying -Text = Evoke -Text = Flashback -Text = Delve -Text = Morbid


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91% Casual


Date added 2 months
Last updated 2 weeks

This deck is Pauper EDH legal.

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.13
Tokens Blood, Boar 3/3 G, Construct 1/1 C, Eldrazi Scion 1/1 C, Eldrazi Spawn 0/1 C, Food, Insect 1/1 BG w/ Flying, Map, Mercenary 1/1 R, Orc Army, Plant 0/1 G, Rat 1/1 B w/ Can't Block, Saproling 1/1 G, Squirrel 1/1 G, Treasure
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