Undying Malice

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Undying Malice


Until end of turn, target creature gains "When this creature dies, return this to the battlefield tapped under this creature's owner's control with a +1/+1 counter on this creature."

Gidgetimer on Targeting rules

1 month ago

There is a rules Q&A on the site, it has some added functionality like the ability to choose an answer and is frequented by some highly knowledgeable users so your question will get answered and the answers will be double checked by the other knowledgeable users. I'm sure one of the mods will move the thread soon.

You seem to have a couple of misconceptions here, so I'm going to try and address all of them in a way that makes it easy to understand what is going on.

Once targets are chosen for a spell or ability the targets will not change (unless another spell or ability instructs someone to change the targets). If, when a spell or ability resolves, none of the declared targets are legal (this could be because they no longer exist) the spell will simply fizzle.

Spells and abilities resolve one at a time in "First In, Last Out" (FILO) order and there is a round of priority when new spells or abilities can be added to the stack between each object resolving.

Once a spell or ability starts to resolve it resolves completely before anything else can resolve.

If a card changes game zones and then returns to a previous zone, it is a new game object with no relation to its previous existence.

Using card names to make this easier to track what would happen in the scenario you are asking about:

An opponent casts Murder targeting your Gutter Skulk.

You cast Undying Malice targeting Gutter Skulk.

Undying Malice resolves. (FILO order)

You sacrifice Gutter Skulk to Ashnod's Altar to make mana.

Delayed trigger created by Undying Malice goes on the stack.

Delayed trigger resolves returning Gutter Skulk to the battlefield. (FILO order)

Murder attempts to resolve and fizzles because none of its declared targets are legal. (Spells can't retarget without an effect changing the targets; Gutter Skulk on board has no relation to the gutter skulk that was targeted)

wisegreenbean on A Less Disappointing Boss Fight

3 months ago

feeling suspicious of Bartolome del Presidio and Gift of Immortality, are they just for suntitan combo? you have way less support for combos so it seems hard to assemble and those 2 pieces alone are kinda mid. 3 blood artists, 2 free sacs, 2 enchantments, and 1 sunny T seems tough to get a combo assembled w/ no tutors, so leaning into cards that are only good with your sun titan seems iffy to me.

Scorn-Blade Berserker seems like an alesha holdover

Resourceful Defense seems win-more

Ratadrabik of Urborg is questionable to me, i feel like you're mostly not saccing legends, but instead saccing your fodder

Alharu, Solemn Ritualist is a lil expensive as you have 16x token generators and I feel like that's your sac fodder.

ever 2 or less color black deck luvs Nihil Spellbomb

You might enjoy some combination of the Feign Death, Malakir Rebirth  Flip, Not Dead After All, Undying Malice effects

Dana_in_Love845 on Mono-Black Devotion

4 months ago

Looks fun! I will say though that Not Dead After All is effectively better than Undying Malice. Discard isn't my favorite archetype to be honest, but still, good job!

Raven_of_Arella on Tourach and the Rats

4 months ago

This looks like a really cool discard deck! I am curious what your win condition is? It seems like you can pump your commander up pretty quickly so maybe commander damage for the win? I might consider adding a few more land and/or a couple pieces of ramp so you can keep the pressure up and not worry about missing your land drops. If your goal is to win with commander damage Fake Your Own Death and Undying Malice are some cheap cards for keeping him on the battlefield. I would also look at Victimize for some reanimation and Dash Hopes for a last ditch counter attempt. Some cards I think will help you dig into your deck and capitalize off opponent discards are Waste Not and Liliana's Spoils. I might also look at some cards like Invoke Despair, Indulgent Tormentor, and Seizan, Perverter of Truth to keep the pressure on your opponents and add to the ping effect. Lastly I would recommend Crypt Incursion for some massive life gain and as a piece of graveyard hate. All of these cards should be in that <$2 category. Happy building and playing!

wallisface on

1 year ago

The 4 copies of Kroxa, Titan of Death's Hunger feels like too many, i wouldn’t think you’d want more than 2 in a deck.

24 lands also feels like a lot here. Its probably fine if you’re really wanting to hardcast the Fury/Grief, but really you could get away with 22.

Have you considered adding in some amount of Feign Death and/or Undying Malice so that you can make full use of the Fury/Grief also?

Profet93 on Volrath Punch.

1 year ago

Cabal Stronghold - Budget cabal coffers. You need ramp in a deck with an expensive commander that will eventually get removed, not to mention ensuring he comes down quickly enough for you to be relevant and not outpaced by faster strategies. Moreover, ramp provides you with the ability to cast your more expensive creatures should Volrath inevitably be removed.

Mind Stone - Ramp when you need it, draw when you dont.

Defile > Disfigure

Hero's Downfall > Murder

Oversold Cemetery > Disentomb - Black has the best recursion in the game. While oversold cemetery is better than disentomb, you really should focus on bringing cards back to the field rather than your hand, especially given how expensive your creatures are. There are several cards that I can recommend at a later time, currently at work. Victimize,

Feed the Swarm - Enchantment removal

Phyrexian Arena/Syphon Mind/Read the Bones/Night's Whisper/Stinging Study- Draw, you desperately need draw

Diabolic Tutor - Tutors are black's greatest strength, be sure to utilize them to find what you need, when you need it.

Phyrexian Reclamation > raise dead - PR is reuseable while raise dead is not. Cost of life is minimal.

Dismember > Funeral charm - FC is cool, but its not impactful enough. Discard a card is alright, removal is horrible, swampwalk is not repeatable and often 2 for 1 loss. You need more removal in your deck, especially cheap to cast. It allows you to bluff interaction as well.

Supernatural Stamina/Undying Malice - Can be used to protect volrath for cheap.

Decree of Pain > Forced march - FM requires a lot of mana to use, 8 mana just to kill cmc 5 or less. I get the flexibility is nice, but the mana cost is too high. If you're going to spend 8 mana, you might as well be able to destroy everything and draw from it. Not to mention cycling at instant speed allows for a decentish floor as well. Worth considering.

FormOverFunction on Coulfner's Urn

1 year ago

To piggyback on some of what legendofa said: you might consider spells like Undying Malice that can keep creatures around while you’re getting situated but also put a +1/+1 on them, dropping your creature needs down to three toughness (to some extent). It gets pretty janky, but it’s an option!

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